Chapter 94: Broken Windows Invisible Ghosts

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"No...that's not how you do it...!" I laugh from my chair in the corner of the shop's lobby, watching the girls crowded around the main cheese display table. Meera is trying to teach Nya how to craft a proper Eiffel Tower out of cheese blocks. I'm taking a break from using Foresight while we wait for Echo to arrive for tonight's Icebomb. My usual headache throbs worse when I move, but I can't help chuckling when I see my employee's latest attempt. This is hilarious. Neither of the girls had building blocks as toys when they were kids. So, their understanding of architecture is laughable at best. Well, I suppose Nya didn't have any toys at all. Demi-slave life is hard. As for Meera...they probably just gave her a knife.

"Here, let me show you!" Meera snatches the block of aged faux Wisconsin cheddar out of Nya's tiny hand only to find that it's transformed into a paw in her frustration. The little Demi-Cat girl refuses to let go, holding on with her claws. The wrapper on the block starts to tear as they struggle over the table. "Hey, let go! You can't...not with your paws! It's ripping!"

"Nuuu! Let me try one more time! Nya can figure it out!" The little Demi-Cat wrenches the block away and Meera is forced to let go lest the cheese be torn in two. Nya triumphantly holds up her prize and turns back to the half-finished Eiffel Tower. Balancing it on top, she screeches as her unwieldy paws can't place the block properly. "D-Darn it! I c-can't...NUUUUUU!"


The tower splits down the middle, it's poor construction doing it no favors when a critical failure occurs. Rectangular blocks of cheese tumble everywhere and I burst out laughing. Over by the counter doing accounting, Kisa puts a hand over her mouth, trying to hide her own snicker. Meera gives me a death glare and when Nya sees, she quickly tries to imitate the Rainstopper. However, since I'm her Master, Nya chooses to give Kisa her best basilisk impression. It's certainly paralyzing. Hard to move when you're laughing!

"Pfft!" Kisa loses it at her sister's Meera impression lets out a guffaw. Nya's attempt at a death glare vaguely resembles Meera when she was at her age, but with cat-ears and a much more innocent face. All in all, the only thing it's capable of killing is depression. "Nya, that's not nice!"

Ahh...this is better than cat videos!

"Stop laughing at me! We'll get it next time! Right, Meera?" Nya growls. It's a rather high-pitched growl without any real malice to it. I sigh, thinking about how she's almost thirteen now. Glancing at Kisa, I see the older sister giggling but when she sees me watching, a shadow passes through her smile. These cute moments can't last forever, but at least we can enjoy them while they last. They grow up so fast. Natalia used to do that. I...I...shoot did I miss her birthday? I should have sent something...but there's just been so much going on. Abruptly, I realize Nya's waving to get my attention. She's still complaining, "I just...can't understand it. How does Master do it? All the blocks just fit...but when I try just falls! Why is he so good at everything?!"

"Duh, it's because I'm a genius." Looking down at my wine glass, I pretend to be engrossed in swirling it to avoid the killing intent in Meera's gaze. Unlike Nya's imitation, Meera's death glare can probably cause serious injury. I vaguely recall some video games in my previous life had curse spells which would mark your soul for the grim reaper's wrath. I think if I look up, into Meera's eyes, I might be afflicted by such a curse so I keep my head low. "Err, actually, I'm sure you guys will figure it out...eventually. Don't give up!"

Please don't curse me.

"Tch...he thinks he's so cool." Meera's lips twitch into a snarl to match an angry Demi-Cat as she blurs into action and gathers up all the cheese blocks under the table. "Just wait, this time, let me try! We'll show him that he's nothing special! I can do anything he can do!"

"But Master is super cool!" Nya's instantaneous response causes Meera's face to fall. Hehe, yes...destroy her confidence! Go my ace card! The little Demi-Cat isn't paying attention, so she doesn't see the effect her words are having on her human big sister. "And he can use magic. You can't, right? Did you know the other day, he made it snow for me in the shop? It was soooooo awesome!"

"I...well yea...I guess I can't use m-a-g-i-c." Meera's face deflates a bit more. "But I mean, can Myrr fight like me?"

"Well, I dunno, you guys never let me train with you..." Nya chirps and Meera's expression grows desperate.

"I...I can kick his butt! I swear to the Rain...Yuel! Myrr, come here! Let's spar!"

"Ehh, not tonight, Meera. We have a mission, remember?" I innocently decline her challenge. God, I love Demi-Cats. If Earth kids were this cute, I bet birthrates wouldn't have been declining! Nya keeps going and I silently cheer her on. Wow she's really making me seem awesome-

"Plus, Master has the best recipes. Everyone in Merekeep loves him!"

"He's just bribing them with cheese! They're all addicted! He's basically a druglord! A DRUGLORD, Nya! The way they were feeding you Demi-berries, he's doing the same thing! Listen to me! Men like him will ruin you! Don't be tricked by his cute face! I've seen what he's really like! You can't trust anything he says!"

"I dunno, I don't think Master is like that at all. He treats us much better than the slavers..."

"No, don't fall for him you idiot! Stupid Demi-Cats...why are you all so gullible? You think you're special just because he spent a few coins on you? Did you know he's done this before? With another stray Demi-Cat! She looked like you! You're probably his type or something! But he still left her! Don't look at me like that, it's true! That's why we're here, he's running from his responsibilities and he'll leave you behind too! He's scum! A weakling who hides behind women-!"

"Master wouldn't do that..."

"ARRRRGH! You're all so brainless!"

Your cheeks are turning red, Meera. Just give up. Obviously, I'm cooler than you. That's why I'm Secthead. There's no need to be mad about being inferior to a main character type like me.

"Don't think I don't see you smirking over there, Myrr!" Meera howls, enraged. Berserked and bloodthirsty, she snaps open her fan and furiously wafts air over her flaming face. Thinking for a bit, she yells, "N-Next time! Next time let's bring Nya to spar! She needs to train too!" Meera cackles evilly under her breath, but I can still hear her, "Then she'll see...I'll snap his spine..."

We all know you just want an excuse to look cool.

"Absolutely not!" Kisa rejects the proposition immediately. Looking up from the ledger book, the older Demi-Cat frowns. Though she's okay with Nya knowing about our missions, she doesn't want her little sister to be involved in any fighting unless absolutely necessary. "Nya is too small to train! Not until she's thirteen!"

"I...come on...she's only a couple months away! She...needs to be able to protect herself-!"

"Give it up, Meera." I take a sip of wine. Feeling invigorated. Heh, I may have lost my cool image with a lot of the women in my life. But Nya's still at the age where she can be easily deceived...I mean, taught! "You've lost. Nya's too smart to be tricked by your lies. She knows when someone's embellishing their accomplishments. When she grows up, she's going to be a master cheesemaker like me. Right, Nya? How about I teach you my secret tower designs? Have you ever heard of the Twin Towers? Wait, that's a bad example...okay, how about I show you the famous Tokyo Tower!"

"YES! Master is the best! I'm too smart to be tricked by Meera's lies! But what does embellishments mean?" Nya's enthusiastic outburst causes Meera to bury her head into her chest. She stomps to my table and snatches the wine glass from my hands. Leaning in, my former security whispers in my ear so no one else can hear. Her finger jabs me in the side, and I'm too slow to react without Foresight.

"This isn't over you damn alcoholic! Next time we train...I'm using killing techniques..."

"H-Hehe, such a sore loser...wait what?" My eyes grow wide as Meera slams the wine glass back down, now empty, and goes over to do accounting with Kisa. She throws an absolutely evil smirk my way while twirling her fan mischievously. Various needles dance across her knuckles, instruments of evil making their appearance like conductor's wands. Meera threatens a symphony of violence. I scoff nervously, "Tch...fine, bring it on! But I'm using magic!" We don't give in to intimidation in this shop! I need to set a good example for the Demi's after all.

"Go ahead...but remember, I know where you sleep!" Meera's one-eyed wink takes on a devilish almost seductive look. But I'm fairly certain she's the kind of succubus that sucks the life out of her men. No pleasure, all pain. Eek! That's it...I'm sleeping in the training room tonight! Wait no...she might lock me down there then.

'I know where you sleep?'

Damnit what kind of threat is that?!

"Meera, you're evil..." I sigh, momentarily conceding the round.

"Thanks for the compliment, Boss!"


There's a heavy rap on the door. Abruptly, all the banter stops as we swivel our heads in unison.

"I guess our guest is here." Standing, I stretch my neck. "Let me invite her in. You guys want to take a break? She's kind of scary." I glance meaningfully at Nya. However, to my surprise, Kisa shakes her head.

"'s okay." She smiles, but you can see her lips trembling slightly and her ears are twitching. Kisa's gotten used to being around in the background when the Stranger visits but she's never allowed her little sister to be in the room before. She walks over and grabs the young Demi-Cat, bringing her behind the counter. "Nya's almost's time she learns what the world is really like...before it comes to her. You're okay with this, right, Sis?"

"Of course! Nya is a big Demi-Cat!"

Well, I guess that's settled then.

"Cool, sure. Just stick together then and sit tight." I tell Kisa who nods and puts her arm around Nya's shoulders as they prepare themselves. There's a certain stiffness about her. It's different, a little sad. Huh, she must be thinking about when the slavers came for her. Well, my motto is to always be one step ahead. No point in hiding here. If things blow up, it won't be any safer in the bathroom. The whole shop will be razed to the ground. Checking on Meera beside me, I see her face has gotten serious. A much more serious death glare is fixed on the door. Got a bit of a bone to pick with the Stranger's lieutenant huh? "You ready, Meera?"

"Always. Let her in." Meera licks her lips. "She won't cause any trouble as long as I'm here."

"Naturally." Inclining my head, I start walking to the door. Each step on the wooden planks rings out unnaturally loud in the silence. Seeing Nya in the corner with Kisa, I feel it's a bit more tense than usual. Just makes me want to...I dunno stand up straighter or something. Like I'm afraid to mess up. Heh, well whatever, it's just his henchman. Woman. Henchwoman. What could go wrong? Carefully, I reach for the future, almost expecting the usual painful rebound I experience when the Stranger comes. However, I'm surprised when the next two seconds appear in front of me. My Foresight is working. Which means... "He really didn't come tonight. It's just her."

"Boss?" Meera asks quietly as I pause. "Something wrong?"

"Nah..." replying absentmindedly because I knew she was going to say that, I walk to the door with a bit more confidence. "I'm fine." My hand yanks on the doorknob and it slides open-


A cold wind rushes in as the door opens. It's snowing. A few flakes drift in with the cold winter night. Our visitor is there, silhouetted in the entrance of the shop, just as I expected. Covered in that black cloak, already, I know she won't say anything. Her head swivels, an empty, blank mask taking in the shop. I remember the Stranger saying she's been watching us, but this is the first time I've seen her so I assume she's never been inside the lobby before. At least not with the mask on.



"Want to come in?" I offer. However, my face frowns as I see her reaction. Or rather the complete lack of reaction. I wanted to try to get to know Echo. It would have been a good opportunity to find out more about the Stranger. However, if the Stranger is an expert at hiding his emotions, his lieutenant is a master at...doing nothing. The blank mask, not even a face really, just tilts slightly as she observes the shop. Her eyes, hidden in shadow, hone in on each member of my staff in turn, lingering on the Demi's before spotting Meera. Killing intent seeps out into the shop, from both old and new members of my security team as they lock gazes, but I quickly step in before things get ugly. "Meera...don't do anything stupid."

"I won't, Boss." Meera's combat stance suggests otherwise. "But if she tries anything, I got your back. You saw what she did to those thugs. This one's a killer."

Takes one to know one. Well, I suppose that might be why you two don't get along.

"You're not coming in, Echo?" I sweep my hand out, there's already a cheese platter prepared for her arrival, in the Chillbox. Wine too of course. Only the best to bribe the Stranger's personnel. Okay I feel weird, like I'm trying to steal his woman. "You know, we're on the same side here. He likes my cheese. Everyone does. Ask around, it's quite good. You sure you don't want a taste? Your boss won't mind."




Several seconds pass but Echo doesn't enter the shop. Not a single step inside, though I see her feet tremble ever so slightly. Instead, she just stares at me. Puts her hand out. Waiting. I sigh. Goddamn, what the hell does he do to get this kind of loyalty? If Meera could keep her mouth shut like this girl, we'd be unstoppable. Maybe I should ask the Stranger if he wants to swap sometime...

"Well, if you're sure." I say doubtfully, trying my best to look regretful. Chanting, I turn around and craft tonight's Icebomb surprise. Echo watches my back during the spellcasting process without moving a muscle. So still, she might as well be a statue. When I finish and hand her the Icebomb, the Stranger's lieutenant simply nods. She has surprisingly small hands for someone so dangerous. But then again so does Meera. Covered up in that cloak, Echo departs immediately once I'm done. The entire time, besides her height, which is on the low side, fairly average by Merekeep's standards, I never once caught a single useful detail from her visit. It's not even worth asking Jasselryia about her. I have nothing to go on.

"Tch...think's she's better than us." Meera turns up her nose as Echo leaves. I close the door and go back to my chair. "Boss, let's do her. It'll be easy! We can make it look like an accident. Find out who's under that mask and maybe we'll even get a clue about the Stranger!"

"Meera, stop kidding around." I sigh. She's only least I hope so. "Like it or not, she helped out today. And we can't get rid of her."

"B-Buut!" Meera groans. "I hate her. And she's always going to be watching us. How are we supposed our errands?" My 'number one employee' is having the same thoughts that I am. There are a few projects which I have going on that I'd prefer not to share with the Stranger. At least not at this time. While his information is invaluable, his loyalty is dubious. Some of the things I'm working on might end up being used on him one day if things go south. "Booosss-"

"It's fine, Meera." I give her a small smile while reaching into the Chillbox for the cheese platter. No point letting good cheese go to waste! Holding it up, I waltz over to the counter and offer Meera a slice. "We'll be okay."

"You have a plan?" She's excited, knowing how I think. Her good eye snaps down instantly scouting the platter. Wasting no time, Meera's hand darts in for a choice piece. The gruyere disappears alarmingly fast down her gullet. As she licks her lips, I give her a smug look. "Alright, Boss, spill it. How we going to get past her?"

"We're not...she's clearly quite proficient at stealth techniques and movement." I roll my eyes as Meera gives me an affronted huff. "Relax, I'm sure she's not as good as you. Either way, we're not going to sneak past her easily. B-u-t, I'm certain the Stranger isn't here. And I've never seen any other employees working for him. What are the odds he has someone else that strong on his payroll? Chances are, it's just her watching us. And her job is to be my security. Which means..." Meera catches my expression and scrunches up her eyes.

"Ahh...she'll be watching you. But if I go out alone, she can't follow us both." My partner in crime nods conspiratorially as she understands.

"Now you're getting it. I knew there was a reason I brought you along."

"Just one question. What if she tells the Stranger I'm not here and he decides to attack you while you're unguarded?" Meera asks.

"I...I'm still working on that part." I laugh nervously. "It's a small risk. There've been chances before. He never took them."

"Hah, only because he knew I might be around!" She chides triumphantly, wagging a finger. "Admit it. You need me!"

"Sure...whatever you say, Meera."

"And I'm cooler than you."

"And you're...heh, just kidding. Nice try though." Rolling my eyes again, I wink at Nya who's currently trying to pick crumbs off the platter. "Too easy. She's so predictable!"

" does he always know! Nya, keep watching. Next time, Big Sis Meera is going to kick your Master's butt!" The assassin complains.

"Yea, go Meera!" a Demi-Cat's small voice calls out. Wait, Nya, don't just blindly cheer for whoever! You're supposed to be on my side! I feed you!

"Whose side are you on?!" I complain. It's Meera's turn to look smug as she pats Nya's head. Rubbing the soft fuzzy cat ears on top, she cackles-

"Heh, Nya's a smart girl, like you said, Boss...she probably realized the truth."

"Whaa-?" Nya's eyes are round. She has no idea what's going on as we fight over her adoration. The cutest mascot. Damnit, well played, Meera. One round to you. But I'm not the Boss for nothing! Blame yourself for picking bad fights! Suck on this trap card...

"Nya, listen carefully. Meera is very good at lying. When I first met her, she tried to seduce me. Even though she was engaged to another man. Can you believe that? You mustn't trust anything she says!"

"R-Really? Did you actually do that, Meera?" When Nya's gaze turns questioningly to her, Meera chokes on her wine. Coughing, she reaches out and latches onto my shoulder with an iron grip. O-ow! That actually hurts!

"Guhhh! N-No! What makes you think I'd do something like that? Hahaha...your Master's just exaggerating. Like he always does! I totally forgot about that LITTLE misunderstanding! So long ago, can't believe he still remembers! Come on, Boss, we got bombs to plant, people to kill! Stop telling old stories...HEY! Don't try to run! Get back here! Kisa, open the door will you? I think it's time we left! Stop resisting, Boss! Time to go for a walk...just the two of us!"


"Hey, control your killing intent! The window just broke! Snow's getting in! That's coming out of your paycheck! Goddamn, it's freezing, Meera!"

"It wasn't me! Stop making excuses, you probably just used your magic! Alright, Kisa, we're going!"


And just like that, we're off into the streets of Merekeep. A silent clock in my head starts up as soon as the door shuts behind me. It's time to get serious-






[Time...not timing...time...

That was always our problem...

Are you enjoying it?

I hope so...or this was all for nothing.]

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