Chapter 12: News

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It had gotten really late once you got home.

Just as always, you tossed your things on the couch and headed for your room, only to flop down on it.

You feel your phone vibrate at your side and you take it out to see a notification from Wattpad, a message, and a missed call from


Pressing the redial button, you hold the phone to your ear and wait.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hey V, it's MC." You greeted a bit awkwardly.

"Oh! Hey, how have you been?"

"I've been doing fine. Um, I got a missed call from you in the afternoon so...." You urged him to continue.

"Right! Yes, I called you because I got word of the exhibition where the pictures will be shown. Although they told me this a bit late. It's tomorrow from 5pm-9pm. Do you think you could make it?" You started thinking about what you had to do tomorrow.

"Damn, I have to work tomorrow." You sighed in frustration.

"I see, it's alright-"

"B-But I work from 3:30 pm to 7:30 pm. I can be there around 8 and stay for the last hour at least." You interrupted a little nervously.

"Yeah! That's fine, as long as you get to see a part of the exposition." You cracked a small smile hearing him so elated.

"S-Sorry." Was all you could think about responding.

"Why are you apologizing?" He asked confused.

"Force of habit I guess? I feel kinda bad I can't be there earlier. You worked so hard and..." You trailed off.

"It's alright MC, really, it's no problem. I'm excited to see you there tomorrow." His words were calm and tranquil, very much like him.

"Yeah, me too! And- Beeeeep Beeeep. Oh, I have another call coming in." You looked at the caller ID. It was your best friend Bf/n.

"Oh, you shouldn't keep them waiting. I'll talk to you later." He sounded a bit saddened since he couldn't keep talking to you but either way, he didn't want to intrude in your personal life.

"Sure! Bye V, and have a good night."

"Yeah...Good night."


"Hello?" Spoke Bf/n.

"Hey! What's up?" You asked casually.

"Nothing much, just chilling. Did you get my text?" You raised an eyebrow.

"Huh? I'm not sure. Hold on a sec." You exited the call and looked through your messages.


You thought to yourself because you forgot to check before.

"Yeah, I just saw it. Sorry I didn't read it before! I had gone out and must not have heard my phone.." You mentally slapped yourself.

"That's alright, so what do you say?? Movie night at my house tomorrow??" The excitement was evident in her voice which made you feel even worse.

"I'm really really really sorry bf/n. I had already made plans for tomorrow.." You said while playing with the tip of your throw pillow.

"Oh, it's fine. I understand, really, let's just plan another day to hang out okay?" You could hear somewhat of an unhappy tone in her voice.

"Sure! We're still up for going to that new restaurant at 9:00 pm right?" You said trying to lighten the mood.


"Great! Well, it's getting late, I'd better hit the sack, got classes in the morning."

"Kay, night MC!"

"Bye bye." You hung up your phone and sighed. It's was time to do your usual 'before bed rituals.'


You turned off your lights and walked over to your bed. Lifting up the sheets, you get in and check your phone for the last time.

No messages or texts.

You locked it and laid your head down.

Riiiiing! Riiiing!

You quickly sat up from being startled and picked up your phone.


"H-Hello?" It was a man's voice you couldn't recognize yet.


"I-It's Zen! Sorry did I wake you up y/n? Were you already asleep?" He asked concerned.

Zen?? How does he know my name??

You looked at the number and it was from the app.


"Hello?" He asked again.

"Huh? Oh, no no. I was just getting ready to go to sleep is all." You lied so he wouldn't feel as bad.

"Oh, sorry. I should just let you rest." You were a bit confused by how he was acting; like all of his confidence and narcissism had gone away.

Was it because he was talking to y/n and not MC?

"It's fine really, is there any reason for the sudden call?" You asked.

", not really. I just wanted to know if you got home safely. There are a lot of bad people out there and I just wanted to make sure you were okay, Ya know?" He tried to find the right words but for some reason it's was harder when he would talk to you alone.

"Aw, that's really nice of you. Thanks for thinking about me." You said in a friendly way.

"I was....the whole time." He said in a soundless voice. You felt your cheeks heat up and your heart pounding in your chest. "I-I should let you go to sleep! We all need our beauty sleep now don't we?" He chuckled nervously at the end. It was actually really cute to see this side of him.

"Yeah, thanks for talking to me. This was....really nice of you to do. Goodnight Zen." He felt his heart skip a beat hearing his name come from your sweet voice.

"Goodnight y/n. Sweet dreams."

"You too." You waited a few seconds and then hung up.

"Can I sleep now? Will the universe let me finally sleep now~~!?" You said out loud to no one in particular. With a sigh, you lay back down on your bed.

Everything's happening so fast...

Or, at least that's how it feels like.

Wait, what do I wear to and exhibition?! Fancy? Semi-fancy?
You know what, that's going to be a problem for future me.

Right now I have to sleep so I can go to classes early tomorrow.

And that was your last thought as you slowly drifted off to sleep.



"Shit!" You fell off your bed trying to get your phone from the bedside table. "H-Hello?" You answered while rubbing the sore spot on your head.

"Goooood morning MC~!" Greeted Yoosung as happy as ever.

"It was until I fell..." You mumbled absentmindedly.

"Huh? You fell?" He asked while heading over to his kitchen to start preparing his breakfast.

"Yeah, looks like I fell off the wrong side of the bed today." You laughed a bit at your own joke. "Okay, maybe I should shut up..." You said right after, being a little embarrassed by your lame joke.

"Hahahaha you have your funny moments too MC, don't worr-ouch!!" You heard a bunch of things clash and fall to the ground.

"Yoosung? You okay??"

"Y-Yeah, I kinda burned myself a little on the stove." He blew on the burned area on his hand and then ran it over with some cold water.

"And you say I'm clumsy." You giggled.

"Yeah, but when it happens to you it's cute but if a guy does it, it's lame." He sighed.

"But you're cooking right?" You say to lighten up his mood.

"Yeah? But I guess you could say it's not very manly of me." He pouted like a child.

"Hey, at least you know how to cook. I burn water." You joked.

"Pfft.....Bahahahahahahhahah!" You couldn't help but crack a smile and join in his laughing fit. "Point taken. Maybe one day I can cook for you? I recently learned a new recipe from a friend, what do you say?" He said while spinning the spatula around with his right hand.

"That sounds good! Can't wait to meet you in person!" You said happily. "Oh! I forgot I have to meet my friend at the library before class! Sorry Yoosung, I'll talk to you later, bye bye!"

"Alright, have a nice day!"

Okay, so I've got history class today so I need....

Meanwhile, Yoosung was packing up his things for class and couldn't get you out of his mind.

I wonder, what kind of person are you really MC?

Hey guys! Sorry for the short and kinda boring chapter ^^;; I promise the next one will be better and longer! See you all in two weeks! :D


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