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Revelation of the hoodie boy..


Ahana is driving....

Gauri is sitting on passenger seat..... She didn't know why she felt like that whenever she meet ommkara....

Plus monika's words also scaring her..... along with her .... her friends also in danger..

"Gauri..... please tell me why you are restless "

Ahana ask....
Gauri sigh....

"Ahana please.... I just want to go home"

"Ok fine"

Ahana reply.... then she  concentrate on driving....

Gauri was so tensed.... but suddenly she saw someone is standing on road.... ahana is going to hit that person...

"Ahana... stop the car"

Gauri scream loudly .. .
Ahana was shock...

"Gauri.... what happened? "

"Stop "

Gauri again scream because the person is near them... and Gauri notice it was that black shadow.... but ahana is not seeing anyone on the road...


Gauri scream and turn the steering forcefully.....
As a result the car lose control and hit the side railing... turn two round and crash on road....
accident.... car is laying upside down on road.... totally damaged....

Gauri and ahana was injured badly....

Gauri open her eyes....
Mouning in pain...


She try to get up but she saw...
She was laying on road with blood stain.... her both leg are under the car.... her hand ,head was injured....she try to take of her legs but can't....

"Aahhh.... he.... help.... help"

She shout but no one is there...
It was late night.... and they take short cut so the roads are empty...

"Ahana?  Where is she? Ahana "

Gauri shout but no response...
The she looks at her right side and her heart stop beating...

Ahana was laying on road..
A little far from her...
Ahana head, hands everywhere is bathed with blood...

"Ahana..... ahana wake up... help...."

Gauri is in verge of crying...
Ahana is not responding....
She was laying like lifeless...
Gauri heart was crying to imagine if her best friend  left her....

She try to take off her legs...
But stop to see something more horrible than this...

That black shadow.... is standing near ahana.... Gauri recall monika's words.... is this shadow try to harm ahana?

She was shaking in fear....
But she gain courage....

"Who..... are you.... don't hurt.. her... She is innocent... please "

She plead crying....

That shadow didn't reply anything.... but walk the side of the road.... shadow come back by holding a big rock... stood near ahana.... raise that rock ..

It's like that shadow is going to hit ahana....

"Nooooo.... please please I beg to you.... don't harm her.... if you want them kill me... but leave her please "

Gauri was crying badly....
She is trying hard... struggling to get out.... to save her friend... but .....

"This girl have to pay for taking you to that astrologer "

That shadow reply with the same scary voice....

"Noo please.... help.... somebody help please  "

Gauri is crying...
She want to save her friend...
Just then she remember that rudraksh which monika bind on her wrist....

She quickly remove it from her wrist with her wounded hand...

"Sankarji.... please save her"

She said herself.... and threw it towards ahana with all the energy left inside her....

That shadow raise the rock to hit ahana... but fortunately that rudraksh come and land on ahana....
It was a pure thing which have lot's of positive energy...

That shadow jerk to the energy and left the rock.... now he can't touch ahana....

Gauri sigh in relief.... but soon found that shadow near her...

"Now who will save you "

That shadow said.... Gauri was froze.... because now she not had any protection....
But she have to stay strong...

"Why you want to kill me? What was my fault? "

She ask crying....

"You are someone's weakness... and I want to make him more weak"

That shadow reply and lean towards her.... Gauri close her eyes in fear.. .

But she felt nothing and open her eyes... only to found that hoodie boy....holding That shadow tightly...
From where he came? Gauri thought...
And then... the fight start....

The hoodie boy punch that shadow again and again...
Gauri come out of thoughts...
Now her first priority is ahana...


She again shout.... hoping someone would come and help...

That hoodie boy punch that shadow hard.... and he threw it a little far...

Then that hoodie boy came near gauri with super speed...
Gauri was looking at him helpless...

And suddenly that hoodie boy...
Hold the car and threw it in air and it landed far... he have some super natural power for sure....
Now Gauri legs are  free...
But she can't stand....

"I will kill her.... you can't save her"

That shadow again came near them....

"I told you to stay away from her.... Now you force me to kill you"

That hoodie boy reply....
Gauri is not in a state to understand anything....
And she don't want to...
Right now she is worried for ahana....

She can't stood but crawl and reach ahana.... She shake ahana.... crying badly...

That hoodie boy is fighting with that shadow....
He give a hard punch and that shadow again landed far away...

Gauri turn to that hoodie boy who is standing near her...
She was tired.... injured... don't have energy to speak now....

She looks up but can't see the hoodie boy properly.... her vision blur...

"Please.... help"

She said and faint....
That boy hold her beafore her head hit the road....
Then he layed her carefully on floor...

"For how long you save her from me"

He heard that shadow again ....
Hoodie boy stood up slowly...

"Till I am here... I will save her.... and sorry but today is your last day.... I am bore  of fighting with you now "

Hoodie boy reply with a smirk...

"You think that you will kill me? Don't forget who I am... no one kill me"

That shadow said....

"And I think you forget who am I..... I can do anything "

That boy said in anger....
It's look like that shadow was froze in fear realised something...

Just then.... the hoodie boy take off his hoodie and his face reveal....

"Ommkara "

That shadow said in fear....

Yes .... it was ommkara who is saving Gauri every time....

Before the shadow do something..... ommkara take out  a short silver knife from his pocket.... and with super speed he hit the shadow....

The shadow scream loudly and his body was erasing like smoke...

"Go and told him... who send you to kill my jaan.... he never even touch her since I am here"

Ommkara said gritted his teeth in  anger And  that shadow disappeared...
Ommkara put the knife inside his pocket and turn to the girls...

He lift an unconscious Gauri in his arms....

"I will never let you hurt.... I can't lose you again.... no one will take away you from me"

He said possessively ....



Woah.... so the hoodie person is ommkara... why he is saving her? Who is ommkara?   Who send that shadow to kill Gauri ?  More revelations is on the way...

Precap: gauri digging about her past.


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