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Gauri slowly open her eyes when the sun rays hit her eyes...
Her head is spinning and paining so much....

She slowly move her head.... to see her surrounding...
The sun is up high in the sky ....
It's afternoon now...

She found herself sitting under a tree.....
She try to stood up but her head is spinning so much .... she again Sat there....

Then she remember ayaan...tej and Danish.. ..
She get worried.... she found herself in forest.... she start panicked....


She called him panicked... she try to get up again but couldn't...
She is scared to imagine something happened with ayaan....

"Don't worry gauri.... your son will be here in few Minutes... after all he love his mother so much"

Danish said coming there with maya and few other men....
Gauri get angry to see them.. she realise it's the same place where she lost her ommkara... her love....

"Where is my ayaan you bloody moron .... you already destroyed everything in my life.... now what you want"

Gauri shout with tearful eyes...

"Ohh.... this much anger? I already told you I have nothing to do with you.... I just want your son"


"Because he will give me what I want .... the power of this crystal "

Danish said showing the crystal... Gauri get confuse...
Didn't he snatch this crystal from omm...? Then why he is not able to use the power of this?

"Your ommkara cheated on me ... he gave me the crystal but not tell me the special words which will  activate the power... and now I want that "

Danish said angrily....
Now Gauri remember what ommkara said that day.... he is right then...

"But what will ayaan do in all this? He don't know anything about the crystal Danish... please I am begging you.. leave my son..."

Gauri said...

"Just wait a little Gauri.... you will know everything "

Danish smirk....


Gauri turn and see ayaan is there with tej....


Gauri said with teary eyes...
Ayaan run and hug his mom...
Gauri hug him tightly....
She broke the hug...

"Why you came here ayaan?.. why ?"

Gauri ask worried....

"Maa... I can't leave you in danger"

"Here is danger for you ayaan... why you came.... I don't want to lose you"

Gauri is crying....

"I am sorry Gauri beta.... but I can't leave you like this... I again fail"

Tej said worried.... who is standing there with guilt...

"Ohh just stop your melod drama.... I have lot's of work "

Danish said irritated...
Ayaan turn and glare at him...

"What do you want?"

Ayaan ask bravely....

"Wow.... I like you boy.... you direct come  to the point.... "

Danish smirk...

"Don't waste my time.... just tell me what do you want and leave my mom"

Ayaan warn...

"Hmm... right... let's don't waste our time.... so get ready for a surprise first.... meet someone then I'll tell you what I want"

Danish said....


Ayaan ask....
Gauri and tej are confuse...

Danish sign and some man bring a glass coffin...
They put the coffin in front of gauri and ayaan.. ..

The same glass coffin which  buried in the well since years...

Gauri and ayaan stood up and watch that coffin....
When they observe it ....

Gauri eyes go wide in shock and fill with tear....
While ayaan is totally shock...not able to react....

"Ommkara "

Gauri whisper.... tear rolled on her cheeks.... she couldn't believe in her eyes.... can it's really true.... can it's really ommkara who is laying inside the coffin?

Ayaan feel his body is numb...
There inside the coffin his papa is laying.... his papa whom he thought will never come back ...
Is in front of him.... is this true or just his imagination?....

Tej is also in same shock....

"Omm "

Gauri run towards the coffin but maya caught her.... Gauri is crying badly.... not believe in it...
Ayaan is still in shock...

"Relax Gauri.... there is another surprise for you...  it's just ommkara body.... but he will be alive if your son help me"

Danish said.... Gauri look at him confuse with tearful eyes...
Ayaan come out of sense... look at Danish....

"What do you mean?"

Gauri ask....

Danish tell them the way how ommkara would come back
With the help of ayaan...

"So tell me little boy... do you want your papa back? Then just go and pull out the knife.... then your papa will be back.. . He will live with you forever .. "

Danish said with an evil smile....
Ayaan is just couldn't believe....
Can he will get ommkara back...
Of course.... he want it...

"You are laying Danish.. .. nothing will like that.... I know ommkara is gone and never come back... please leave us... leave my son please"

Gauri saiy crying....

"Oh... then ask tej about it.... he know very well"

Danish said looking at tej who is holding by two man....
Gauri and ayaan look at tej for answer....
Tej don't know what to say...

"Is this true dadu?  Can my papa will come back?"

Ayaan ask innocently  with tearful eyes....
He missed his father in these years.... and now his little heart is craving for his father's love...after know it's possible to take him back.... he want it...

"Papa please say something "

Gauri ask sobbing..... she don't want to leave this chance to get back her love...

"Yes.... Danish is right"

Finally tej said.... but he is tensed....

Gauri and ayaan smile in tear.. .

"See.... I told you... now go and pull out the knife ayaan... and get back your papa"

Danish said....

Ayaan wipe his tears and about to go....

"No ayaan stop.... don't do this"

Tej stop him... all look at him...

"Why dadu? Don't you want papa back in our life"

"Yes I want.... but you don't know what this Danish planning... he just want your papa back so he would blackmail him and get the words  to use the power of the crystal from him"

Tej said....
Danish greet his teeth in anger...

"What do you mean? "

Gauri ask...

"Once ommkara come back ... Danish surely blackmail him .... threaten him that he would kill  you and ayaan.... and get the words to use the power of the crystal... and ommkara won't able to save you because he will  powerless for sometime after wakes up.... don't do this ayyan"

Tej plead....

Ayaan and Gauri was shock...

"Shut up you old jerk"

Danish said and punch tej...
He fall on floor injured ...

"Dadu "


Gauri and ayaan scream...
Danish turn to them and then tej.. .

"And you think that if this boy don't  do it... I will leave you all?  No.... never.... I'll kill you all"

Danish said....

"Ommkara gave his life to save the crystal from him ayaan.... don't waste his sacrifice.... don't do it"

Tej said with difficulty...

"If you do what I said then May  I'll leave them... but if you won't do it.... I'll kill everyone... the decision is yours little one"

Danish said....

Ayaan look at his mom and dadu.... Gauri is crying badly....
While tej is pleading not to do it...

Finally ayaan take a deep breath and walk forward to coffin.... towards his papa... he want him back and he have to save his mom and dadu...
Danish smirk....

Ayaan stood in front of the coffin....
The men open it....
Ayaan was amazed to see his father.... he is looking same as in  pictures....
He stare at his father's body for few Minutes.... he still not believe that his father is here... his eyes fill with tears...

"Do it ayaan.... otherwise "

Danish warn...
Ayaan Sat on his knees....
He take a deep breath and slowly hold the knife with his both little hands...

Then he try to pull it out....
But it stuck.....
Ayaan try his best.... but still not work.... Gauri is watching without blink....

Then he take a deep breath and use all his powers and pull the knife....
Finally he succeed....
He pull the knife out but due to the force he fall on floor while holding the knife....

Gauri breath hitched..... her heart beat stop for a second....

Few minutes paas.. .but there is no movement in Ommkara's body....

"Why he is not alive yet"

Danish shout frustrate....

(Isko marne ki bahat jaldi hai 😂😂😂)

Everyone is confuse.... why ommkara is not alive after pull out the knife....


Ayaan whisper with tear....
His little heart had hope to get back his father.... but can it's all gone?

But then suddenly the hole of Ommkara's heart is healing....
Everyone is holding their breaths.. ..

And then ommkara open his eyes....

Gauri... tej and ayaan smile while Danish smirk....



Everyone is looking at  the devil (danish) till the real devil (Ommkara)  is back 😈😈😈😈

Only 2-3 chappy is left to complete this story..

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