Chapter 13: Get ready!

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"You okay?" Asked Nathan.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" You looked at him confused.

"Well for starters that's not sugar, that's salt. And a while back I saw you putting the eggshells in the batter and the actual eggs in the trash." He said with his arms crossed at his chest.

"What?!" You threw away the mix you were making and went to take out the egg shells from the batter. "Damn it.." You cursed under your breath.

"What's wrong...Y/n?" It was a bit weird hearing him call you by your name. That's gonna need some getting used to.

"I'm just kinda nervous." You didn't make eye contact as you made a new mixture.

"Nervous? About what? Accidentally baking your phone? Cause with the way things are going...." He trailed off with a chuckle. You looked at him with a pout and playfully punch his arm.

"No." You couldn't help but crack a smile. "I'm going to this exposition with a friend after work and I have no idea how to act, cause I'm guessing they're going to be important people and everyone's going to be formal and I don't know what to wear....." 

Damn you past me!!!

You felt Nathan pace a hand on your shoulder. "That's it?" It looked like he was trying to hold back his laughter. Now you pouted angrily at him.

"Yeah, so what?" You turned away from him with a humph!

"You're over thinking this Y/n. All you've got to do is find something kinda fancy to wear and be yourself!" He encouraged you with a wink.

"Easy for you to say, I'm not that good with fashion so...." You trailed off trying to think of a solution. 

"Sorry, but I can't help you there." You thought about it for a while. "Hey, I think they're calling me, good luck with exposition thing. I know you'll be great." You smiled at him, thankful for his kindness.

Bf/n would probably be just as bad a choosing an outfit for me but I think I know who might help me...


You quickly got home, took out your cell phone.

The phone rang for a while...

"The number you are trying to reach is not available at the moment, please leave a message aft-beep." You sighed.

Damn it Seven.

You looked through your contacts to think of anyone else to help you but then remember you also have the phone number app.

Please pick up...

Your phone rang a few times before they finally answered.


"Zen! Please tell me your good with fashion?" You waited for a response. Zen was caught off guard with your sudden question.

"I guess I'm kinda good at it why?"

"I'm going to a.....formal reunion! And I've got no idea what to wear." You made up on the spot. 

Cant having them know I'm meeting V.

"Oh, well........yeah I know I'll be there in a minute! Sorry but I just got off my break and I have to go practice." He said awkwardly.

"Oh! It's okay, I understand! Sorry I bothered you." You were about to say goodbye but Zen spoke up again.

"But I know someone who knows about fashion, a friend of mine, I'll give them a call and explain what's going on, I'll give them your number so you guys can talk. It's was nice talking to you and good luck Y/n!"

"Thanks Zen! You're a lifesaver!" He ended the call and you started to lay out your fanciest clothes on your bed. You jumped when you heard your phone ring.

"Hello?" You said first.

"Hello, is this Y/n?" It's was a deep man's voice.

Oh crap, what have I gotten myself into?

"Y-Yeah." You stutter.

"Hello, my name is Jumin, Jumin Han." Your eyes widened.

Oh shit oh shit oh shit......

"H-Hello! Nice to meet you." You didn't know how to continue the conversation.

"Zen told me you needed help? Is it alright if we talk through Skype, it will make things easier and faster." His voice was serious.

"Y-Yeah! Sure I'll send you my account name through text." You fumbled with your phone a bit but managed to get connected.

"Can you hear me?" He asked. He was at what looked like an office desk with some papers laid out. He was wearing a suit and might you add, looking very handsome.

"Yup!" You quickly showed him the first option because time was of the essence! "I'm not very good at choosing but this is the best I've got so far." You showed him two dresses, one was black with a bunch of ruffles at the end and the other was a plain fav/color dress.

"You're not going to a funeral so black is out of the question. Put on the other dress to see how it looks." He said casually. You blushed and moved to where the camera couldn't see you.

After struggling to quickly put on the dress, you manage to put it on.

You walked over to the camera.

"What do you think?" You asked a little nervously.

Jumin looked up from the work on his desk and raised his eyebrows.

"It fits you nicely. Now, you'll need a coat, preferably black, white or gray." You nodded your head in agreement and started rummaging through your closet.

Tossing all your coats out Jumin found one that caught his eye.

"Wait. Let me see that last one you took out." You went back to your bed and held up a coat that was your mothers'. Thankfully you kept it well so it looks new.

"This one?"

"Yes, try it on." He placed his hand on his chin. When you put it on you, it was almost a perfect fit considering it was your mom's.

"I don't know..." You were still if-y about it.

"It goes very well, the form and how it hugs your curves is just right. Lastly some white heels and a clutch." You agreed and put on the only white heels that you have.

"What's a clutch?" You asked a bit embarrassed not knowing what the heck he was talking about.

"It's a purse but it's small and usually rectangular." He explained. You tried to look for the closest thing possible.

"Is this good?" You showed it to the camera.

"Yes, that will do. Tie your hair up in a bun and wear long earrings, no necklace." He said bluntly.

"R-Right!" You went over to your jewelry box. "Gold or silver?" You asked.


"Are these okay?" You help up a pair to your ears.

"Do you have other ones?" 

Doesn't he like them?

You sweat-dropped at the thought.

"Y-Yeah!" You fumbled with the earrings making them fall and having to bend down to pick it up.

Jumin liked the view for that one moment.

"Are these okay?" You held up the other ones without knowing your actions from before.

"Yes, those are better. Now, last but not least, turn around." You started turning slowly with your blushing red face.

"Perfect. You look beautiful."

"R-Really? Wow, um, thank you." Was all you managed to say.

"You seemed surprised. Why?" He tilted his head in question.

"Oh, I'm just not used to dressing up like this so..." You looked at yourself in the full body mirror.

"Well, you look gorgeous, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise." You look back at him and give him a sincere smile.

"Thank you, that's very thoughtful of you to say." Now it was Jumin's turn to look surprised.

"You seemed surprised. Why?" You copied what he asked you before.

"Oh, it's nothing. It's just that I don't hear people tell me I'm thoughtful that often." He looked down at the work on his desk as an excuse to not look back at you.

"Well you are, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise." You gave him a playful wink. You could see he had a light blush spread across his face.

"Thank you, Y/n." He smiled at you for the first time this evening.

"Well, I'd better get going. Don't wanna be late."

"Of course. It was a pleasure to meet you and I hope we can see each other someday to chat over a glass of wine."

"That would be nice. Thanks again Jumin!"

"Your welcome, if you ever need any help again, please don't hesitate to ask me." You nodded your head a 'yes'. You waved goodbye and then ended the Skype call.

Alright now I'll just do something simple with my makeup and I'm out of here!

You thought to yourself than looked at the clock.

I've got 15 minutes, I can do this!


You were in the taxi with the direction V had sent you at hand.

"We're here miss." The taxi driver said. You paid the man and got out.

You looked at the place and noticed it was a lot bigger than you expected.

You took out your phone and dialed V's number. After taking a deep breath, he answered your call.


"V..... I'm here."


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