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Gauri slowly open her eyes...
She found herself in her room...
She remembers that incident in restaurant.... that scary shadow.. that hoodie boy... everything...

She sit on bed scared.... breathing heavily and sweating...

"Gauri... you wake up?"

Gauri saw.... it was ahana....

"Ahana? You.... here.... how... I am"

"Relax Gauri..... first tell me are you ok.... how are you feeling now?"

Ahana ask worried....

"I am fine now.... but how I came here... I was in restaurant "

Gauri ask...

"Actually Mr ommkara Singh oberoi bring you here... She call me and I came.... I was really scared to see your situation yaar.... you were unconscious... what had happened in the restaurant? "

Ahana ask.... Gauri tell her everything.... ahana hug Gauri...

"Omg Gauri.... what is happening.... don't worry... everything will be fine"

Ahana console her...

Gauri broke the hug....

"It was not any nightmares ahana.... please believe me"

"I believe you Gauri.... I believe you"

Ahana said..

"But how Mr oberoi find my address... and how he know you are my friend?"

Gauri ask confused....

"I don't know.... I didn't ask him because I was really worried seeing your condition "

Ahana reply...

"I have to thank him for the help"

Gauri said....

"Hmm... I already thank him... in fact he was calling me every half an hour and asking about you"

Ahana said.... Gauri was confused....

"Why he is this much worried for me? I didn't even know him properly "

Gauri said...

"Don't know.... forget about it... right now we have to think about your problems.... we have to find a solution.... after hearing you I am really scared"

Ahana said...

"But how ahana.... it was not any mental problems that I could treat... I don't know "

Gauri was tensed...

"I know someone.... who might help you"

Aahana said...

"Ahana... you know that I never believe in any  necromancer ...."

Gauri said irritated...

"It was not any necromancer.... it was an astrologer.... She just help us to know the problem... then may be we find any solutions "

Ahana try to convince her...

"But ahana "

"Please gauri... trust me.... let's meet her once... tell me do you have any other options? "

Ahana said and gauri was silent...

"Before... you only saw all that in dreams... but now you are seeing them in real... it was getting worse....let's meet astrologer monika for once.."

Gauri sigh and nod because she had no option....





Evening...In OM..

Ommkara was sitting in his own bar.... enjoying his red wine.... he was lost somewhere... actually lost in Gauri thought...


As he know everything about Gauri...
He take her to her flat...
He called ahana and doctor...
They are on the way...

He sit beside her ....

He lean towards her with a smirk on his face.... his face just one inch apart from her... She was unconscious...

Ommkara run his index finger on her face...he inhaled her fragrance....

He runs his finger Through her cheeks to her lips.... he caress her lips ...

"I never saw a beautiful girl like you.... and a girl like you will only belongs to me... ommkara Singh oberoi always get what he want.... and you will be mine soon Ms Gauri "

He said and smirk...

Flashback end...

Ommkara was still thinking about her....

"Ommkara "

A loud voice came...
Ommkara turn from his seat only to find an angry sakshi...

She came to ommkara...

"Why are you not picking my calls?"

Sakshi ask...

"I was busy"

Ommkara reply least interested ....not  even looking at her....

"Ohh.... with that new bird right"

Sakshi ask angry...
Ommkara looked at her...

"What do you mean? "

Ommkara ask...

"What is all this ommkara...."

Sakshi show Him a video on her phone.... ommkara saw...
In all the news chennals and social media  there is news about him and Gauri...

In few hours.... the reporters spread the fake news that he is  having an affair with gauri...
Showing that picture of resturant  in which Gauri in his arms...

"So? What's the problem? "

Ommkara ask unaffected....

"What was the problem?  How could you do this with me ommkara... I am your girlfriend.... and you"

Ommkara suddenly pull her by her hand and twist it hardly behind her back...
Her back was facing him and he twisted her hand ...

"Ahh... omm leave me"

She plead...

"Don't forget that you are just a show off in my life... don't you dare to interfere in my life... I will do what I want.... I don't need to give you explaintion "

Ommkara said gritted his teeth in anger...
He push her and she fall on floor....

She looks up to him with anger and hurtful eyes....
While ommkara was more angry....

"Now get lost before I lose my control.... and don't you dare to ask me question again "

Ommkara warn her....
Sakshi stood up and went out in anger....

"You will pay for it omm"

Sakshi said herself and went out.....








Night.... 8:00 PM...

Gauri and ahana was sitting in a white room.... waiting for monika.....

"Ahana.... are you sure...we"

"Gauri.... let's try it"

Ahana said...

After few Minutes a girl came.. She was in same age like them..
She sit in front of them and smile....

Ahana introduce themselves....

"So tell me... what was the problem? "

She ask...

"Arm.... monika ji...she  has problems"

Ahana said seeing Gauri....
Gauri was hesitating....

"Don't worry gauri....  feel free... tell me your problems "

Monika ask....

Gauri sigh and told her everything.... from her nightmares to today incident...

Monika heard everything....
She think for sometimes and ask Gauri....

"Hmm.. . You are devoted to which Lord?"

"Lord shiva"

Gauri reply.... She have unbreakable faith on her shivji...
Monika nodded.. .
She take out a rudraksh from a tiny box.
She place the rudraksh on Gauri' s right  palm and tell her to hold it tight...
Gauri did...

Then monika hold Gauri same hand and close her eyes....

(Please read: I am also a shiv bhakt... but I never ever trust or support this kind of things... I never trust in black magic, astrologer etc... it's need for the story so I wrote..)

After few minutes she open her eyes and tell Gauri to open her palm....

Gauri open it and they got shock.... the rudraksh was turn black....

"Omg... it was... no"

Monika said panick...

"What happened? "

Gauri ask worried...
Monika take the rudraksh and keep it on table....

"What happened Monika... please tell"

Ahana ask...

Monika sigh and start....

"See... I didn't get everything... but there is something really dangerous in your life which is relatated to your past.... your life is in danger "

Gauri was confused....

"How your mom,dad expires "

Monika ask...

"In a car accident.... 1 years ago"

Gauri reply...

"No.... it was not an accident... that thing kill your parents and now it is behind you"

Monika reveal and they shock ...

"But there is something which is protecting  you from that evil thing ... that's why you are still alive... otherwise.... please be careful Gauri.... it was not a human.. . It was some kind of negative supernatural powers ... who wants to kill you"

Monika warn...

"But.... Why?"

Gauri ask tensed...

"Sorry... I didn't get that.... but it was somehow related to your past"

Monika reply....

"Tell us some solutions please"

Ahana said.... Gauri was really scared...

"See... my work is just telling you the problems... I am not able to give you solutions ... you have to find out about your past and then you get solutions... only your trust on yourself and lord shiva will protect you.... or May be lord shiva already send a protector for you"

Gauri looks up tensed....

"That thing was really powerful Gauri.... take care of your close once too.... May be their life is also in danger"

Monika warn.... Gauri was really scared.... ahana was tensed....

Monika bind a rudraksh on her right wrist....

"It will give you courage to fight against the evil"

Monika assure her...





Night... 9: 30 PM

Gauri was sitting in a club...
People are dancing.. enjoying... but she was tensed... ahana came there....

"Gauri.... let's go and enjoy na"

"You go ahana... I am not well"

"Ohh god... I drag you here to lighten your mood.... and you"

Ahana said disappointed

"I am not scared from death ahana.... but I want to know what was my fault "

Gauri said...

"Gauri please just forget that yaar.... we will see when time comes... come and dance na... for me please "

Ahana pouts.. .
Gauri smile to see her antics...

"Ok.... you go.... I will join you"

Gauri said...

"That's my girl"

Ahana kiss her cheek and went to dance floor...

"Ms Gauri "

Gauri froze again to hear him...
She turn...

"Mr ommkara... You?"

Ommkara came to her...

"How are you now?"

Ommkara ask.... Gauri again feel nervous....

"I am fine.... I want to thank you for helping me.... thanks a lot"

Gauri said controlling her nervousness....

"Ohh... my pleasure "

Ommkara said smiling....

"You are here?"

Gauri ask...

"Just for enjoy the night like you"

He reply seeing her....

"Arm.... don't tell me you are following me?"

Gauri joke...

"What will you do.. if I said yes"

Ommkara said seriously...
Gauri was nervous again...

"Would you like to dance with me? "

Ommkara said forwarding his hand...
Gauri don't want to because she was feeling strange when he is around....
But her hand automatically place on his without her knowledge....

She looks into his dark brown eyes.... they are pulling her like magnet....
Like she was hypnotise by them...

They came to the dance floor...
Ommkara hold her weast and pull her towards him...
She bump on his chest...

Ahana was dancing so she didn't notice them...

Gauri felt current running through  her whole body.....
They slowly move in the beat.. .

Ommkara lean towards her face and her breath hitched...

"You are so beautiful Gauri "

He said in husky tone...
Gauri feel her whole body is shivering.... 

Suddenly something came in front of her eyes and she felt scared....

She quickly leave ommkara while breathing rapidly....

"What happened Ms Gauri "

"No... I.... I have to leave"

Gauri said and quickly left...
Ommkara stood there confused...

Gauri take ahana with her...
Ahana ask what happened but she didn't said anything....
Because she herself don't know why she feels like this whenever he touch her...


Hmm... so Gauri life is in danger.... how will she save herself....?  Why ommkara following her? What was that thing which killed Gauri parents and now behind her? Who was her protester?


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