Chapter 17: How I Lost An Uncle

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"Each branch of magic requires a different mastery of mana manipulation. But then what about the four elements? How are elemental mages usually capable of using more than one element without extensive training? It is because all elemental magic is a transmutation of the other elements. If we derive the fundamental applications of magic, then even the life magic of healers is simply a form of mana manipulation." Glacia's teachings have rapidly gotten more complex. When she realized that I was entirely capable of understanding topics which would have stumped most adults in this world, her teachings soon delved into the esoteric.

I flew through the fundamentals of mana manipulation using my knowledge of science and how the world works. The topics covered were not difficult at all, perhaps because most people in this world are not even literate. Simply put, the level of knowledge among the general populace is too low. Tradition, dogma, and oral teachings have allowed scraps of magical learning to slowly plant seeds and create the arcane systems of today, but most schools of the arcane studies are completely separate with the exception of the basic Elemental Magics which are readily available for most mages. Thus, it's entirely possible that had I not met Glacia, and gotten a different teacher, I might have ended up learning a completely different magical philosophy and fundamental theory. Fortunately, I did end up with her as my teacher, and by cross referencing her lessons with my own knowledge from Mephis, it became obvious that her orthodox school is one of the most suitable ways to understand magic. Thank you for coming Glacia. Otherwise, I might have had to learn magic from a complete nutjob!

One question I had regarding magic was whether or not it could be used to heal people. In the video games I used to play while alone, healing your wounds with magic was always a useful thing to have. It seems that this does in fact exist in this world. But Glacia points out that it's almost a separate path of magic and thus she does not know it, nor does she recommend trying to learn it.

"Regrowing bones and flesh is a far different and more complex process than simply manifesting a flame or shifting the wind. Thus...most people only manage to master so much and give up once they hit a certain age or the limit of their comprehension. However, as the First Magician always said, "Anything is possible! Those clerics, priests, and some healers who dedicate themselves solely to life magic can reshape the body and give it new life!" Glacia worriedly always points out that those with the greatest accomplishments always pursue one thing to the exclusion of all else. While she recognizes that flexibility, for instance, using all four elements, is important in battle, she always reminds me that to reach the peak, I must focus my efforts. This, I agree with to some extent.

However, I believe that her mindset is a little too rigid due to how she was taught. The traditional oral teachings and few books on magic have imparted to her a set of rules on what can or cannot be done. In most cases, these rules are helpful and have sped up her learning. However, in some cases, they hinder her from trying new things. To her credit, however, once I tell her something which seems impossible, Glacia is eager to experiment once she gets over her shock.

For instance, my Disguised Casting and the ability to multicast two spells to create a stronger fusion combining Chill and Gust. Once she realized that it was actually possible, Glacia soon began to see if there was a way to replicate the feat using her own fast casting methods. In particular, she has really begun to wonder if the basic spell incantations can in fact be altered to create new spells. The professors at her school told her it was impossible, but I'm living proof that words are not technically necessary. As such...logically, it should be possible.

The days go by quickly now that I have a magical teacher. Glacia is in awe at the amount of mana I have at my age. It seems that the ability to increase your total mana storage, or mana pool, grows much slower the older you get. However, I'm still in my growing stage, and already I have the ability to cast almost as much magic as Glacia. Once again, I can only think that the reason this is so, is because I spent my years as a baby practicing Foresight. Or maybe it's just because I'm reincarnated, who knows?

Though I rapidly learn different transmutations of elemental magic, and my knowledge of the theory has expanded to the point where Glacia may begin to teach me Intermediate Magic soon, over the last year, I've also been working on strengthening my physical body and learning swordsmanship. At first, I trained with Mark, and he tried to beat his methods into me by whacking me around with wooden swords. However, that didn't really produce results. As Mephis discovered, I have very little talent for the traditional swordsmanship training of this world. Still, it made my body stronger which is important because if I ever run out of mana, my spells will draw upon the physical stamina of my body like a backup battery.

Glacia found it odd that someone with as much magical talent as me would be working on two things at once, and could only shake her head when I told her I intended to practice both swordsmanship and magic. I can still sense her disapproval when she sees me working with Romy. Apparently, only those who have very little talent in spellcasting would waste their study time on training their bodies, but I believe that is a mistake. As Mephis demonstrated, the sword is a powerful tool and, in this world, people's bodies can move at speeds that bewilder the eye when trained to the utmost.

"Ugh, this is pointless. I'll never be a good swordsman like this! Is there really no other way?" One time I snapped when Mark destroyed me effortlessly for the twentieth time of the day. It's not like he overwhelmed me with his strength or anything. I'm still only five and a half, after all. But I just wasn't showing any improvement. Anyways, I gave up on training with Mark after a few months. However, when Mark saw the dagger that Mephis gave me for my third birthday, he remarked that at the moment, it's basically a sword for my still child-sized body. That gave him an idea. He told me that I should ask Romy to train me. Strangely enough...after saying that, he gave me a look like he was pitying me. And said,

"I was really hoping this wouldn't be necessary, but it seems her method may be better for someone like you. She probably won't want to teach you, but if you really want to learn...Okay, come here Kiddo, listen closely. You need to do this... and this...and if that fails then...there's no other choice. Tell her that I said this..." Mark gave me some strange advice. He seemed to think that Romy would not be willing to teach me for some reason. Heh, yea right, she loves me. Why would I need to go through all of this trouble? I'll just ask her...

So, I went to Romy while she was in the kitchen and asked her to teach me. It was a surprisingly difficult conversation. Mark was totally right. Normally, Romy gives me whatever I want, but in this case, I had to really beg her to change her mind and help me. Even still, she kept turning me down.

"Pleeaaase Auntie Romy! I really want to learn swordsmanship, but Mark's way of teaching doesn't work for me! Just give me a chance! If it's no good, I won't bother you again!" I pleaded with her, and though her face twitched slightly, she remained rock solid.

"Hmph, if you can't even handle Mark's lessons, then I'm afraid mine are only going to be worse for you, Myrr. I'm sorry, but I don't think you should focus on the way of the sword. You already have the potential to be a god-like mage so why waste your time?" She tried to refuse and went back to chopping vegetables. The loud thunk of her knife on the cutting board was pretty scary. However, I had one last trump card to play. It seems I can only play THAT card. I'm sorry Mark. Once again, I'm in your debt!

"But Auntie Romy! You promised to help me get my revenge. And I heard from Mark that you're very strong. Almost as strong as him...if I had a better teacher, maybe it would help..." Instantly after I said that, Romy shivered. It felt like the sun got covered by clouds or something because I swear the room became several degrees colder and the light from the window got darker or something. Is this...what they call killing intent in this world? Oh God, Mark, was this method really the only way!

"Myrr...Dear...c-can you repeat that for me again? Speak up now, I didn't hear you clearly." Romy's face is terrifying. Her usually cute hair is blowing fiercely from an invisible wind and I recognize it as the mystical energy, Qi, which Mark normally uses to power his superhuman movements. this case, Romy's aura is so intense that she's not even actively using it, I think. "Hehe...I must be getting old. Maybe my ears are getting worse. Tell me, Myrr, do you see wrinkles on my face? Because I swear I heard you say that Mark told you he was stronger than me. And I know he'd never be dumb enough to tell such a ridiculous lie...right?"

"He...hehehe...." My nervous chuckle makes her raise her eyebrows. Some of the pieces of chopped turnip on the table are being blown around the room by her killing intent. I'm being slapped by vegetables but I don't dare move in case Romy aggros onto me.

Mark...I'm truly sorry!

My reply dooms my uncle to a swift death,

"Well, I mean it is Mark, who's the strongest, right? After all, if Romy was stronger, you'd be the one to teach me so...-"

"MAAAARRRRK!" Romy's scream is worse than an angry cat's yowl. She howls so loud that the window frames rattle and the knife in her hand accumulates Qi until it's so sharp I feel like I'm being cut just looking at it. "WHAT KIND OF STUPID THINGS ARE YOU TEACHING MYRR?! OKAY...THAT'S IT! MYRR! TOMORROW AT FIRST LIGHT, YOU'RE TRAINING WITH ME! I'LL SHOW YOU WHO'S STRONGER!"

Success...but at what cost?

Will I lose an uncle tonight?

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