Chapter 93: Meeting Echo

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"Lovely." I sigh deeply, holding a few spells in reserve, but mostly just relaxing. The thing is...unless I have no other choice, I'd prefer not to reveal that I use magic...or know how to fight even. My public identity is as a celebrity cheesemaker after all. Harmless, someone who has money and little else. It's taken years to put everything in place for a perfect cover. I really don't want to throw that all away. Peeking at the future, I use the knowledge to look over my shoulder and see our stalker without turning around in the present. "Meera, it's all you. Since they won't leave us alone, how about you bring them down for a chat."

"Hehe, finally." My security licks her lips, suddenly changing. Her steps become fluid, almost animal-like as she slips into a slinky, smooth prowl. We're being hunted, but Meera's expression is not the least bit timid. She opens her mouth revealing white teeth underneath an eager smile. "I haven't gotten to have any fun in ages. Are you finally taking me out, Boss?"

"Go wild. But don't kill anyone." Smirking, I almost feel sorry for whoever's following us as I let Meera off her leash. Don't follow me. I'm a celebrity, it's only natural I'd value my privacy, right? "I want to know who they are."

"Sit tight. I don't know how many there are-" Meera crouches, and I know she's about to run up the wall, but then I hold out my hand, spying something coming in the near future. She's annoyed. "Cmon, Boss. I want to dance. What are you waiting for-"


It doesn't take long. Our pursuer hops down from above. A long-sword sheathed on his back, his hands are empty, but I'm sure they won't stay that way for long. He cuts us off in the middle of the alleyway. Blocking our path forwards.

"Myrr...the cheesemaker." The visitor has a craggy face atop a body built like a rock. No mask, just a bunch of scars on top of a previously broken nose. You couldn't ask for a better 'bad guy' look. His light blonde hair is styled up into a small bun on the back of his head. Such a refined haircut doesn't fit him at all. I regard him coolly, taking in his clothing, standard light black coat and trousers. Backing up, I let Meera stand in front of me. Hiding behind a woman, maybe not my coolest move. But that's just how I roll in this life. "I've seen your shop. Business is good."

"It is. Great as a matter of fact!" I chime in. Just one of a couple responses I tested out in the brief two seconds we just had. Already, based on the limited information, I think I know what he's here for. "You trying to rob me?"

"Of course not," he replies, "My name is Yrael. I represent one of the preeminent clans of Merekeep. You probably wouldn't know our name as a foreigner...but it doesn't matter. What you do need to know is that you're in danger. And we can help protect you."


"You don't have any guards." Yrael nods meaningfully at Meera. He looks down on her with a sneer. "She isn't nearly enough in this city. You really shouldn't be hiding behind your girlfriend. Little girls have a tendency to get lost around here."

"I don't understand." Smiling innocently, I gesture at nothing in particular. The picture of naïve. "Isn't Merekeep an amazingly safe city? The Omniscient Guard watches everything. No crime...well, except for that crazy Black Assassin, but he's an exception."

"Ahah!" Our new friend points at me. "There you see it. Don't be fooled. The Omniscient Guard isn't enough these days. You need to hire some real protection. Imagine if one of his magic contraptions was placed in your shop? You'd lose everything. We can help with him. Scan your customers. Give you bodyguards to make sure nothing goes amiss."

"Really? I see..." Casting my eyes downwards like I'm really thinking about it, I'm actually thinking about who to bomb tonight. Just an extortionist. He thinks because I'm not paying off the Omniscient Guard, he can threaten me? ME? How about I pay your clan a visit tonight. "You know what...that sounds like a great idea. But, how much is this going to cost me? I'm just a small-time shop owner you know?"

"Please, Mr. Myrr, no need to belittle yourself. Our clan won't take advantage of you. How about...half of your profits? For your safety, and the safety of your profits, an even split is best, right?" Yrael's face turns greedy as he discusses numbers. "If you let us take a look at your ledger-book, we'll work something out-"

"Pfft! He wants half!" Meera can't hold it in anymore. "He's actually asking for half! I can't...oh Raingods...I mean,'s too much!"

Ha....Meera, really?

That mouth of yours...sometimes I hate it.

"Raingods?" Abruptly, the entire mood changes. Yrael's face suddenly grows suspicious. I have to give him credit. For such a dumb man, he doesn't miss a tiny hint. "Who are you...girl?"

"Meera, alive please." I sigh, already knowing the situation has spiraled out of control. Looking around, I pay Yrael no more mind. Instead, I scan the future 360 degrees, searching for anyone else he's working for. No more witnesses.

"Yes, my Master!" Meera blurs into motion.

"Why are you-!"


A needle-like rod shoots forwards, at the man's head. Slow, obviously a distraction. Meera has multiple blades bristling between her fingers like brass knuckles as she gets to work. Yrael, already tipped off, is cut off mid-thought. His craggy face displays an amazing amount of shock as she blasts in. One would think that a girl, even one as tall as Meera, wouldn't try to get close to such a big man. They'd be dead wrong. What matters in this world is not your size, but your power. Rainstoppers don't follow the rules of physics. As Yrael dodges her first needle, Meera arrives and slams her fan forwards. Her speed is devastating, the wind in the alleyway rushing about crazily. When the man tries to block her fan with his elbow, Meera twists it sideways. The edge is deadly sharp, but I told her not to kill. Instead, she just hits him with the blunt side of the closed fan.



I think dislocated in at least three places. That's my best estimate. Either way, that arm will never work again short of advanced healing magic. Regrettably, I don't think you'll be getting the chance to see a healer. Meera is merciless. After the arm goes, she targets his knees next. Both of them. someone's going to have to carry him. Can you please consider the future for once, Meera? You want me to interrogate him in the street? Mmm...well...with Foresight, there are ways...


"HARRRRRRRGH! Oh Death Gods! Oh, Yuel! H-ELP!" He gets off one scream. And then Meera shakes her fan. Staring down at the fallen man whose limbs are sprawled in all the wrong directions, she disdainfully makes a noise of disappointment. Yrael gulps as a needle-like knife slips out of the tip of the fan. It stops just short of his right eye. One twitch and he'll have to wear an eyepatch like she does. I doubt it would look as good on him. He called for help. Where are his friends?

"Boss, that was too easy!" Meera turns to me. I ignore her, still watching our surroundings and the future. There's something...more of them?!!-


I jerk reflexively as the future breaks.

"Boss? What's wrong!"

At first, I think it's because the voice is coming. However, instead, three people drop from the rooftop pathways, all around us. Meera tracks the newcomers with her free hand, spinning around like a turret, her needle-knives in-between each knuckle ready to fly. Yrael squirms but abruptly stops as she kicks him in the head and puts him to sleep. I ready myself to do battle, while holding my head from the pain of losing the future. But then...instead of landing on their feet...the newcomers smack into the cobblestones like sacks of flour. Face first, it's a horrid sight. Blood pools from their mangled bodies and cracked skulls, splattering all around. What in the...hell?




"They're...dead?" I whisper. Meera flickers, abandoning our unconscious hostage as she comes to my side. None of the bodies so much as twitch. It's like when pigeons suddenly drop dead and fall from the sky! What the hell is happening? Examining the bodies, they're dressed like Yrael, in nondescript dark city-wear. Probably his friends. "Who...? Huh?"

Killing intent?

Above us!

I look upwards, my head splitting. Someone's peering down at us from one of the sky pathways. All that's visible is a white mask, like the Stranger's, but not quite. This one doesn't have a smile on it. Besides the miniscule eye-holes, there's no expression at all. Utterly still, our watcher is just a white circle with no mouth or nose. Truly faceless. For some reason, even without being able to see his face, I get the impression that this person is disappointed in me. Suddenly, the Stranger's words come to my mind.

"I can't afford to have you getting caught. As stupid as you are, the impact you're having is too important."

"Are you with him?" I call out. However, there is no reply. Meera bristles, seeing the watcher. She dashes up the wall before I can stop her. "Meera, no!"


They meet in the upper passageways within a split second. The faceless newcomer materializes a wicked double-edged short sword. I pause, squinting. Definitely a close-range fighter! Meera's closed fan soars towards the mask like a blade-


A perfect block. Metal-backed, killing fan meets double-edged sword and I get a better glimpse of the newcomer during the clash. It doesn't tell me much. A fluttering black cloak conceals everything. Just like the Stranger, this guy is unreadable. It has to be one of his men...right? Meera snarls,

"Who are you!"

"Stop!" I run up the wall myself to meet them. The world tilts horizontally and I arrive behind Meera just in time as she locks the back of her fan against the short sword, forming an 'X', and presses for advantage. Righting myself, on the upper passageways, I find killing intent surging everywhere. To my shock, I can see Meera's lips bared into a snarl as their wrists struggle against each other. She's taller than this guy, but her hand is still shaking on the fan! She's...being pushed back?!


Suddenly, I'm not alone. Meera cries out in alarm, but I already know who it is. After all, the future is missing right now so it has to be him.

"One of yours, huh?" I say dryly. The Stranger watches his man duel with Meera like it's a show. Though I can't see the future, I relax ever so slightly. It doesn't seem like the Stranger is worried about either of them getting hurt. Not that that's any guarantee. He might just not care. "Worried I'd slip up again?"

"I told you I'd be watching." My erstwhile business partner claps lightly as the blank-faced assassin disengages with Meera, and jumps back. His man's black cloak billows about in an inky cloud, and Meera hisses but also calls it quits, seeing the Stranger beside me. She rushes back, turning blurry with that unmistakeable Rainstopper style in her haste to reach me. "Meera...Myrr, meet my new lieutenant, Echo. She's been flying through my ranks lately."

"She?" I'm surprised. The Stranger's new man, it a woman. "I thought you didn't trust women?"

"Oh, I don't."


"Echo's an exception. I mean I saw how great your staff was...all those loyal!" The Stranger chuckles while glancing mockingly at Meera when she arrives. "I thought maybe I should change things up. I'm glad I did. Echo is incredible at her job. You should thank her. Who do you think has been placing your Icebombs for me, lately?"

"So, you're the one...?" I look over towards Echo. The Stranger's lieutenant remains far from us, on another rooftop. Utterly still and silent. Watching. I can't help but wonder what kind of woman the Stranger would be willing to trust. He hates them even more than me. What makes you different? Now that I get a good look at you, you do look a bit small for a guy. I call out to Echo, "Been watching us, have you?"

"Don't bother." The Stranger pokes me in the side as he laughs. "Despite what her name might suggest, Echo doesn't talk much. My little joke. She's actually much quieter than some people," He snorts and turns his head to look at Meera who hisses angrily back at him. Not bothering to react, the Stranger continues, "Sometimes I think I should have called her, Whisper, instead. Anyways, Echo was doing such a great job, that I suddenly got an idea! If she's this good at being my security, she would do even better as your security! Now she'll be helping to protect you, day and night, isn't that great-?"

"Myrr already has me!" Meera yells but falls silent as I hold out a hand. Not now...

"So, you gave us a tail?" Feeling a bit bitter, I jolt as I realize our new security is gone. The pathway across the skybridge is empty. Echo disappeared without so much as a trace of wind. And I have no idea when she left. Bloody hell she's like a ghost! I sigh, feeling a headache coming on, "I can manage myself. You didn't have to do that."

"Really?" The Stranger looks around pointedly at the three corpses on the ground. Abruptly, I realize that Echo is down in the street now. Standing over the guy who tried to extort us, Yrael. My mouth goes dry. Meera knocked him unconscious, but left him alive for interrogation. That's not going to happen now though...because he's dead. Throat slit. My new 'security' wipes her bloody blade off on the man's coat before standing. Jeez...that was cold. Not even a second of hesitation to end an incapacitated man. In a way, I almost respect such callousness. As I blink, Echo disappears again. This time I catch a flicker as her legs blur. Almost as fast as Meera. Maybe faster. The Stranger's insipid voice sarcastically remarks, "Looks to me, like you could use the help. Getting extorted by nobodies, I sympathize. Classic mistake, never play the sheep's part too well. Eventually, people stop taking you seriously...they think you really are just fat and weak. Shame you can't have the Omniscient Guard around your shop or I'd tell you to bribe a few. Keeps the riff-raff from trying to take advantage of you."

"We didn't need help," Meera growls. "I had it covered!

"Well, that's great then!" The Stranger lowers his head so that we can see his eyes clearly. He winks at us, and then turns around on the rooftop. "Consider Echo as extra insurance in case things go wrong. Just be aware...she's my staff. Her only job is to keep an eye on you. So don't expect her to listen to you. That's what you want, right? To...handle things yourself?" His cheeriness is pissing me off. I can tell Meera feels the same. We get it. She's watching us. I won't mess up again. The Stranger's voice sounds satisfied as he continues, "By the way, here's our next target! You can just give Echo the Icebomb directly tonight. She's been doing it all anyways. In a way, you're like old partners, already! Isn't it great that you've finally gotten to know each other?"

"Tch..." Meera purses her lips as the Stranger hands me a handwritten note and then jumps off the rooftop. Soon, he disappears into the streets. For a bit, we just sit there above the ghetto. The four bodies below the sky pathways will be discovered soon if we don't dispose of them. Meera grunts after a while, "She killed our hostage. I wanted to pay their clan a visit. Let me check the bodies, maybe we'll find some clues-"

"Don't bother." I shake my head. Holding up the Stranger's note, I can't help having a bit of a wry smile. "Damn bastard knows everything." Letting Meera read the paper, I chant a spell in the meantime. The note says:

"The Riventish Clan has been known to extort people who don't pay their guard dues. Rumour has it they're having a dinner party tonight at their manor. Perhaps the Black Assassin should pay them a visit. Just a thought!"

When Meera's done reading, I let the little paper slip flutter down to the streets along with the bodies. And then I drop an Icebomb on top. Set to blow in three minutes. It should erase all evidence of their existence. Just another couple unfortunate disappearances during these tumultuous times...

"Let's get out of here." I tell Meera. After a moment, she nods and we set off on the rooftop pathways. My 'number one employee' sighs, readjusting the needles in her fan as we walk. I guess I can't exactly call her my security anymore. At least, not my only security...

"I hate him. And the new girl. Echo...she was mocking me...I can tell!" Meera hisses, her teeth gnashing. I give her a surprised glance, not entirely sure if her anger is a bad thing. Been a while since she's sounded this motivated. Maybe a little competition is just what she needs?

"Yea...I hate them too. But at least we only have to see one of them tonight," I reply.





[Echo...echo...aren't we all just echoes?

Hehe...that's what evil is...a never-ending echo...]

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