Chapter 5 - Antfrost

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"Your Realm huh? How'd you get the power to make this then, Antfrost?" Sapnap questioned, not trusting the cat hybrid at all.
"Well, you should know how easy it is to make one of these! You just need enough mob kills, and you can officially buy one! It's quite simple really. Also, please, call me Ant." The hybrid responded, his tail swishing from side to side. Wilbur glanced at Ant, silently typing on his communicator as he spoke.
"So, I'm predicting that your power is Ice? Well, seeing as you literally made an ice realm. Also, why make the realm connected to the real world? Plus, why add so many mobs here?" The cat paused for a second, seemingly not noticing the small sound that came from Wilbur's communicator as he sent the message to the Mystic group chat.
"You're right about my power, but it's not that hard to guess that if I'm basically unaffected by the cold. If I don't connect the realm to the real world, then it's pretty hard to keep this world stable, and the mobs are a side-effect to owning a realm." Ant tilted his head to the side, his gaze turning to Sapnap. "I'm guessing that your power is Fire, seeing that you're basically resistant to the cold, plus the flame crown and cape kinda give it away." Sapnap nodded, not noticing a trail of ice snaking up silently towards him and his friend.
"Yes, my power is Fire five, why do you ask?" Ant shrugged.
"No reason, just checking. I have Ice five, which means that since my power is the same tier as yours, plus, Fire is weakened when you're in an Ice Realm. So, looks like you can't stop me from doing this." Sapnap suddenly felt ice cover him up to his neck, and heard a yelp which confirmed that Wilbur had been trapped too. Damn it! I should have known that he was planning something! The hybrid's eyes had turned to an icier blue colour.
"Sorry about that! I'd love to chat, but I gotta get out of here before this realm destabilizes. Also, all of that stuff about "buying realms?" Well, that was a lie! Have fun freezing!" The cat hybrid waved to the frozen pair, before pushing aside a branch that revealed the exit portal. That sneaky cat hid the exit! How dare he? Antfrost walked through the portal, leaving the pair stranded. Sapnap hissed under his breath, attempting to melt the ice, but only causing small chunks to melt at a time. Wilbur growled quietly, trying and failing to get out.

"Crap! How do we get out of this mess?" Sapnap said angrily, only being able to free one of his hands before the ice stopped melting. Wilbur sighed.
"I have no idea honestly. I can't even transform when I'm stuck in something. Haven't learnt how to do that yet." Wilbur didn't seem to be panicking much, which was unusual considering the circumstances.
"How the fuck are you so calm!?" Sapnap snapped, trying and failing to turn on his communicator on his wrist.
"Well, I thought that the hybrid was acting strange, so I PM'd our co-ords to the others. Before that scumbag froze us, Sam said that he and the others were coming. So, we won't be stuck here." Sapnap grinned.
"Wilbur, you mastermind."

George paused, stopping to think for a second. Sapnap had invited George to the Dream Team treehouse, and had told him about what had happened in the Realm. They were sitting on the plush chairs inside of the treehouse. "Someone with Ice five? Hmm, Ice is a strong power, so they'll be hard to beat unless you strengthen your power." Sapnap huffed, glaring at his friend..
"How are you meant to strengthen something that's already tier five? Pretty sure that that isn't possible." George shrugged.

"Not impossible. Apparently, even if your power is already tier five, you can still strengthen your power. Just takes some work and a lot of effort." Sapnap rolled his eyes and sat up in the chair, irritation flushing through him. "Some work? Probably more like a lot. Now I'll have to practice my powers, beat Mobs and Realms, do schoolwork and act like everything is normal. Who knew that being a Mystic would be so difficult. Not to mention that we can't tell anyone who isn't a Mystic about this stuff, it's exhausting." Sapnap said, his eyes flashing a lava-like colour before dimming back to the usual blackish-blue colour. He sighed, sinking back into the seat. "I'm sorry, I'm just feeling a bit overwhelmed." George nodded sympathetically. "Don't worry, I think we're all feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment, with school starting again and there being more Mobs and Realms than usual. Not to mention the Anti-Magic group, which is a real pain in the butt." Sapnap nodded silently, before sitting up as he heard a sound outside. George had sat up too, a flash of fear passing over his face for a second. They heard something dragging across grass and a short hissing noise. Sapnap narrowed his eyes and looked at George. "How the heck did a creeper get past the shields?"

Notes -

Never trust a cat. They will trap you in a dangerous parellel universe.

Hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter! ^^

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