Chapter 4 - Frost Realm

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George was in his room, playing one of those free app games on his phone, when he got a discord notification. He checked it, seeing that the ping was from the Mystic server.


Rainbowwing :
Mob Realm at 234 - 121 - 854

Mask :
Damm it, can't come, my mum is forcing me to go shopping with her.

Gogy :
I'll come! What level realm is it?

Rainbowwing :
It's a Level 5 Realm, we'll need lots of us to beat it. I haven't activated it yet, it doesn't seem to be upgrading, but it will soon unless we defeat it.

@Pyromanic , Where are you?

Pyromaniac :
Just doing something, what's going on?

Gogy :
There's a Level 5 realm nearby

Pyromaniac :
Ok, I'm coming!

Watercannon :
I'll come too, lvl 5 realms are hard to beat.

Sootfish :
I'll come too!

Rainbowwing :
Ok then. Problem is, this doesn't seem like a naturally spawned realm...


Eret was waiting for the others, surveying a crystal that was floating in the air next to a tree. The crystal seemed to be frosted over, which gave him a hint to which type of Realm it would teleport them into. When he scanned it with his communicator, it was marked as a level 5 Realm, which meant trouble. It was freezing the area around it, which was an indicator that it was a high-leveled realm. If left alone, the ice would spread and destroy lots of things, not to mention the mobs that would spawn from it. The tree that it was floating next to was already frosted over. As they waited, Eret heard footsteps behind them and turned, gripping their sword tightly, only to loosen it when he saw Sam. Eret sighed, putting his sword down.
"Oh, hi Sam. Sorry, I thought that you were a mob for a second." Sam grinned. 

"What, is it because of my creeper mask?" Eret hid a smile.

"No, it's probably because you look like a mob." Eret said lightly, holding back laughter.

"Hey! Take that back!" Sam said, a mock look of indignance on his face.

"Nope! Can't take it back! Right now, I'm officially not allowed to lie!" Eret said, a light grin on their face. Sam huffed, before a small smile snuck onto his face.

"So you can't lie huh? Ok then, who do you think is a better friend, me or Punz?" Eret rolled his eyes.
"Come on Sam, obviously it's a tie. You're both my best friends." Sam shrugged.
"Ok then, looks like you are telling the truth then." Sam glanced around, fiddling the scythe on his back from side to side.
"The others better hurry up, I have a bad feeling about this Realm." Just as Sam finished speaking, Eret spotted George, Sapnap, Punz and Wilbur arriving.
"Finally, we've been waiting forever." He walked over to where the crystal was floating, glancing over at the others.
"Ready? Let's beat this realm." He pressed a small square on the side of the crystal, activating the teleportation link, and sending them all to the realm.

Sapnap surveyed the realm, holding a flame-patterned katana in his hand. The realm was a snowy forest, with about half a inch of snow covering everything. Glad that I have Fire 5 right now, the others must be freezing. He spotted some ice skeletons that Mystics called Strays, some polar bears and some wolves. Should be fairly easy to beat, they'll be dead after a few hits. Sapnap looked at the others, who had their weapons ready. George had a chain in one hand, an anchor at the other end of the chain, Punz had a large black and blue bazooka in his hands, Wilbur was holding a cyan trident embedded with gems in his hand, Eret had a sword in one hand, the handle coloured pink, purple and blue, and Sam was holding a black handled scythe. Sapnap looked at the others, an aura of fire surrounding him.
"Lets destroy this place."

"Where's the exit?" Wilbur asked, checking the scoreboard that was visible on his communicator. He tilted his head in confusion."It says 'All mobs defeated', shouldn't the exit appear now?" Sapnap looked at his communicator. "Yeah. You're right. An exit should have appeared by now...""Well it's not here, is it?" An unknown voice said, coming from a branch on the tree behind them. Wilbur and Sapnap readied their weapons, and turned around to face the person that had spoken. A cat hybrid was sitting in the tree, a mischievous look on his face. He had light brown that was edged with ice blue, he had ice blue eyes and was wearing a ice blue cape and a white crown with blue gems in it. He had siamese coloured ears and the same pattern on his tail. 

"Nice to meet you guys, I'm Antfrost! Welcome to my Realm!"

Notes -

hey an update pog!
i had fun thinking of the stuff to do with the realms


hope that you enjoyed this chapter, it's more then i usually write :p

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