let's go

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Hi lovelies....
Another plot came to my mind...
Just trying....
If you all like it and I got good response...will continue.... otherwise I will delete it...
So tell me how was it.....


8:00 PM...

Its a big party in a hotel...

Success party of a movie....
All the media .... stars are present there...

The host is announcing...

H: so here is our very talented writer came....

A car came... all the media run to the car....
A beautiful girl came out from the car and smile to the media... She was a gorgeous girl.... but her attitude was also showing her confidence....

Rp 1 : Ms Gauri sharma.... would you like to say something about the success of the movie? You are the writer...

Rp 2: yes Ms sharma.... you are the writer of this movie..... since 3 years your every movie was successfull... what is your secret...

Gauri: (with attitude ) there is no secret..... my hard work and God blessing is the reason of my success.... thank you...

Saying this she went inside....
The host welcome her...
Everyone meet her and congrats her..
She smile to everyone....

Then the cast cut the cake...
Everyone was dancing in the party..
While Gauri was standing near the counter and enjoying her drink...

"Not fair"

She turn to the voice....

G: (smile) rishav.... you...

R: a beautiful girl is standing here alone.... not fair.... would you like to dance with me...?

Rishav ask...

G:(rolled her eyes) rishav.... stop flirting.... I know many girls are drooling over you... because you are the hero of this movie... but I am not interested....

R: oouuch.... it hurts gorgeous... only you are the one who deny me... for how long you are going to be single...

Gauri smile to him..
Someone called rishav and he went...





Host: here is came.... our special guest.... Mr OMMKARA SINGH OBEROI...

Everyone claps and a dashing young man came out from the car....

A girl came from other side of the car and hold his arms...
Media came to them...

Rp: Mr oberoi.... you are the special guest today... but you came late...

O: (smirk) I am not late... the party started early....

He was really don't care...

Media turn to the lady...

Rp: Ms sakshi.... you are Mr oberoi girlfriend.... would you say when you both tie knot...

The girl smile... it like she was greedy for attention... before she said something....

O: we are here to attend a party and not give information about our personal life... now excuse us ..

Saying this he went inside with the girl....



The party owner welcome him and introduce with everyone (not Gauri)

H: Mr oberoi thanks for coming...

Waiter offer drink... sakshi and ommkara take it...

H: Mr oberoi I heard a news that you are going to produce a movie... is that true?

Shakshi: yes... we are thinking about it...

H: then you must be the heroine of the movie.... you are gorgeous...

S: ohh thanks...

While they are talking... Mr oberoi was staring at someone...
Someone who was sitting on a table... he was deeply observing her...

H: Mr oberoi....

He come out of sense....

O: yes....




Gauri was sitting in a table...
Drinking... but she is looking tensed...the party is on.. Everyone is enjoying but she is not....

"Hey.... miss writer"

Gauri looks up to the person and smile...

G: aahana?

A: yes.. it's ahana...

Gauri hug her...
Then both sit on chair...

A: are you ok... you are looking tensed....

G: yes... I... I am fine...

A: I am not only the movie choreographer but your best friend too... tell me what happened...

Gauri was feeling really nervous...

G: wo...(gulp) today.... today is new moon night.....

Ahana also tensed to hear this...

A: you mean... that dream?

G:(scared) yes.. not dream but nightmare...

A: what is happening with you yaar.. did you console to any psychiatrist...

G: I did... but no use.. I don't know what is happening... since 1 year I saw that same dream in every new moon night.... I don't felt like go home.... I am scared...

A: relax Gauri..... everything will be fine...may be it's all because of that incident....

G :when? That was not only dream but look like a violet horror movie... I felt like I am seeing it in real... that scary creatures.... . The bloods... ahh...

A: Gauri relax please.... let's go to the terrace.... you will feel better....

Gauri nod and both went to the terrace.... where no one is present...




Mr oberoi was observing her every move while drinking....

He saw her going upstairs....

O: who is that girl...

H: ohh... she is Gauri sharma.... writer.... I will introduce you with her...

O: hmm..

He was still staring at her retreating figure...




Gauri reach terrace....
Ahana get a call and went to attend it....

Gauri was standing at the edge of terrace.... enjoying the breeze....
She was afraid to go home and get sleep because of the nightmare...

But .. She felt she is not alone there... there is someone stood behind her...
No ... it was not ahana... She was downstairs... talking in phone...

There is a black shadow stood behind her.... it's all black... that was not human for sure... that was something else....

Gauri felt someone present behind her.... She sensed it was not ahana... she felt really scared....
She was scared to turn...
She gulp in fear and slowly turn...

G: aaaaaaaaaaa

She scream to see that black shadow....
But before her scream finish that black shadow push her from the terrace....

G: aaaaaaaaaa....

Gauri was falling from the terrace....

She close her eyes in fear....
But.... just then.... she felt someone is holding her...
She slowly open her eyes and get shock...

Someone is holding her waist...
Her face was close to that person..
But she can't see the face...
Because of the dark night and that person was wearing a hoodie...
Which is covering the face....and black clothes was covering the body..... only the lips part was visible...

Gauri was in shock... not reacting... but she slowly looks down...
She saw she was standing in the ground... clinging to that person body...

She looks up ... She fall from the terrace but this person save her...
But he is looking scary....

G: (scared) who..... who are you...

She could see that person smirk...
Then he raised his one hand to hold her cheek... his another hand was still holding her waist..

Gauri eyes go wide because that person have long nails... very long nails and some bloods are also there...

G: aaaaaaaaa...

Gauri scream and he leave her...

*thud *

She fall on ground unconscious....
That person sat on knees and raised his hand...
But then look at his own hand...
The long nails disappear and get to normal.....

He careess her cheeks and smirk evily....


He heard someone...
He disappeared from there quickly in less than a second....

Ahana came running to Gauri...

A: omg.... Gauri.... wake up.... help... help...




Gauri gain conscious and see ahana,rishav and some friends are there.... She sit on sofa....

A: are you ok

Gauri nod...

A: how you came to garden... I was searching you on terrace...

R: we heard your scream and run to garden... what happened...

Gauri remember everything...
That black shadow.... that creepy hoodie person... his long nails...
She got scared....

G: wo..... that....that

R: yes tell... what happened..

Gauri saw them and decide to stay silent.... because she know they wouldn't believe... May be they laughed on her....

G: I..... I just want to go home.... not feeling well.

A: ok.... let's go

R: I will drop you both...

Gauri nod and they went...




Party was over....

H: thank you so much Mr oberoi for coming...

O: you are going to met me with the writer....

H: ohh.... I am really sorry... She was not feeling good so she went home....

O: what happened with her... is she ok

H: nothing to worry...

Host went...

S: why are you so concern about her ommkara? You didn't even know her..

O: the party is over.. let's go...




So what is happening in Gauri life...
Who was that black shadow and the hoodie person....?
Why Mr oberoi want to meet her...?
What is her nightmare....

Honestly I am really scared from horror movies and stories...
I don't know where this story will go...let's See..
Micky ❤❤❤

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