Chapter 37: A Place That Feels Like Home

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The Frozen Seal protecting us cracks everywhere as huge chunks of frozen mud splatter all about its icy surface. However, I gave every bit of mana I had to its construction, so it holds, if only barely. Natalia shivers in my arms, but when she feels me around her, she stills, hiding her face in my chest. Her bushy tail brushes against my elbow as the world shakes outside the dome. Even many meters away from the initial explosion, the power output is insane!

Did it work?

I didn't overdo it did I?

Perideen is Romy's friend so he should at least be able to defend against something of that level...right?

Suddenly, worried that I may have accidentally killed my protector, I dispel the Frozen Seal and let it fall apart. Not that the ice dome wasn't going to break anyways. Even though I held back, my Earthen Icebomb's power is terrifying under the effects of the Bloodstone. I estimate that it's at least three...maybe four times stronger. And all that pressure in such a small place, the explosion is devastating. It's a good thing we weren't close to the house or Romy and Mark may have come back to a pile of rubble rather than a home. Even as it is, the side of the Rainstopper Residence that is facing the front yard is now splattered in mud.

"P-Perideen?" I call out, looking to the spot where the Earthen Icebomb was buried. The last I saw of him, Romy's friend had jumped up into the sky. "Are you okay? I didn't hurt you...did I?" Squinting up, I breathe a sigh of relief as I realize there is someone standing amidst the destruction. His short sword drawn, Perideen Darkblade regards me with a startled expression. He simply says two words before sheathing his blade.

"You pass." And then strides towards us. Thankfully, he seems to still be in possession of all his limbs, although there are several bloody red lines torn into his shirt and pant-legs. Perideen reaches up to his cheek and rubs a glob of mud off thoughtfully, as if surprised. There's a bit of red mixed in with the brown goop. Damn...I actually hurt him? "Secthead Romy truly has trained you well. How old are you, Acolyte?"

"Six and a half, Sir...are you alright?"

"Just call me Perideen. I'm fine. Though to think that you made me draw my sword at such a young age. If I had had any less time to react, even my Qi would not have been enough to survive that blast. I've never seen a spell like that. Or chantless casting used in that manner. Tell me, how did you create such an explosion? All I heard was the chant for Meld." Perideen scratches his head, seemingly at a loss. Though he looks nothing like Mephis, the bewilderment on his face reminds me of the Blood Warlock, when he witnessed me casting magic for the first time. Feeling a bit proud to have pleased someone who Romy has given her stamp of approval to, I grin.

"The Chill you heard me chant was actually used to create ice in the ground and produce pressure. By containing the pressure, I caused an explosion." My explanation only causes Perideen to widen his eyes more.

"Then what about the ice crystal I broke...wait, you cast that silently!" He raises his gaze to the sky while muttering furiously, "Hold on....that means he was using Echo's even faster than Echo Casting, it had to have been instantaneous...that's impossible! Even the elves can't cast two of the same spell without a delay these days...what the hell, Secthead, where did you find this monster?!"

"Perideen?" While he tries to calm down, I turn around and check over Natalia to make sure she wasn't touched by any of the frozen mud shards. Fortunately, she was well protected by my Frozen Seal. The Demi-Cat is still tightly clinging to my back, though she doesn't seem to be scared. Rather...hey, what the hell is this? Do you really need to hold on so tight? I can see you smiling you know! And you're drooling, close your mouth! Stop taking advantage of me! How are you so damn advanced already! "Natalia, you should go home soon. We need to go now."

"But, Myrr...I want to go too..." She says with giant cat-like eyes. Her tail is gradually beginning to flatten out and deflate from the shock of the explosion as she recovers. The pitiful cast of her eyes and the way she demurely looks up and begs, is almost as powerful a weapon as my Earthen Icebomb spell. And at the moment she's using it as a single target spell so its full effect is on me. Fortunately, she hasn't matured or developed any such womanly assets to enhance its power or I might suffer critical damage. As it is, I silently focus to create a Frozen Seal around my heart. "Puwwweease?"

"Nope. You're not old enough yet..." I immediately shut her down. However, cats always land on their feet and Natalia is fast growing into one graceful Demi-Kit.

"But you're only a year older than me!" She counters and I smile, patting the top of her head. Unlike Glacia, I don't have to reach up so it feels natural.

"You're not strong enough yet. Remember what we discussed? If you're ever strong enough to take on anyone, and never die, then you can come with me. Until then, you have to be a good girl and stay with Pisa and Nadania!" I remind her. Heh...I feel kind of bad tricking her like this. No one can ever be that strong. But it's for her own good!

"Hsss...fine...But I want pasta when Myrr comes back!" She hisses and stomps away into the forest, though not before hugging my waist one more time. Grinning as I watch her bushy orange tail flick irritably about, I turn back to Perideen. Has he recovered from the shock of how awesome I am?

"Can we go investigate now?" I ask. He looks at me sharply. "I passed right?"

"You sure you're six?" Perideen asks with a bemused voice. The cut on his cheek has already stopped bleeding, but I'm sure the shock of being hurt by a six-year-old will stay with him for longer, "The mission is to investigate a potential Bloodfiend sighting. You do realize that if it's a powerful one, your life will be at risk? Unlike me, a Bloodfiend will not hold back. Even if it's the one you seek, he will still try to kill you. But yes, you've proven your worth, Acolyte. So, you can come along. The Secthead said that your name is Myrr. Is that correct?"

"That's me."

"Very well then, Myrr. Let us be off. But you must be careful to obey my every instruction. I believe the Secthead has shown you the consequences of failing to respect your superiors?"

"A beating?" I say half-jokingly. However, Perideen Darkblade shakes his head as he begins to walk towards the Rainstopper Residence.

"No...if you fail to obey me at a critical moment, you might find a swift death. I will do my best to protect you, but since you insist on coming into the fray with me, there may be times where I cannot reach you..." He warns. Striding past Perideen, I open the door, feeling a bit apprehensive. Taking a look at the mud on the walls outside, I wince. Hope it rains soon so this stuff doesn't dry on the house. As I pack my toothbrush and a blanket, grab some meat and cheese, and fill a canteen of water, Perideen observes our home with an avid curiosity.

"So, this is the residence of the Secthead. Somehow, it seems a bit...small." He remarks and I give him an irritated look. Unlike Raccoon Romy, he doesn't beat me when I talk out of turn so I'm not afraid to talk back to him.

"It's our home." I reply darkly. He immediately nods, and backs off.

"Of course. I would never doubt the taste of the Secthead. It's just..." Perideen sighs, tracing his hand on the counter.


"I can't help but wonder why the Secthead chooses to live all the way out here. Sines is far from the comforts and amenities of any city. The Rainstopper Headquarters is a hundred times larger than this, and carved from the beautiful white stone of the Sisyphean Cliffs. Forgive me, I mean no disrespect, but I have a hard time understanding why she would give up her legacy for..."

"This?" I finish packing and rejoin Perideen at the door. "It's okay, I get it."

"Yes, for this." He finishes awkwardly. As we leave, I make sure to lock the door behind me. There's a key hidden in the shrubbery nearby our house, which Natalia knows about though. So, I scribble a note and pin it to the front door quickly. Just in case she needs a place to stay for some reason. Who knows what her dad will feed her while I'm gone. Ugh, I wish I could at least buy Natalia some Munchables or something so she doesn't starve, but they don't have ready to eat meals in this world!

My note is simple-

"If you need food, there's still some meat in the Chillbox!"

"Ready?" My new protector asks and I nod, gesturing for him to take the lead. Following in the footsteps of my auntie's underling, I set off to leave Sines Town for the first time in more than three years. I feel like I should be excited to embark on a grand adventure. Maybe someone who hasn't experienced as much as I have would be thrilled for the opportunity. But instead, a sick sense of homesickness fills my gut. For that is what the Rainstopper Residence is for me. A place that feels like home.

Sorry, Romy. I know you told me not to leave Sines until you got back. But it could be Mephis! And besides, I'm going with the person you sent to protect me, so in a way...this is the safer option...right?

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