Chapter 15

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Cyrus's POV:
While in Reiji's room, we were talking about school and having tea at the same time. However I felt uneasy deep down when I'm with Reiji as he seems to know about my form, but I'm 100% sure that he wouldn't give a single care about it....

"Cyrus, do you know why I brought you here?" He asked curiously as I grip the handles of the chair while remaining calm.

"It's about school isn't it?" I asked calmly which he smirks in response.

"You're on the right track, but it's more than that...."
He said as he took a sip of his tea and gently puts the cup down on the table.

"So tell me Cyrus, how was your appointment with the doctors? Any symptoms? Mental illnesses? Conditions?" He asked curiously with a stern look as I shook my head at him.

"No sir, there's nothing wrong with me." I lied while remaining calm and composed.

"I see...and how are you feeling now?" He asked sternly with skeptically eyes which irks me a bit more.

"I'm fine right now...." I replied while feeling nervous deep down.

"That's good to hear, how about a cup of tea just to make you feel relax?" He politely insisted, but I glance down at the cup when I sniff at the strong odor, I knew that it wasn't just normal tea.

I then glance back at Reiji with a serious face as he tilts his head at me.

"Is something the matter?" He asked curiously as I cross my legs and fold my arms.

"Please forgive me for being rude, but I believe that tea over there is poisoned." I directly point that out which Reiji smirks in response.

"You're quite aware of your surroundings do you mutt?" He asked with an intriguing smirk, but I wasn't offended by his nickname and shoot him an emotionless look.

"I'm always aware and it's not surprising to be exposed by a vampire like you." I coldly replied.

"Please don't misjudged me, I don't care if you're a werewolf or not. If I didn't know you're a werewolf, I wouldn't be suspicious about you in the first place." He strictly said.

"So what are you going to do to me?" I asked curiously as he push his glasses up.

"I'm not going to do anything to you and I'll informed the teachers about this "condition" you speak of, so people won't know you form. But you must focus on your work at home, so do we have an agreement?" He asked curiously as I bow my head to him.

"I'll accept it, but you and your will not tell anyone about my form." I informed him.

"Hmph don't be a fool, why would I waste my time spouting nonsense? Now please leave me be, I must go back to my work if you don't mind." He strictly ordered which I nod and stood up as I left his room with a relieved look.

" about bothersome." I sighed while scratching my head.

"So how did it go?" I turn around to see Hideo and Blake leaning against the wall as I sighed.

"You've been eavesdropping this whole time?" I asked a bit annoyingly.

"It was Hideo's idea." She said as she points her thumb at brunette devil.

"Hey you came along too!" He argued back.

"I only came with you just in case you get all reckless since you are capable enough to cause trouble." She bluntly stated.

"Oh fuck y-"

"GUYS! Can you please not argue for just one day?...I just got back from a Reiji's room." I sighed tiredly as I pinched the bridge of my nose. Suddenly a black portal appears in the hallway when Kenta came home and the portal closes.

"Hey guys." He greeted his friends.

"Oh hey Kenta, how was your friend?" I asked curiously as he shrugs his shoulders.

"It was...fine...." He replied awkwardly which got me skeptical.

"Kenta...what exactly happened?...." I asked with a serious look as he grimaced at my question.

"It''s him....he's back....." He stutters which all of us stood in shock. Hideo then clench his fists and clutch his teeth.

"That bastard....the hell does he want the time?!" He growled when he heard his name again.

"He want me back for his selfish reason...after years of running away from that hellhole, he's still a disgusting asshole...." Kenta grumbled while staring down at the floor with an anguished look.

"No shit! That's just typical of him! He's just a egomaniac prick, who only cares about himself!" Hideo snarled as Blake dash to him to calm him down.

"Take an easy Hideo! I know that you and Kenta have been together since your demon and grim reaper alliance back in the dark realm, but anger doesn't solves anything. We all need to calm down and discuss this." She assures them.

"She has a point, brute forces isn't going to make him go away. The last time we fought him, we're almost dead luckily Kenta teleport us to escape from him. However I'm not sure what he wants with you, but if he wants a fight, then he has to get-"

"No...he didn't came here to fight....he and I talked for a bit.....he wanted me to come back home with him so can suffer in hell again, but I reject that offer. Then he disappears..." Kenta cuts me off as he assured us not to worry about it. However none of us are convinced.

"So he wants you back into his business?" I asked sternly.

"More like hell if ya asked me!" Hideo rebuffs but I glance at him with a strict gaze. Kenta crosses his arms and pushed his glasses up.

"...He didn't say anything about a fight, but...I feel like he's not give up that easily...." He muttered as I noticed him shivering despite remaining emotionless. I came up to him and pat him on the back.

"Don't let him get to you Kenta, just get some rest for now okay?" I assured him as he nods in response. I turn to Hideo and Blake.

"And the same goes for you guys, we have a day off tomorrow." I informed them.

"Oh hell yeah! I get to relax all day!" He cheered with Blake shrugging nonchalant.

"Meh I'm fine with tomorrow except that I have to meet that blonde guy at 1:00....shit....." She gulped as she walks back to her room while sulking.

"Well back to my room then." Hideo said as he walks back to his room as well leaving me and Kenta behind. As I noticed Kenta looking anxious, I call his name.


"Yeah?" He mumbles as I put a hand on his shoulder where he shift his emerald eyes to look at me.

"You're not alone, we'll fight together...." I reassured him which he nods in returns.

"Thank you Cyrus." He calmly said.

"Mhm call me if you need anything." I remind him which he nods understandably.

Kenta's POV:
Once me and Cyrus done talking, I went back to my room where I lean my head back against the door and sighed.

"..How bothersome....after all these years from running away, how dare he came here and demand me to come back to him? Tch yeah right." I retort as I cross my arms and lean my body against the door where I reminisce my childhood back in the dark realm.

****Kenta's flashback****


I groaned and fell to my knees where I wrap my stomach after one of my half brothers kicked me.

Ha! You're weak! You're nothing like us! You're weak, spineless, and pathetic cuz you're a bastard son!
He belittled me.

Yeah! You're a filthy bastard son!
He agreed with his brother.

And worthless just like your slutty mom!
He mocked me as the three of them kept on kicking me until I heard my mom screaming.

What are you doing?! Stop that!
She shrilled as she ran up to me and hold me in his gentle arms.

Ugh she killed the mood again!
He groan.

Aww man, I was having so much fun!
My second half brother groan.

I still see you're just as pathetic as always Kyoko just like your filthy child of yours.
We then turn to the gorgeous ravenette with purple eyes who looks down at us. My mother glared at the cruel ravenette.

How dare can you allow your sons to do something like this?!
She scolds at her with a disgusted glare, but the woman is unmoved and turns her head away.

My sons can do whatever they want, why should care about you or your filthy son? Besides, you're not even close to be part of the Taniguichi family and Adonis is my true husband, not you.
She snobbishly proclaims with my three half brothers snickered.

Oh I don't give a damn about him to begin with!
She retorts her cruel words, but she ignored her and wraps her arms around her three sons.

Come boys, I'll give you a delightful treat for your training.~
She smiled sickly which all of them cheered and they left the room where my mother embraces me with lots of love.

It's okay sweetie, I won't let them hurt you....
She assured me as I can feel her gentle hand stroking my blonde hair that I missed the most. Oh Mom, I missed your voice, I missed your soft and gentle words, I even missed your bedtime stories.

Back then it was no different, I'm like other grim reapers. I was born out of wedlock and I was a product of an affair....which is why that woman and his three sons abused me a lot.....

Everyday I had to endure the pain, torture, and the ridicule in my hellhole as a child to a teenager. It was a horrible nightmare to deal with....

The only person I have is my mother, she always here to protect me and showered me with love and care. My dad on the other hand is barely there for me. He never shows me love or anything. The only thing he loves me about is my soul hunting skills. Nothing else. I'm nothing but a tool to him. I hold so much hatred for him since moment I laid eyes on him. He was never a father to me....just a disgusting, ruthless, and cruel person.....

My life was a nightmare...I had to work my dad's dirty work to please him and his shitty family, but I didn't like it one bit....I hate's not who I am....all I want is happiness and freedom...and that's when he came into my life and changed my life forever.....

It was at a meeting in the Taniguichi castle. We were talking about forming an alliance with a demon family and that's when I met my savior.

"Kenta, I like to meet the devil king's son, Hideo Iwatani. He'll be your partner for your task." He informed me as I took a glance at the young devil with crimson hair and bloody red eyes where he I feel a bit tense from the devil's gaze, but I nod at my father's request anyway.

Right after the meeting, I was walking down to my mother's cage to visit her until heard that devil calling me.

"Hey." A voice called as I turn to the devil where he leans against the wall with a nonchalant grin.

"Must've been a pain to do what your father said isn't it?" He asked cheekily, but I wasn't listening and asked him.

"What do you want?" I asked bluntly cutting right to the bullshit as he shrugs his shoulders calmly.

"Well this might come off as random, but from what I look at you, you seem to be chill and silent about forming an alliance with me, however deep down you're scared of disappointing your family don't you?" He asked directly which I shivered at the thought of my father and his other family, but I remained calm and emotionless.

"This has nothing to do with you, now if you excused me, I have to go back to my room." I coldly rebuffed as I turn my back to him and walked away.

"So is this what you want? Do you really want to live your life miserable? Think about it, you'll no time for yourself and you'll be constantly hunting down and taking the living souls out of humans. You'll also become the splitting image of your father."
He assured me as I grimaced at the thought of my self being like my dad.

I always hate my dad. I'll never be like my dad. Not now. Not ever. And I never will.

I thought as I grip my hands tightly when I'm quite aware hat he has a point.

"We may not know each other much, but we do have one thing in common: and that's why not join me in an adventure to the human world?"
He assured me which I widen my eyes when I heard the word "freedom". That's what my mom told me all the time.

However I pretend to ignore him and walk away. While walking my way back, I heard a loud shriek from my mom's room.


I widen my eyes when I heard her scream.

"MOTHER!" I dashed through the halls to her room where she is held prison. However....I was too late....

By the time I got to her room, she was already dead....I witnessed my dad squeezing my mom's neck where her eyes rolled back and her neck is broken in half.

My dad drops her lifeless body and approached me with his eyes filled with apathy.

"Don't say a word to anyone, your mother should've keep her mouth shut...." He coldly informed as he walks passed me, but I have gone to my limits and I chase after him to sliced him behind with my scythe.

"Gah!" He groaned as he fell to his knees and holds his back in agony where I stood there glaring down at him filled with anger and resentment.

"You don't deserved to say my mom's name you prick!" I growled at him while shooting him with a resentful glare as he looks up at me with an agitated look.

"You little brat! I'll kill you with my- GAH!" He was soon cut off when Hideo kicked him to the ceiling. I widen my eyes by the devil's act of kindness as he reached a hand to me.

"I said before, let's get out of this nightmare together." He reassured me as I grinned warmly and grab his hand where me and Hideo escaped the castle with happy faces.

***End of Kenta's flashback***

While looking back at the good and bad times during the dark realm, I sighed in relief with a warm smile.

" maybe annoying,'re also a great friend to have....thank you...." I muttered with a sweet smile as I walked to the window and open it to stare at the night sky. don't have to worry no more...because I'm not going anywhere....

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