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The man lit up. "How nice, Miss Blake," he said. "We'll leave right away."

I gaped in surprise. "But... I have to... pack."

The man shook his head. "Not needed. Uniforms and material are available at Mystic."

Then he thought for a while. "But of course you can bring personal stuff... Okay, take a few minutes to pack and then meet us outside."

He said something short to the guard before they disappeared out through the door.

As soon as they had left, I turned to Mom. She had started washing the dishes, her way of calming herself down. It was very clear that she didn't accept my decision, but deep down I hoped that she was happy for me. I would get a chance to get into Mystic.

Mom was in her own thoughts, swearing and cursing herself for agreeing to let me go. But she didn't really have a choice. It was Mr. Brock himself who had sent a bid to take me to the school.

When she saw me she stopped. "I know that you're mad at me," she said, still facing the sink. "I don't like this, but I won't stop you. I give you permission to go."

Without thinking too much, I hugged her, forcing her to turn around. I don't know why, but finally the tears came. It felt like this would be the last time we saw each other, at least for a while.

Mom held me, didn't want to let go. I, her only daughter, had grown up now, and it was time to release me, let me go. She sobbed, let go of me and wiped away the tears.

"Go now, before I change my mind," she said.

I did as she said and hurried up the stairs.

Once up, I calmly went into my room, started gathering the stuff I wanted to take with me.

Simon's necklace, mobile and charger, my diary so I could take notes and last but not least, Fluffy. Fluffy was my stuffed animal, a rabbit. It was the first present I got, on my first birthday. Simon had given it to me and after his accident it was my most cherished possession. I realize now that it might sound a little silly, but Fluffy needed a spot among all the other things. I couldn't leave him.

After twenty minutes I was outside the house with all my stuff. The man standing in the doorway looked with disgust at the stuffed bag.

"I didn't tell you to take the whole house with you," he complained. "Are you sure all this is necessary?" He picked up Fluffy, twisting and turning the stuffed animal.

I took it from him. "Completely sure."

He laughed deeply. "If you say so," he said.

He turned to the guard. "Bruno," he said, "would you be so kind and take Miss Blake's packing out to the car?"

Bruno sighed heavily before he took the bag in both hands and carried it away to the car which stood parked a bit further down the street.

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