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I woke up early. The birds chirped even though it was winter. They should have moved right now, shouldn't be staying. But they were.

I walked out on the balcony, looked out over the beautiful landscape that was now filled with white sparkling snow as far as the eye could see. I loved winter.

When I got out to the stairs I heard voices. One of them belonged to Mom. The other belonged to a man.

I peered down over the open loft and looked down to the first floor. There stood Mom. She was angry, her mouth was a line. She was bitten. Didn't like what the man did.

"She can't!" Mom exclaimed. "She can't come with you!"

"Please, Mrs. Blake, you must understand that this is not debatable," countered the man.

Now he was turned so that I could see his face, and a very handsome one at that. His dark hair was slicked back and his jaw lines were clearly visible across the taut face. He stood with his arms crossed over his chest, leaning against the doorway down there. He was wearing a plain black t-shirt and a pair of well used jeans. Although he was meant to look determined, I couldn't help but notice the playful twinkle in his eyes.

Behind him stood another man. He looked much stricter with his military shaved hair and leather outfit. He too had his arms crossed, but in a different way. It kind of looked more menacing. He stared straight ahead.

"She's blocked!" Mom exclaimed. "You're hard of hearing, aren't you?!" She can't come along!"

"That's out of the question, Mrs. Blake. The girl must come with us."

"For the last time it is Ms. Blake, young man!"

He looked at her tiredly. "Does it look like I care?"

"She won't pass the test!" Mom continued. She certainly wanted to give him a real fight.

"Mr. Brock is well aware of that, Mrs. Blake," the man said without turning around.

Now things went downhill for Mom. "For. The. Last. Time," she said. "It. Is. Ms. And you cannot tell me what is best for my daughter!"

The man's tone was calm. "I can't go against my boss," he replied. "Neither can you."

I stared down at them from my seat upstairs. It was no secret it was me they were talking about. I was the one who was the freak in this conversation, I was the one who didn't function as I should.

I had never seen Mom so angry before as she was now. She was literally boiling inside.

I slowly walked down the stairs, trying to draw attention to myself.
And it worked. As soon as my steps echoed from the stairs all three of them turned around.
They stared, blinked, as if they didn't understand how I could suddenly appear without them noticing. But it can be a little difficult to notice the outside world when you are in the middle of a heated conversation.

Mom's facial expression softened as she saw me. "Hiii, sweetie," she said in a way that made it sound like she talked to a three-year old. But I wasn't three anymore. I was far from that. I was grown now.

"We just..." she started, but I cut her off.

"You don't have to explain yourself," I replied. "I heard it all."

She sighed. "...talked."

"About me," I finished. "I know. You can't stop me Mom. It is my decision."


"No," I continued. "It is my decision." I turned to the man in the doorway. "I'm coming with you."

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