7. First Moves

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"I just don't understand why such limited people. It's a research expedition so more the people the merrier." Dylan argues about the contract.

"Because, as I have mentioned in the contract, the expedition has to be confidential and under the wraps," James says.

"But why does it have to be under the wraps? Actually it should be publicized more. Better for our documentary promotion right?" Dylan argues more.

"No, you don't understand...." James starts but David interrupts.

"No, he is right. Since it's a historical place, the government has its eyes on it. It must have been difficult to even get permission to check the place out, leave alone spend a whole month there. How'd you get the permission?" David lifts an eyebrow looking at James.

"I just pulled some strings with the higher-ups. And my dad....was a bit of help."

"So I guess no one has any more problems with the contract?" William asks looking at everyone. They shake their head. "Okay, so James. I am glad you had already drafted the contract making it simpler for us. Shall we look into a date?"

"4 days from now? It's a weekend and we can chill for the first two days and start the real work from Monday." James suggests.

"Okay then. We are leaving for Nale on 14th June." William says.


"Why don't you ask him?" James comes and whispers in Dylan's ear, making him jump a little. They were in their office's refreshment room. "Your brother, Noah. About the ancestor thing."

"Why don't you mind your own business?" Dylan says irritatingly.

To his surprise, James traps him with both of his hands beside him. Dylan could feel his breathing on his lips.

"Look petal. We are gonna be living together for a month and hopefully until we finish the research and start shooting. Keep that sassy attitude in your pants or I might shove it up to your ass, with something else too." He winks and walks away with a smirk on his face.

Dylan is still trying to comprehend the last minute of his life. Did James again subtly suggest something sexual?

His mind is just going round and round.

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