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Gauri reach home...
Rishav and ahana drop her and went..

Gauri was really scared ....
What was all that...
Did she saw a dream?
That black shadow... that hoodie man...his long nails....

She enter her house and immediately on all the lights...
Her heart was beating fast...
All that was really scary...
And now she is scared to sleep because of that dream...

She was living alone in a flat...
She sigh and went to her room after lock every window and door of the house...

She told her maid to live tonight but she had some work and went...
She console herself and remember her sankarji...
She was devotee of Lord shiva...

She enter the room and take a bath to calm her mind...

She came out and change in her night clothes....

She sat on bed and on the tv....
Because she don't want to sleep...
Because of that dream...

She was watching movie to divert her mind....
She was still remember that incident...

But soon she fell asleep unknowingly....
The tv was still on....






Mr oberoi was drinking sitting on his own bar... in his house....

Sakshi came and put her hand around his neck....

(I found this pic on Google... I don't know who is she)

He looked at her...

"You are still here"

He ask..

"Arm... Ommkara.... I thought to give you company know... you will be bore alone"

Sakshi said roaming her hand on his chest...
Ommkara separate her from him gently...he understand what is her meaning.... and he is less interested in her....

"Kanna will drop you"

He said taking a sip from his drink...

"Ohh come on ommkara... can't you feel bore staying alone in this big house..."

She ask but he ignored her...


He called...

"Yes sir"

Kannha came there...

"Drop sakshi mam at her home.."

He order...

"Yes sir.... come mam "

Khanna said...
Sakshi huf in disappointment...

"Ok sweetheart.... good night then"

She kissed ommkara cheeks and went....
Ommkara face was expression less...


He shout...

Mishra came there...

"Order sir"

"I want to know everything about that new writer Gauri... tomorrow morning... is that clear"

He order..... mishra nod and went...
While he continue his drink...





Someone is standing in rain...
It's all black... nothing is visible...

He have long nails....

Suddenly some dog attack...
The dogs are really big....

Then suddenly only blood you can see..

Then some scary sound come which was really loud....
No one can bear that...

She was sweating... screaming for help... don't know from whom she want to save herself... dont know she is calling whom for help...

(What you read its all Gauri dream)

She was sleeping on bed...
Her eyes were closed....
But she is sweating heavily...
Murmuring for help....
She wants to wake up but can't...
She seeing all that again and again...

Suddenly the lights goes off...
She was still in dream so she couldn't see....
The window near her bed suddenly open which she lock properly....

Someone enter inside through the widow....
That person was wearing a hoodie...

It was all dark...

(Don't confuse.... it was happening in real... Gauri was still in sleep... in her dream... at this time someone enter her room...)

It was all dark that you can't see anything...
That person slowly went near her and sit beside her..

She was sleeping on her right shoulder....
That person smirk and run his palm on her bare back...

(Hope you remember her dress)

Gauri was feeling his hand .... though she is in sleep but she felt it...

He was caressing her back like he is lusted on her....
Gauri was shivering still closing her eyes.... sweating...

That person lean towards her ear and said in anger....

"You are mine..... only mine"

His voice was so scary...


Gauri scream and wake up... She sat on bed...
Suddenly the light came...
She saw here there....
She felt someone is here...
Talking to her...
But there is no one...

She was breathing heavily....







Cook jaaz call...
Ommkara open his eyes who fall sleep on his sofa at hall...

"Can I make something to eat for you"

He ask...

Ommkara sit properly...

"Arm.... no.... I am not hungry"

He said and went to his room..

"He is so ajeeb...."

Jaaz said..

"Yes.... now another girl he want"

Mishra add who came there....

"Again? For his one night stand?"

Jaaz ask in disgust...

"You already know him"

Mishra reply.....






Gauri pull her blanket close to her chest.... breathing and sweating heavily....
She was so scared to said anything...

It was the first time that he felt someone touch her along with that scary dream... She was looking here there to find.... but no one is there....

Almost after 5 minutes she calm down.... She gulp and take a deep breath....
She get down from the bed and gulp the water in glass...

She take more deep breaths and calm herself....

"Ok Gauri.... it's.... it's all a dream... no one is here.... calm down"

She said herself...
She went to bathroom...

she enter the bathroom....
After that we saw someone is stick on ceiling like lizard...
That same hoodie person...
Gauri looks everywhere except she didn't find anyone...
She was right... Someone is there...
And that person was sticking on ceiling....

After Gauri went bathroom...
The hoodie person come down floating in air.... it's like he have some super power....

He looks at the bathroom door and smirk... his face was still not visible...

And then he went out from there through the window with super speed...

Gauri came out from bathroom and saw the window was open...
She frown....

"I ..... I closed that window.... then... how"

She slowly went near it... scared...
And quickly closed it....

She open her cupboard and take out a little shivalinga idol...

She hold it near her chest and try to sleep....
She have faith on her sankarji....







Gauri wake up to hear her phone ring...

She place the shiva odol on side table which she hold all night...
Then she pick her phone...
It was her Secretary pooja...

"Yes pooja"

She ask...

"Good morning mam... mam we got a call from a new producer.... they want to hire you as writer for their new movie"

Pooja inform...

"Ohh.... you can call me later pooja it's early morning.... I was sleeping "

Gauri said still feeling sleepy....

"Sorry mam but it was already 10.... that producer want to meet you today at 11:30 .... so I just want to ask you the time... if you are ok then"

Pooja ask...
Gauri saw the watch...
She slept late...

She just finished her one assignment...and she want break for sometime.... but she thought to meet the producer...

"Ok fine.... I am ok with it... massage me the address "

She said...

"Ok mam"

Pooja reply...

"By the way what is the producer name?"

She ask.. .

"The new business tycoon ommkara Singh oberoi mam"

Pooja reply....

"I didn't hear this name before "

"Yes mam.... he just came from USA... I think 2 weeks before he came India.... and now he want to produce a movie"

Pooja explain...

"Ohh... ok then... see you in the meeting "

Gauri said...

"Ok mam"

Pooja cut the call...
Gauri sigh and went to get ready for meeting...






"Hi pooja ...sorry I am late"

Gauri said while reach at the hotel where is the meeting....

"It's ok mam..... Mr oberoi still not came"

Pooja said...
Gauri hug her...
Pooja smile...

Gauri is like this always.... humble and friendly.... She respect everyone and love by everyone....

"Come mam.... Ms sakshi was waiting for you"

Pooja said...

"Sakshi? But you said it's Mr ommkara Singh oberoi?"

Gauri ask confused...

"Yes mam... Ms sakshi is Mr oberoi girlfriend.... and also business partner... Mr oberoi will come in a while "

Pooja said...

"Ok ... fine"





"Hi Ms Gauri sharma "

Sakshi greet...
Gauri greet back...
They sit...
Waiter came with...
They start talking about their topic...

"So Ms Gauri.... you are a big star"

Sakshi said...
Gauri chuckle...

"Thanks.... I just want a break for few days... but before that... I thought to meet you"

Gauri said..

"Oh its ok... we are in no hurry ... you take your time"

Sakshi said...

"Ahh... Ommkara came"

Sakshi said...
Gauri hear his foot steps...
He was coming from her back...
Suddenly she felt strange...
Something strange in her heart..
She turn to look at him...

Finally ommkara came and stood in front of her...
Their eyes meet for the fits time.. .

She was looking at him lost...
She don't know what is she feeling right now....

Yes.... He was looking damn hot and handsome but it was not the reason she is staring him...

"Hello Ms Gauri "

His voice was deep...
She came out in sense....

"Hello Mr oberoi "

She managed to reply....

"Thanks for coming.... please sit"

He said...
All sit there...

"I hope you don't have any problem to work with us"

He ask serious....

"No no... it's fine"

Gauri reply...

Then ommkara and sakshi started talking about what kind of story they want....
But Gauri was staring ommkara...
She felt like she know him since years....

"Ok.... I hope you can understand what I want "

He said.... deeply looking at her eyes...

Gauri come out in sense...

"Yes.... yes"

She reply....

"Then the meeting is over now... take your time and answer us "

Sakshi said..
All stood up...

"Ok.... I will inform you soon"

Gauri said and shake hand with sakshi....
Then she turn to ommkara...

"See you soon Ms Gauri "

Ommkara said... and forward his hand...
Gauri smile and place her hand on him to shake...

But.... the moment her hand touched him.... she felt current...
Suddenly something flashes in front of her... She didn't recognize what was that.... but it's strange which scared her...

She quickly jerk his hand and taken aback....

"What happened Ms Gauri.... are you Ok?"

He ask...

Gauri was breathing heavily.... staring at him.... who is He?
She don't know what is happening with her....

"Yaa.... I..... fine.... I have to go"

She almost run from there...
Pooja follow her...

"What happened with her?"

Sakshi said confused...

"I don't know "

Ommkara reply with same confused look...



So... how was the chappy? Who was that hoodie boy? Why he is behind Gauri? Why ommkara is interested in Gauri? Why Gauri feel strange when she touch ommkara?

Stay tuned to know more...


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