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Revelation of ommkara truth...

Gauri don't know how to start her journey.....
She reach manali... check in a hotel....
After fresh up she look at her pictures with her parents in her mobile ...

She smile with tears....

"I miss you "

She said....

"Tell me na mumma papa.... what is happening with me.... how I will find my answers?"

She said herself.....
Then she remember something...

"Rosy anti.... yes.... may be rosy anti would help me"

She said with a hope....

She quickly get ready and went out to meet her rosy anti....





She is standing in front of a flower shop..... try to search someone....

A young boy came to her....

"Mam.... do you want something "

That boy ask...

"Did you know rosy desuza?  I am searching for her "

Gauri ask....

"Ohh... she is my grand Maa.. ..she is ill so  she is inside our house.... you are?"

"I am Gauri sharma.... raghav sharma's daughter.... rosy anti know me"

She said....

"Ohh... come with me.... I will met you with her"

The young boy said  and Gauri follow him...






They reach a small house.... the boy introduce Gauri with his mother....
The young lady take her to a small room in which an 80 year old woman is laying....

Gauri felt so happy to meet her again.... but sad to see her illness.. She sit on a chair beside her....

"Mom... someone is come to meet you"

That young lady said...
The old lady open her eyes slowly and see Gauri ....

"Who.... who are you my child"

Rosy anti ask....

"Anti.... I am Gauri.... Gauri sharma.... do you remember.... raghav sharma's daughter "

Gauri said smiling....
Rosy anti recognized her....
She smile widely....

"Gauri... my child "

She got so happy and try to get up.... the young lady and Gauri help her to sit...

"Gauri.... my little girl.... omg... you grow up.... looking so beautiful "

She said and Gauri smile...
Rosy anti is Gauri parents  maid when they were living in manali...

Gauri is close to her rosy anti....
But after they leave manali they didn't meet.... rosy anti know about Gauri parents death....

"How are you my child.... "

She ask ...

"I am fine anti.... but you are not well.... why didn't you call me"

Gauri ask sadly....

"Don't be sad beta... it's natural... I am getting old now"

She said smiling.... Gauri smile back.... Gauri is hesitating to ask  rosy anti anything....
But she notice and ask Gauri...

Gauri told her everything and ask if she help her....

"I don't know why all this happening with you beta.... your birth is normal..."

"But anti.... please help me... do you remember anything strange in my childhood..."

Gauri ask hopefully...

Rosy anti try to remember....

"Yes.... your mom was always said something which was really strange "

"What was that anti"

"Your  mom always said that whenever she leave you alone... she always spot a strange animal or person around you"

She said and Gauri is shock...

"Animal? "

"I ask but your mom said she didn't able to recognise what was that.... but it's something big kind of things which follow you always... She was really worried for you that days... when you were 5 your mom did a big pooja for you.... And after that she never saw that animal near you"

She said....

Gauri is more confused now....

"I just know only this beta.... I don't know further "

Rosy anti said....

"It's ok anti.... thanks a lot.... I will take your leave now... you please take rest"

Gauri said smiling....







Gauri is walking on road sadly...
She is in back to square one again.... don't know what to do... how to do... where she will go.... where she will find answers....

She spot a shiva temple road side.... She went there...
The temple is empty...

She sit in front of the idol....
She stare the statue for sometime....

Tear rolling on her cheeks....

"Why sankarji.... why all this happening with me... what was my fault.... did I hurt someone badly that you are punishing me like this.... tell me na"

She said crying...

"Today is again full moon day... again I will see that horrible dream.... what is the connection of that dreams in my life? When I will find answer..."

She said sobbing..... She is really done from all this...

Finally after sometime she calm down and decide to return hotel.....

It's getting dark now....






She is trying to stop any taxi from an hour but no one stop...
Now she is standing alone on road....

"Oh god... now how I will reach hotel"

She on her mobile torch because it's dark night... before the full moon come the night look more darker.... but today clouds  hide the moon...

After few minutes the road is empty.... Gauri is getting bad vibes for now.... there is no sign for any help.... so she decides to walk....






After few metres of walking...
Gauri heard scary voices from her behind... like an angry dog or lion...
She froze at her spot when she realise it is not one but more...

She gulp in fear because she is in trouble now.... She slowly turn back... her eyes go wide when she saw more than two angry  wolfs there....

She quickly turn and run as fast as she could....
And the wolfs follow her...

"Help.... help"

She is shouting while running...
She turn back still running... She is not faster than this animal...

One of them jump on her... She fall on road and scream.... her phone fall down...


She felt nothing upon her...
She is breathing heavily...
Slowly open her eyes and shock to see the scene....

A man is standing between her and wolfs.... one of wolf is on floor injured....

Gauri slowly stood behind that man.... his back is facing her.. but she could see his tall figure and long hair...

Gauri is too scared....

"I told you to get away from her...but I think you all want to die now"

That man roared.... the 2 wolf is looking more angry.... they run towards the man and jump...

The man throw them a little far in a swift....
Then he turn to Gauri....

Gauri is more shock....

"Mr oberoi "

She whisper scared....
It's ommkara..... who's anger at it's peck now....

And Gauri saw a wolf come from his behind and attack him...ommkara  quickly hold that wolf mouth with his hands....

And the next second he tore that wolf into two pieces....


Gauri scream...
It is so horrible that no one can handle.... Gauri is crying scared.... but ommkara not seems to notice her...

Gauri can't understand who is he.... how he can kill wolfs....
How he came here....

And the next second she got her answers.... when the moon come out from the clouds....

The moment moon light fall on ommkara.... he scream loudly...


And his brown eyes turn into ice blue colour.... his nail turn longer.... And within seconds he turn to something else.....

"Werewolf "

Gauri whisper in shaking voice....

Ommkara turn into a half wolf half  human....

  Yes.... ommkara is a wolf...

The first injured wolf and the third wolf come in front of ommkara to fight.... now ommkara is looking  too dangerous....





Omg.... ommkara is a wolf... what is Gauri connection with all this? How her past is related to them.... let's see


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