Chapter 38: The Meaning Of Rainstopper

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Perideen Darkblade makes sure to walk at a pace I can keep up with. Though I'm doubtless, slowing him down, he says nothing, since it's obvious I'm doing my best. Fortunately, I'm still growing. Compared to my six-year-old self on Earth, I'm definitely significantly taller. Hopefully, the trend continues. Though I wonder why I keep growing? Just better genes? Or maybe the magic? Or the training? Whatever, as long as I can properly hug Glacia and feel like a man the next time I see her, who cares?

"Myrr, tell me, what is the Secthead like these days?" Perideen asks. Unlike Mephis, he seems to be more-chatty. Though, he isn't a Blood-lock that is hated by the world, so that's to be expected perhaps. However, he isn't as talkative as Mark. Still, considering the way Romy acts when she puts on her raccoon mask, I always got the impression that her Sect was something very serious. It's a bit unexpected to have a casual conversation with him. "Is she doing well?"

"She was...until Mark got recalled for the Holy War..." My dark voice gives him pause. He shakes his head as if empathizing with Romy.

"Ahh yes, the Secthead did mention something like that in her letter. To think, after all these years, it's the very man which took her away, that brings her back into the fold. How...unfortunate..." He sighs. "But I am curious, was she happy? Do you think she made the right choice, choosing to leave it all behind? It's not too late for her to come back, you know. The position of Secthead is for life. Until she dies, the Eastern Raingoddess will always belong to us."

"Romy belongs to no one but Mark and me!" I say with more force than intended. Perideen looks over his shoulder with shock, but quickly smiles. His small, angular face is a bit mischievous as he puts up his hands-

"Of course, Acolyte! Of course. That's not what I meant. All I am saying, is that should she wish to...come back to her old life...and all the comforts that entails, she will always be most welcome to do so. You all would of course also be safe inside the Rainstopper Sect. It could be quite beneficial for everyone." Perideen winks at me with his good eye before turning back around and walking into the setting sun. "Holy Wars, irritating kings who don't know when they should leave well enough alone, even those pesky gods which wrap people up in their stories, none of them will be able to touch you in the Sect Headquarters. Think about it. The Secthead's beloved would be quite safe there."

"Hmph!" I grunt in response. Let's see whether you're all talk then. "Okay, then if Romy were to return today, and order you to start a Holy War against the Kingdom of Gaisha, how would you feel about that?"

"We would wipe Gaisha off the map within the week. If the Secthead deemed it necessary, we would then salt their lands and burn any book with their name until history no longer wishes to remember their existence. Up to the ninth clan, we will do what the Rainstopper Sect does best." Perideen Darkblade does not hesitate. I imagine he does not even blink, though I cannot see his face from behind him.

"What the Rainstopper Sect does best?" I don't really believe him at first. However, gradually, as I consider what he just said, and all the little clues which Romy has left behind, a chill creeps over my heart. Romy...what exactly did you escape from?

"Killing, Myrr. The Rainstopper Sect is one of the greatest assassin clans in the East. The name of Romy Rainstopper, the Eastern Raingoddess, still strikes fear into many a king's hearts at night. Didn't the Secthead ever tell you?" The matter-of-fact way, Perideen says it, confirms that he is not lying, though I do not want to believe it. Assassin? So that's why you never talk about it...I'm sorry, Romy. Whatever you went through...I hope Mark's stupid honor doesn't force you to relive it.

"She never said anything. I guess she didn't want me to know." I reply blithely and Perideen falls silent. For a while, we walk without speaking. As the sun sets, he disappears and returns in a flash with firewood. Laying it out, he starts to whip out a set of flint and tinder, but I just quietly chant an incantation,

[Flaming Ember of My Desire, Burst Forth-Burn]

"Oh, thank you, Myrr. I forgot that we have a mage with us!" Smiling, my assassin sits back on the ground against a fallen log and warms his hands by the fire. "Would you like to know anything else about the Rainstopper Sect? As the next...well, you should be educated on our history as an Acolyte."

"No, I'm sure there's a reason Romy didn't want to tell me all this. Though I wonder if it's because she knows how much I hate the Assassin's Guild." Scooting closer to the fire, I rest my weary limbs while gazing up at the stars and the Centaur's Bow constellation which once guided me to Sines. Mephis...are you still out there somewhere? When we meet again...will you be proud of what I've done these last few years? Heh, Romy...even if you were related to those bastards, I don't think I could hate you. So I wish you'd just told me.

"You have a grudge with the Assassin's Guild? In Meirkeep, I presume? You wouldn't be the only one..." Perideen Darkblade's green eyes shine in the flames, giving him a wild, untamed appearance. Like a feral dog. He laughs at my angry glare, "Oh, don't worry, the Rainstopper Sect is quite independent of those honourless losers. There is no relation in this age, even if we share an occupation. The assassins in that city will do anything for money. I assure you, the Rainstopper Sect would wipe them out if we could."

"You can't take them on?" I stop for a moment, surprised. "Even with Romy, and you, and all your power, you couldn't take on the Assassin's Guild?"

"Heh...well, it's not that we couldn't take on part of the Guild. If that's what you're asking. The Rainstopper Sect is strong, I suppose if we didn't mind the losses, we could destroy quite a good number of clans. But you're missing the point." He twirls a dagger across his knuckles, and it slides out of the light into the darkness before disappearing somewhere. A second later, it reappears in his other hand. "The Assassin's Guild is comprised of many factions. Additionally, it is housed in Meirkeep, the City of Assassins. If we were to declare war on any particular clan, it would mean going to war with the whole city. Heh, that would be a difficult fight. We might win...but at what cost? Compared to the combined forces of Meirkeep, the Kingdom of Gaisha is nothing. You are proposing going to war with an entire city of killers. Their only loyalty is to themselves, but when you threaten one, you threaten all. Getting the picture now?"

"Uhhh...a little bit." Feeling a bit dismayed, I remember how Romy once offered to help me even if the entire Assassin's Guild were to come. While I'm a bit disappointed that her Sect probably wouldn't be willing to help me take my revenge, I realize that she wasn't completely exaggerating. She actually has a lot of authority as their leader. Would she really try to stop the whole Guild though? "So, if the Assassin's Guild were to send someone to Romy's home, what would happen?"

"PFFT?!" Perideen Darkblade abruptly spits out the water from his canteen. Peering over at me with shocked eyes, he whispers with a hoarse voice while choking, "If the Assassin's Guild did what to the Secthead?"

"You heard me. If they were to try to assassinate your leader, what would you do?" I ask with genuine curiosity. Perideen wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and does his best to calm himself.

"There's not a single clan in the Assassin's Guild stupid enough to try to take on the Eastern Raingoddess. It's impossible!" He responds and I shake my head. Tossing him a block of cheese and some meat, I ask again,

"But if they did? What would the Rainstopper Sect do?"

"After the Secthead finished killing whatever poor fool they sent to die? Hah, I don't know..." He trails off while snatching the cheese from me and taking a bite. "Munch Munch...mmm, wow this is good! Where'd you get this stuff? were asking if the Assassin's Guild wanted to commit suicide? Well, they'd really be forcing our hand then. Ever since the Shadow War, when the major assassin Sects and Guilds split apart, no group has been eager to attack another for fear of mutual destruction. But I suppose, if somehow the Meirkeep Guild lost their minds, then we'd have no choice but to engage. That would never happen though..."

"I see..." Taking back the cheese, I sniff it curiously. Huh, everyone really likes this. But compared to some of the gourmet cheeses I had on Earth, this really isn't that special. Maybe I should consider sharing some of those fancy European cheese recipes with the producers in this world? I bet it'd blow them away. Taking a big bite, I let the fire die down and await the darkness of night. Damn, Romy. So, you weren't kidding. Even if the whole guild really wouldn't let me die. Now that I think about it, what did my mother do to become friends with a person like you? First you and Mark. How can she have such good friends? "A far cry from me in my last life...with no one to call...if I had friends like that, maybe taking down Meirkeep wouldn't be so difficult..."

"Did you say something, Myrr?" Perideen calls out, but I just sit back on the ground and prepare to sleep.

"Just wondering how to make an army..."


"Err...sorry, I meant make friends! Goodnight Perideen."


Perhaps in my last life, I should have worked harder to make friends.

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