[Vol. 3] Chapter 68

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The empress didn't leave the chamber and Rei had started to give me a new lesson on making tea for the tea ceremony.

I was already good at making tea since Arashi had taught me that while we were living in Godoyama. She was a bit surprised at the taste because it was perfect.

As I was playing with Rei's son, Rei was telling me about Arashi. "He used to be clumsy but he wouldn't let anyone walk over him."

I chuckled. "He still is like that."

We heard the study chamber's door opening and we both looked there. And saw there was Akio and her two maids standing. As she entered, her maids stayed behind and closed the door. They stood outside.

She had an expensive kimono and ornaments and she looked beautiful with small lips, big eyes and long silky hair.

Rei said, "Akio, what made you come over here?"

"Sister Rei... I was just planning to meet our new sister but I didn't have time as I wasn't feeling well." She said smiling and came near as I sat straight.

I looked at Rei asking if I should bow but she shook her head. I was pretty confused about who I should pay respect to and whom I should just talk with informally.

I smiled at Akio and she seemed a bit displeased. She smiled back and sat beside us. "I hope I am not interrupting anything."

"No, Akio, you aren't. You can come here whenever you wish to." Rei smiled.

"So, what is sister Akari teaching to sister Bianka?" She asked and I noticed she didn't call Rei by her name, instead she called her Akari. I heard Akio was a favourable distant cousin yet she still didn't have the position to call Arashi and his sister by their royal names.

I was a bit curious as to why there were so many differences in the royal family.

"Tea ceremony." Rei answered.

"I have yet to learn everything." I said smiling and although Akio was smiling, her face didn't betray what she was feeling. She looked a bit disgusted and I didn't know why. Was it because they thought I was a farmer's daughter?

It could be. I sighed internally. Royals with their royal thoughts. I could never be able to win over those.

Akio started to chat with Rei and I was still playing with her son. Her son was so attached to me by now that he won't leave me.

Akio suddenly said to me, "Sister Bianka, I am really sorry for my behavior the other day. I was just worried about grandfather emperor."

I shook my head. "It is alright. I know everyone was worried."

"No. I still feel bad for treating you like this." She said as her face became sad. "It is because they both had been looking after me and my mother since my father died."

I nodded and looked at Rei as I had no idea her dad wasn't alive. I felt bad for her.

Rei said, "Akio is our distant cousin. Her father was a Duke and then the next heir, her cousin brother took the throne and cast them away."

"Oh! I am so sorry." I said and Akio shook her head.

"It is alright, sister Bianka. We have long forgotten about that."

And then Rei said looking at her son, "Would you excuse me, I have to go tell the head maid to prepare some milk. It is Noya's meal time."

We both nodded as Rei said, "Bianka, please look after my son."

"Of course!"

As soon as she went out Akio said, "How do you like it here?"

"I am good. Everyone is very welcoming."

"No, I meant. How do you like it here living in a palace because you had been living in a poor, dirty house till now..." She said as I got startled. Her innocent face somehow changed into a vile one and those sadness were nowhere to be found.

I looked at her as she said, "Don't think that you can marry brother Arashi. You don't have the status to marry him."

"What do you mean?"

"All these training you are doing are all just to make you his concubine so his official wife wouldn't have any problems." She gave a tight lipped smile as the ground beneath my feet perished.

My heart started to thump. Grandmother empress wouldn't do that to her own grandson, should she?

"But she won't do that because Arashi-" I recalled I wasn't allowed to call him by his name. I corrected immediately, "Prince Arashi wouldn't agree with that."

She raised a brow and asked, "Are you sure?"

My brows ceased together on my forehead as I felt it could be possible that once the emperor woke up, he would decide that I wasn't a worthy wife for him since I had no status. And if I disclosed my real status, I'd get annihilated.

My hands and feet got cold but there was a trust that Arashi wouldn't agree to. Or would he?

He loved his grandparents that was why he came back immediately after knowing he was sick. He could agree with them if they said they wanted another princess to get married to him.

"Arashi wouldn't do that." I said as I looked at Akio. "He loves me."

"Oh! He used to love another princess too." She said and my eyes went wide.

"Say, sister Bianka?" She asked me as she got closer, "Do you want to know her name?"

My throat dried and my heart pumped in my ears. She whispered, "Her name was Yukina."

"She was just a normal princess but grandfather emperor didn't let him marry her." She said, smiling sinisterly. "On the other hand, I got a good position and I have both of their favor."

And I knew what she meant by that. She certainly was right about that. At this moment, the most suitable candidate was Akio. She was a distant cousin and she was a Duke's daughter. She also was a favorable grandchild of both the emperor and the empress.

However, her smile faded immediately and turned into a yelp as Rei's son, Prince Noya grabbed a fist full of her long hair and was pulling it harshly.

"Noya! Let go of my hair!" She exclaimed but Noya was still small to understand as he giggled and pulled her hair again. This time a few strands came off and I resisted my laugh.

"Noya, please don't do this. You are hurting Princess Akio." I said and Noya looked at me with his big black eyes. He let go off her hair and grabbed my clothes instead. He squeaked and let out another giggle and it sounded like he just scoffed at Akio.

"That damn little...!" Akio exclaimed as she started to sooth her skull and glared at the small Prince.

I said, "Well, it seems like not everyone in this palace favors you, Princess Akio."

She glared at me and I said, "I don't care about the status or what kind of worth anyone has in this palace. I don't care if Arashi had a lover in the past. I will still love him like I used to even if I don't get married to him, I will always be by his side no matter what."

"Don't you have any shame to call Brother Arashi by his name!" She growled, "He has far more status than you!"

"But I have his permission, unfortunately." I said and said to Noya, "And I also have permission to call Prince Noya by his name, don't I?"

He giggled at me and leaned on my chest as he started to play with my hair and we both ignored Akio as she huffed in anger.

"Don't get carried away. Once the grandfather emperor wakes up! You will be the one to cry first."

And she left.

I sighed and asked the little Prince, "Do you think the emperor will approve of me?"

He smiled innocently, giving me a perfect view of his small four teeth. I chuckled at him and he pulled my hair as our noses touched. He giggled.

My heart warmed up and I asked, "If Arashi didn't marry me, would you marry me, my prince?"

He chuckled and pulled my hair again as I burst into laughter. Children certainly had their ways to tell that I was about to cheat on Arashi.



Sorry about the late updates. I am studying so hard as my exam starts the first week of September. And I haven't studied at all! *smiles in pain

So, I am studying all day. I thought of updating some of the chapters but I have no time after I come from teaching at school.

Hope you are not offended... C'yall!

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