Chapter 16

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Nobody's POV:
The next day later, today is Saturday and they have no school for tonight. However this morning isn't going to be great for Blake's going to meet with Kou at 1:00. Oh and let's forget about whom she's dealing with right now and this isn't going to be a great start her since it's going to be....tiring.....

Blake's POV:
"Ugh....I look like shit today...." I grumbled while fixing my hair with a bit of a grouchy look. I then put my bush on the end table and sighed softly.

"Well...I better get changed for the singing duet with Kou at 1:00 pm." I said as I took off my Fall Out Boy purple and blue tie dye t shirt, I heard that perverted giggle from anywhere.

"You have no boobs bad girl chan.~" He giggled with a lewd smirk as I turn my head to the perverted creep and shoot him a deadpan expression.

"The hell do you want creep?" I asked coldly while covering my chest with my shirt.

"~fufu~ That's not how you say good morning." He cooed with a smug.

"Cut the shit Laito, if you don't have any reason to be in my room then get the hell out." I harshly spat as he chuckled with a filthy smirk.

"Don't be so judgmental, I just wanna see my bad girl in disguise.~" He stated with a fake innocent tone.

"Just get the fuck out!" I shout at him as I'm losing my patience with him.

"Okay bad boy kun.~" He said with his hands up as he left the room, I sighed.

This is gonna be a long day....

Cyrus's POV:
While in the kitchen, I was looking for something light to eat for breakfast. I'm not really that hungry, I usually eat an apple or a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. I soon spot a pear and I took it out of the fridge to eat it cuz why not?

As I closed the fridge and eat my pear, Subaru walked in and open the fridge. I stared at him for a minute before he left the kitchen with a glass of water without looking at me.

He's cold as usual...but that's how Subaru is....

I thought as I took one bite from my pear while thinking about what happened last night. It was pretty overwhelming but I'm glad Subaru came in and comfort me. I expect Subaru to be the quiet introvert one, but I guess I was wrong. I'm actually surprised that Subaru would have a soft spot even though he doesn't show it or realized it.

While sitting on my chair and eating my pear, I heard Kenta yawning in the kitchen.

"Morning Cyrus..." He yawned while rubbing his eyelids and puts his glasses on while he's wearing a white t shirt with a gray cat that says "I'm Dead Inside" and green shorts.

"Oh hey Kenta, sleep well?" I asked as he nods slightly and walked over to the table as he sits down next to me.

"What's for breakfast?" He asked curiously.

"Nothing much, I'm just eating a pear." I casually replied which he shrugs and grabs a banana from a bowl of fruits.

"So what about you? Did you sleep well?" He asked while peeling a banana and ate the top.

"Yeah, but it was a crazy night yesterday." I stated as Kenta swallows the banana and sighs.

"It was but...I'm actually fine now." He said calmly.

"That's good to hear." I grin at him until we heard that loud voice from anywhere.

"HEY! WHAT THE FUCK MAN?!" A voice shouted as we sighed annoyingly.

"Please don't tell that's-"

"Yup, let's go Kenta." I assured him.

"Yeah, yeah." He sighed as both of us got out of our seats and left the dining room where we saw Hideo and Kanato exchanging glares with Yui looking worried.

"YOU HURT TEDDY!" He growls at him as I glance down at the floor where his teddy bear is soaked in orange soda. I then glance back at Hideo and Kanato where Yui tries to defuses the fight.

"Kanato...stop...he didn't do it on purpose...." She assured him, but Kanato turns his head to glare at her.

"Shut up! This has nothing to do with you! I'll never forgive someone who harms teddy!"

"Dude it was just an accident! What are getting so worked about?!" He scolds at him as the purple haired boy turns to glare at Hideo.

"What do you know?! You don't understand how teddy and I feel!" He snaps.

"Are you serious?! I just said sorry and all you do is slap me?!" He snarls at him, but he refuses to listen and insults him.

"You deserve it stupid devil!" He scorns him, but Hideo doesn't hold back as his eyes turn bloody red and grab his collar shirt.

"Hideo!" Yui shrilled with a worried look as she watches Hideo glaring menacingly at Kanato.

"I don't give a damn about you said to me you obnoxious brat! Now stop your bitching and walk away!" He demanded with a low demonic voice which sends shivers down to Yui's spine. Hell this isn't the first time we heard Hideo going berserk before. He then let's go of him and grab the empty soda can as he walks away with an angry look.

Yui then came up to Kanato with a worried look.

"Kanato k-"

"Don't touch me!" He snarls at her which he flinches and picks up his teddy bear.

"Let's go teddy." He grumbled as he stands up and teleports back to his room.

"Tch he's so childish." Kenta coldly said as Hideo came back from the kitchen with his eyes revert back to brown, but he still remain agitated.

"No shit, I just apologized him, but nooo he just have to be a huge dick-of-a-brat!" He sneers, but I put a hand on his shoulder.

"Relaxed, he's gone now." I assured him calmly.

"Yeah, yeah." He replied nonchalantly as he turns to Yui and gives her a hand.

"You okay? That guy is such a pain isn't he?" He asked bluntly as Yui grab his hand, he pulls her back up and she wipe the dust from her skirt

"No, I'm fine and don't worry about him, he's always like this...." she replied with a kind smile.

"Geez what's going on with you guys?" Blake asked as she walk downstairs wearing a white baseball cap on her head, a dark blue hoodie, black leggings, and maroon sneakers.

***Blake's outfit^***

To be clear, Blake looks pretty cool and badass while wearing that. And I like how she doesn't go full on gangster. No. She's fine the way she is.

Blake's POV:
As I walked downstairs, my friends were staring at me like I was some kind of celebrity. Hell even Yui can't stop staring at me. As I walk towards my friends, Hideo gave me an intrigued smirk.

"Damn Blake, you look fine." Hideo compliment her with Yui gazing at me.

"So handsome...." She uttered while gazing at her cool appearance.

"Hehe thanks guys, I tried." I chuckled.

"So you're going right now?" Kenta asked.

"Yeah, I have to go there quickly. I even told told Reiji about it too." I remind them.

"Very well, but be careful out there." Cyrus warned me, but I nod at him with a chill smile.

"Don't worry about it, I'll be fine." I assured him as Yui grab my hand with a sweet grin.

"Can I come too?" She asked with a small blush.

"I mean...if you don't mind..." She mutters shyly with a timid grin while blushing.

God she's cute.

I thought with a grin and pats her on the head.

"Thanks Yui, but I have to go alone. Maybe next time we could hang out okay?" I assured her.

"Oh..a-alright then..." She shyly replied as she bows her head down to me and scurries back upstairs with her hands covering her mouth.

Once Yui went upstairs, Hideo finally lets out his laughs and snickers before bursting out of laughter.

"Pfft priceless! Hahaha!!!" Hideo cackled, but I nudged him in the rib.

"Ow! That hurts!" He whined.

"Will you just quit it? Who cares if she sees me as a boy? So what's the point of laughing?" I asked a bit agitatedly.

"But it's the truth bad boy kun.~" He assures me as I groan annoyingly when Laito appeared in the room.

"Worst timing ever Laito!" I coldly remarked.

"Awww But I want to be part of your little squad too.~" He playfully teased.

"Oh shut up and don't follow me while I'm at work you pervert." I warned him as I walk out of the room and left the mansion with an annoyed expression.

Once I left the mansion, I glance at the sky where there no clouds which is a good time to fly.

"Well it's now or never." I said as I summon my black wings and jump up to the sky as I fly my way to the city.

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