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So here is the update....


Gauri whisper.... she is not in a state after see ommkara like that.... she want to run but her legs are not moving.... she is scared to the core....

While the half human and half wolf ommkara is ready to fight with the 2 wolf.....

2 wolfs attack him at the same time.... he attack them too...

Ommkara throw one of wolf a little far. .. While holding the second wolf neck...
The wolf scratch his face... And he punch the wolf....wolf  fall down.....

Ommkara quickly come top of on the wolf and ...... bite his neck cruelly.... blood splash everywhere.....


Gauri scream loudly.... And crying.... she can't take it...
The wolf dead .... Ommkara (wolf) looks up still his mouth cover with blood....

Gauri is crying badly....
Then the next wolf jump to attack ommkara.....

Ommkara  (wolf) quickly take out a silver knife and put it in that wolf stomach.... And the next second the wolf fall on floor dead..

Finally the three wolfs are dead...  Ommkara  (wolf) roared loudly..... then he looked at gauri.... he is looking so dangerous....

Gauri is crying badly.... Don't know what to do.... she want to run but her whole body is shaking....

"Please.... please leave me...please "

She plead crying..... she is too scared after see all this.... anyone could faint in fear... but don't know how she is still standing....

Ommkara  (wolf)  see her condition and try to calm himself.... And his wolf figure change into human....

But Gauri already scared....
Somehow she gain strength and start running.... without looking back she run for her life.... she think he would kill her....

Finally ommkara get his human form.... but his shirt was tore and blood is everywhere on his body and mouth.... as he fight with wolfs.....

He see Gauri is running from him.... he get worried... is she hate him.... no
He have to explain her everything.....

He started following her....

"Gauri..... stop please listen to me.... Gauri please "

He is pleading.... but Gauri don't want to hear or face him.... she was scared.... she run more fast with all her energy....

While ommkara is trying to catch her.... he have power of super speed but right now he can't use his power..... because he use the silver knife and silver made wolfs weak for sometime....

(I search on Google about wolfs and add more to myself... so May be some scenes would be illogical... but it needed for the story)

Gauri is running in darkness... the roads are not visible so she went towards forest by mistake....

But she is running and running... hearing ommkara voice she increases her speed... but soon she get tired..... she breathing heavily.... Finally her energy finish and her pace slow....

Ommkara reach near her.... Gauri turn to him breathing heavily.....

"Please.... leave.... leave me.... I "

Gauri plead.... Ommkara hurt to see her like this.....

"Gauri please let me explain once.... please "

He plead with tearful eyes and move forward....

"No.... don't come to me please"

She move backwards....
And suddenly she lost balance and fall....


She didn't notice there is a pond and she fall on that cold water.... drowning....


Ommkara scream and quickly jump on pond...

Under water....
Gauri is trying to get out but suddenly stop to see something...

Ommkara is coming towards her..... she stop not because of fear... but she remember something.... like it happens before.... she is drowning and ommkara save her.... she heard some sound and some flashes come to her eyes...

Sounds and flash....

A girl: Ommkara...... omm...

A boy: Gauri...... I am here.... Gauri.... I will save you...


Suddenly she felt ommkara hold her and take her out from the pond....
He stood at the ground and holding her in bridal style...

Gauri cough 3-4 times.... And then look at him....

"Gauri.... are you ok? "

He ask tensed.... Gauri lost somewhere.... seeing in his eyes again some flashes come...

A girl: *giggling * catch me.... omm.... *giggling * catch me...

A boy: Gauri.... *giggling * Gauri stop.... I am tired now...


Ommkara is still worried and Gauri got unconscious suddenly....






Next day....

Morning ....

Ommkara is standing near window in a house..... he already clean his body and change his dress...

He was staring at the person who is on bed.... it was his Gauri....

She is still unconscious....
There is another person sitting on sofa.... it's tej...

"Dad.... please say something "

Ommkara finally spoke...

"What to say ommkara.... I told you to control yourself... but you "

Tej said angrily.....

"So what do you want me to do?  Leave my Gauri in danger?"

Ommkara reply angrily...

"I didn't say like that.... but now see what happens... Gauri saw your  real form before time... she still not remember anything... "

Tej said...

"I will make her remember everything "

Ommkara said...

"And you think it's easy"

Tej said and ommkara went silent....

"If she didn't remember anything then?  She will hate you.... she will scared from you..... And apart from that Danish will be  more dangerous now "

Tej said tensed....
Ommkara get more worried....

"Dad please do something.... you know.... I..... I love her"

Ommkara said with tearful eyes....
Tej's heart ache to see ommkara like this..... but he is helpless...
Now all are left in God's hand...






Danish is mad in anger....

"Danish.... please stop...."

Vikram said....

"He kill abhya.... I will kill him"

Danish said in anger...

"You know that is not possible still he had that powerful protection "

Maya reply....

"We will find out a solution soon "

Vikram said...

"No.... now we will attack him with all our force"

Danish said....

"Are you mad Danish.. .. he is more powerful then our whole team"

Vikram said...
Danish smirk...

"I had a perfect plan"





Gauri slowly open her eyes....
She found herself in a room....

She sit up and try to figure out where is she....

"Gauri.... you wake up.... how are you feeling now"

She heard a voice and turn that side.... Ommkara is sitting beside her.... with a worried face....

Ommkara cup her face and ask...

"Tell me na Gauri.... are you ok?"

Gauri is confused first but then remember everything about last night....

Her eyes goes wide in fear.... she quickly jerk his hands and got up from bed....
Ommkara is shock....

"Gauri... listen to me"

Ommkara said moving forward...

"Don't come to me..... please leave me.... what have I done to you?"

Gauri said crying....
Ommkara eyes fill with tear...
His love is scared from him...

He move forward try to explain  but Gauri run out from the room... but ommkara hold her hand ....

"Gauri please try to remember...."

" I said leave me"

Gauri pushed him and run to near by room and lock the door...

But ommkara quickly break the door and come to her.... Gauri scream in fear.... Ommkara hold her shoulder forcefully in anger....... Gauri is crying try to free herself....

"I said listen to me"

Ommkara roared.... Gauri is shivering in fear...

" I love you Gauri "

Ommkara confess..... Gauri stop moving and see his tearful eyes... he is in some kind of pain....

"Please listen to me.... once"

He plead.... Gauri for few seconds feel his pain.... but then again remember his monster side and afraid... she quickly pushed him and went to a corner of the room...

"Please let me go...."

She said crying..... Ommkara feel helpless.... tear rolling on his cheeks to see  his love scared from him.....

He quickly leave that room wiping his tears....

Gauri Sat on floor crying badly... she is feeling helpless now... what is happening here... why all this...

After few Minutes she is a little calm.... she slowly got up seeing towards the gate.... she want to escape from here.... so she slowly move forward but something stick on her feet....

She try to get it off.... but it still stuck.... she quickly pull that in her hands.... and its a old portrait.... she opened it fully and her eyes goes wide in see the painting....

It was her and ommkara painting..... they are looking happy in this...

And....  she remember everything..... she get all her answers.....  why all this happening.... who is ommkara... who are the wolfs... even who is she.... she remember everything.... about her past....





Ohh.... so Gauri remember everything... but what was that?  Wait for the next update 😉😉😉😉


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