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And then.... ommkara open his eyes....

Gauri and ayaan smile in tears....
Danish smirk.....

Ommkara stare at the sky first....
Then his eyes run here there....


Gauri called softly still standing far from the coffin....
But ommkara hear it...
He try to sit on but he felt so weak....
But somehow he sit up and look here there....

Ayaan stood up a side staring at his papa.... he still not believe in it....

Finally ommkara notice Gauri...
Stood there....
He smile a little but shock to see Danish,maya and tej there....
He thought the time has same...
It's the same time when he try to save Gauri from Danish.. .
Because he is unaware from ayaan and all these things...

He come out from the coffin with difficulty....
He is shock to see everything...
His eyes meet with Gauri...
He still not see ayaan there....

Gauri run and hug him... she is afraid that if it's a dream then?
She don't want to wake up..
She cry hugging him....
Ommkara hug her back tightly...
He is still confused.... how he still alive?
He creat a strom to save Gauri..
Danish and Maya was already carried away.... then how they are here? And where is the knife stabbed by Danish to him ?

Gauri cup his face while crying badly....

"Ommkara.... you.... you ok"

Gauri ask...ommkara Just staring at her....but nods to see her condition..

"I still not believe that you came back.... I was living in hell in these years omm... I love you.... I love you so much"

Gauri said and hug him again...

Ommkara hug her tightly again... but his again confused to all those things.... he is still silent....
Ommkara look at tej but he is helplessly looking at them.. ..

Ayaan was still standing there like rock.... looking at his parents....

"If your melod drama is over.... can we talk"

Danish said....
Now ommkara look at Danish with his bloodshot red eyes...
Still hugging Gauri....

He realise no matter what's the time.... Gauri is still in danger... he have to save her from this monster.... he is still unaware from another responsibility he have.... ayaan..

He broke the hug and look at gauri....

"I am here"

Ommkara said cupping her face...
Gauri remember ayaan and look at him...
But ommkara is looking at Danish....
Gauri turn to ommkara to tell him about ayaan but...

"What do you want Danish.... why you can't leave Gauri... I already told you it's our fight.... don't include Gauri in it"

Ommkara warn Danish....
Gauri is unable to say anything...

"After all these years lock in a coffin.... you still have courage to talk to me huh... great"

Danish said...

"These years?"

Ommkara said confuse....
But Danish continue...

"You have to thank me that I save you and give you a new life again.... you have to obey to me ommkara.... "

"What are you saying? "

Ommkara ask again....
Gauri understand ommkara is confuse.. ..

"Ommkara.... you have been locked in this coffin for 6 years... and now you came back because...."

Gauri said but Danish cut her inbetween....

"Because of me.... Ommkara I perseve your body.... I search the way to make you alive... so thank me"

Danish smirk....

"It's because you want to fulfil your motive Danish.... you are so cheap"

Tej shout...

Danish punch tej.... he fall on floor....


Ommkara try to run but fall on his knees.... because he is weak...
Gauri hold him....

"Omm.... are you Ok?"

Ommkara look at Danish....

"Why you are hurting him.? Leave him"

Ommkara said...

"Ok... I'll leave him and Gauri also .... but just give me what I want"

Danish said....

"What do you want?"

Ommkara ask...

"Those words to activate the power of this crystal "

Danish said....

"No.... I am not going to give you it"

Ommkara said...

"You bastard.... I give you a life and you are denying me? I am asking you one last time.... are you going to give me "

Danish warn..

"No... never... I am able to save Gauri and papa from you"

Ommkara said and try to change his form as wolf but couldn't....
Danish laugh...
Ommkara is shock to this...

"Why..... I am not converting "

Ommkara said...

"You are powerless ommkara... you can't do anything rather than obey to me"

Danish said...

"Never ever Danish "

"Ok then... as your wish"

Danish said gritting his teeth...
He sign his men and they hold Gauri and separate her from ommkara....

Gauri scream ... Ommkara try to hold her but he is helpless.....

"Danish leave him"

Ommkara shout...

"You force me to kill her ommkara "

Danish said...
Tej try to free himself but fail...

The men throw her on floor...
Ommkara is shock.... he try to stood up but fail.... he can't let her die....

"Leave my maa"

A loud and dangerous voice came....
All turn and look a blue eyed boy is standing there.... he is extremely angry.... ayaan...

First time ommkara see that boy.. ..who is he? And what he is doing here? Ommkara thought...

Before anyone react that boy run with super speed and kick that mens.. . They fall on floor screaming in pain....
Ayaan sit near his mom...

"Maa... are you Ok?"

Ayaan ask worried...
Gauri wipe her tears and noded.. . Ommkara was shock to see ayaan powers...
Then ayaan turn to Danish with his angry eyes....

"Don't you dare to touch my Maa.. .. my papa is powerless but not me.... don't forget what I had done with you in my hoise"

Ayaan warn... he is not afraid...

Ommkara is in utter shock....

"Maa? Papa?"

Ommkara whipsr staring at the blue eyed boy... he couldn't understand what is going on... who is this boy? Why he is calling Gauri as Maa?

"I know little boy.... but may be you don't know right now you all are in my trap... if your father wouldn't agree I'll kill you all... and if you creat any problem then I'll kill your papa again and you can't do anything "

Danish warn....

"I'll kill you"

Ayaan shout and push Danish.. .

"Ayaan "

"Ayaan "

Tej and Gauri scream... ayaan turn and saw two mans are stood near gauri and tej placing knife on their neck...

"I told you little boy.... don't be smart... just stay here"

Danish said....
Ayaan don't know what to do...

"Father? "

Finally ommkara spoke confused staring at the boy...

"Ohh... I forgot to introduce you... Ommkara meet your son ayaan.... he is really brave"

Danish mock...

Ommkara look at boy in wonder.... his son? But .... how is this possible....
Ayaan is staring at him...


Ommkara ask

"If you not believing then ask Gauri.... and your son is the one who pull the knife and give you life back"

Danish said...
Man leave Gauri...
Ommkara look at gauri in wonder.... then the the boy.... asking her silently the answer...

Gauri nods to ommkara while sobbing....

Shock.... is a really small word what is ommkara feeling now...
He look at ayaan again....
Try to figure out he is not imagine things....

Ayaan also staring at his father with his innocence eyes.... Ommkara is felt different ... a different type of love for this boy.... May be the father inside him wakes up....
But Before he say anything....
Danish hold ayaan's neck hardly and place him on a tree...
Choking him....
Ayaan struggle to breath....

"Noooo.... please leave my son"

Gauri scream and try to run but maya hold her.... she is crying... pleading to leave him son... tej also do the same...
Ayaan had power but if he do something then Danish will harm his parents...

"If you want to save your son then tell me those words ommkara "

Danish shout....
Ommkara try to get up but fail...

"Nooo.... please don't hurt my son.... I'll..... I'll give you "

Finally ommkara said... he just received the news that he is became a father .... and here his son life is in danger because of him....

Danish smirk...
He leaves ayaan... he fall on floor...
Gauri run and hug ayaan while crying.....

Danish went to ommkara....
Finally ommkara told him the words..... Danish smirk and then laugh....

"What you had done ommkara.... he is not going to leave us"

Tej said....

"You are right.... I am gonna kill you all... but.... not before showing my powers.... see how I gain all the powers from the crystal "

Danish said....
Ommkara is trying his best to get his power back but fail...
Gauri is scared....tej is helpless...
Ayaan is hugging his mom...don't know what to do...

Danish hold the crystal in his right hand started chanting the words... the crystal lit up...
Ommkara is helpless....

"I am not gonna let this happen"

Tej shout and kick those man... he run and snatch the crystal from Danish hand ....

Danish and all shock...
Tej run to other side and try to throw the crystal away .... but...

Someone stab a silver knife on his neck....


"Daaduuu "

Rikara and ayaan scarem...
Tej chock his breath and turn...
It's maya who stab him... wearing gloves....she holds the knife....

Tej fall on floor....
His body starts to burn....
Gauri and ayaan is crying but can't do anything trapping by mans.....

Ommkara sobbed.... try his best to stood and run to tej but couldn't..... he can't save that person who gave him a new life...

Tej look at ayaan... Gauri then ommkara....

"I am sorry"

These are his last words....and he died.... his body turn into ash....


Ommkara cried...
As Gauri and ayaan....

"You kill my dadu.... I'll kill you "

Ayaan shout....
Danish snatch that crystal from tej hand.... and look at ayaan...

"Maya.... kill this boy now.... I just really hate him more than ommkara "

Danish order....

"Nooooo.... please "

Gauri cry....
Mens hold Gauri and separate her from ayaan.... Gauri try her best to protect her child... but

Maya hold ayaan hand and make him stood up....
Ayaan is broken to see his dadu like this... he try to free himself but fail....

"Please leave my son.... kill me but leave him"

Gauri cried....

"Ommkara.... save our son"

" don't touch my son... otherwise I'll rip you apart alive maya "

Ommkara warn... and it's like final warning....

Maya ignore and rise the knife to stab ayaan....
Gauri scream....
But before it touch ayaan....
Someone hold her hand tightly....

Maya and ayaan turn aside only to witness this....

Gauri...ayaan... maya.... Danish everyone get shocked....
Because ommkara's eyes has turn into ice blue colour and his nails are big now.....




Next chappy is the last one...
I am gonna miss this story yaar 😣😣😣


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