Chapter 7: Cinderella Wears Ankle Boots

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A broad smile graced Amy's lips as she stared down at the brand new cellphone in her hands, complete with an unlimited data plan and case of her choosing, courtesy of Zen's credit card.

"Thank you so much for doing this, Zen. I honestly don't know what I would've done if I didn't have you and Mackenzie to help me." she said as she finished entering his and MC's phone numbers into her contacts.

"I'm just glad I could be of help. By the way, I'm sorry about that fiasco with the paparazzi earlier." Zen stated as his eyes scanned the faces of the people around them. So far, he hadn't seen any sign of the men that had followed them in the car, not that he was complaining.

"It's not your fault; don't worry about it." Glancing up at the actor, Amy suddenly got an idea. "Zen, stop."

Immediately, the actor froze in his tracks and turned to face her a look of concern on his features. Had Amy seen those men? Did she recognize them? "Is something the matter?"

"What? No. I just want to get a picture of you, MC, and I to use as my screensaver, that's all."

A soft, relieved chuckle left Zen's lips as his tense shoulders relaxed. Flashing Amy a smirk that made the hearts of women everywhere explode, he sauntered over and gently plucked the phone from her hand.

"Is that so? Well, let's make sure we get a good one then." he purred, giving her a wink.

A groan rose from MC as she rested her face against the palm of her hand. "Here it comes. Nice going, Amy."

"Huh? What did I do?"

"You'll see."

Taking the phone, Zen held it at different angles, frowning critically as he gave a thoughtful "hmm."

"The lighting here is awful." he concluded. Grabbing Amy's hand, he began pulling her through crowds of people as MC scrambled after them.

"MC, what's happening?" Amy asked, utterly confused.

"What's happened is you've awakened Zen's selfie guru side. Now he won't stop until he has achieved the perfect picture." MC informed her.

"Why didn't you warn me?!"

"I thought you already knew!"

"Ladies, I hate to be rude but your squabbling is interfering with my concentration, so could you please pipe down?" Zen said as his scarlet irises searched for the perfect background. Spotting a tile wall decorated with a pretty, aquatic pattern, he pulled Amy over to it and held the phone up again for a lighting check. A satisfied smile glanced his lips.

"Perfect." he purred and wrapped an arm around Amy's waist, making her blush. "MC, come here and stand on the other side of Amy. Now Amy, put your arms around my and MC's backs. Yep just like that. MC, you put one arm behind Amy's back and poss with the other one. Good, that looks cute. Alright, big, genuine smiles, ladies. MC, you call that a smile? Much better. Now squeeze in. Perfect! Alright, three, two, one!"

After taking the picture, Zen handed the phone back to Amy, who smiled down at it.

"Thanks Zen; it looks great!" she said as she quickly set the picture as her background before slipping the phone into her pocket. It was then that she seemed to notice Zen hadn't removed his arm from around her yet, and her cheeks changed to resemble maraschino cherries.

"Zen? Your arm?"

Realizing his error, Zen hastily snatched his arm away, the rosy hue of his face matching Amy's own. "Heh, sorry, my princess. Let's continue your shopping spree. What do you want to get next?"

"Uh, let's look at clothes and shoes next." Amy said, bashfully avoiding the actor's eyes and instead scanning the fronts of nearby stores, hoping one would catch her eye. Fortunately, one did, and her eyes lit up as her gaze singled out a jacket of glistening black leather sitting in the window. Upon sensing her heart rate pick up slightly, Zen turned and followed her gaze, worried she had seen the men in black, but when he realized what she was staring at, he smiled.

"Do you want that?" he whispered softly in her ear, sending chills down her spine. Amy swallowed the lump forming in her throat and nodded, allowing the actor to take her hand and guide her into the store. Smiling, Zen approached an employee who was making rounds through the store and coughed to get her attention.

"Excuse me, miss, but do you think you could help us?" he cooed.

The woman's jaw immediately dropped. "You...You're Zen! You're Zen! Oh my gosh! W-What can I do for you?"

Zen smiled and gently pushed Amy forward. "I'm here to purchase my lovely friend a new wardrobe and I was hoping you could help her out. She was admiring the black leather jacket in the window so let's start with that."

"O-Of course. Right this way, miss." The baffled employee stuttered, ushering Amy towards one of the many racks in the store. After giving her client one quick glance, she snatched one of the jackets of the rack and helped her into it.

"Well, what do you think Amy? Do you like it?" Zen asked.

Amy nodded vigorously in reply and hugged the jacket tighter against her body. The smell of the leather, the gentle yet firm embrace of the material, and the sense of confidence that resonated from the jacket sent a current of warmth racing through her veins; she felt empowered by the jacket, like it had bestowed upon her the gift of invincibility as long as she stayed within its folds.

MC chuckled as she watched Amy cuddle the jacket like a lover. "I think she likes it a lot actually. You're probably not going to be able to get it away from her now."

"Well, I guess we're buying it then, right, Amy?" Zen cooed and received another excited nod in reply.

Following behind the store clerk, Amy picked out items left and right to try on, and before long, MC's, the clerk's, and her own arms were full of clothes. Zen laughed at the sight.

"Amy, why don't you try on some of these outfits before you're buried alive? Miss, could you give her a dressing room please?" he said gently as he took the pile from the store clerk's arms.

"O-Of course. Right this way." she replied, blushing profusely as she hurried towards the back of the store, casting occasional glances over her shoulder at Zen. For some reason, this made Amy's blood boil.

"Why is she looking at him like that? Wait a second, why do I care? It has nothing to do with me." Amy thought to herself. However, try as she might, she couldn't seem to dispel the unpleasant prickling sensation spreading throughout her body. "Why do I feel like this? I-I must still be on edge from yesterday! That's the only logical explanation! It couldn't possibly be anything else...could it?"

Meanwhile, the store clerk knocked on one of the doors at the back of the shop before opening it and ushering Amy inside. Once all three piles of clothes had been placed on the bench next to the mirror, she started to close the door when Amy suddenly held out her hand and stopped her.

"Zen, can you grab me one of those dresses?" She asked, pointing at a baby blue, knee-length dress on a nearby rack.

Chuckling and shaking his head, Zen grabbed the desired article of clothing and handed it to her. Taking the dress, Amy gently placed it on top of the nearest pile before closing the door with a satisfying click.

For the next half hour, Amy tried on outfit after outfit and showed them off to her companions. Each time Zen complemented her, a rush of butterflies fluttered inside her and the internal warmth she felt was reflected in the faint blush of her cheeks. Before long, the piles had been reduced to several outfits and a few special outfits for formal occasions.

"Alright, this is the last one. What do you guys think?" Amy asked as she emerged from the dressing room clad in the pale blue dress and the leather jacket. As his eyes drank in the sight of her, Zen felt his heart skip several beats. Despite being two polar opposite styles, the edginess of the jacket and the elegance of the dress clashed to create a beautiful masterpiece that couldn't have been a more accurate representation of the girl wearing it. Sharp yet sweet. Elegant yet witty. Graceful but fierce. Beautiful but deadly. All around him, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only him and Amy in a lone spotlight. He wanted to grab her hand and ask her to dance with him, and after they had danced for hours upon hours, he desired whisk her away on his motorcycle to a faraway palace where they would be the only guests. Finally, once they were alone, he wanted to pull her close, brush her hair out of her eyes, and slowly lean in till...

"Zen! Earth to Zen! Hello?!" MC called as she waved her hand in front of the actor's face.

Jumping slightly as he was ripped from his sweet daydream, Zen blinked several times as he glanced from MC to the store clerk to Amy, who was fidgeting uncomfortably before him with a worried glimmer in her eyes.

"Sorry, I must have gotten lost within the beautiful ocean that is your eyes, Amy." he cooed suavely in an attempt to dissipate the awkward aura that had taken possession of the air. Fortunately, it seemed to work as MC rolled her eyes and Amy snorted in amusement.

"I'm going to start fining you every time you crack a sappy one-liner. I bet I'll be as rich as my father in no time." she sneered, causing Zen to laugh. "Now, back to the matter at hand, do you like the outfit or not?"

Zen's eyes donned a mischievous sparkle as an idea popped into his head. "Do you want me to be completely honest?"

"If I didn't then why would I ask for your opinion in the first place?"

"Alright, alright. If I'm being completely honest, I ha-"

Amy's face began to fall.

"-ve to say this is my favorite outfit so far." Zen stated with a cocky smirk. "However, there's something missing. Miss, do you have any shoes my friend could try on?"

"Y-Yes. Is there anything you had in mind?" The meek employee asked as she stared up at Zen in awe.

"Bring me some black boots please." Zen stated. As the clerk hurried off, he grabbed Amy's hand and pulled her over to a chair. Kneeling before her, he began to undo the laces of her Converse before slipping them off of her feet. When he saw her socks, he couldn't help but smirk.

"Flying pigs? Really, MC? Do you actually wear these?" he teased the brunette.

"I do actually. They so happen to be one of my favorite pairs and a gift from my little cousin." MC said flatly, folding her arms across her chest.

"MC, I hate to tell you this but your little cousin doesn't love you."

"Shut up! She's five!"

"I think you're just jealous because you don't have flying pig socks, Zen." Amy cooed with a smirk.

The actor chuckled as his scarlet eyes locked with hers.  "Is that so?"

"Yep. I hear flying pigs are really trending among girls right now. I bet you secretly want MC's socks for yourself so you can become more popular."

"Ooo, you know too much. I think I'm gonna have to kill you now."

"I'd like to see you try."

MC smiled as she watched Amy and Zen continue to banter back and forth. Although the were too engaged in their battle of wits to notice, the air around the two had changed from friendly to something much deeper and they had began to unintentionally creep closer and closer to one another. While she was going to pay by having to run her errands in the middle of the day when traffic was the worst, staying with her two friends had its perks too; after all, she was getting a great show and tons of blackmail material to be used at a later date.

"Face it, Zen. You don't have the guts to hurt a woman." Amy sang tauntingly as she leaned down so her and Zen were eye to eye.

"Then instead of killing you, I'll hide you someplace no one will ever find you so you can't share my dirty little secret with the world." Zen purred in reply as he grabbed one of Amy's wrists and gave it a squeeze.

"Um, am I interrupting something?"

Amy and Zen both went stiff as the the store clerk awkwardly shuffled her feet. Suddenly becoming aware of how close he was, the actor coughed like he was clearing his throat and backed up slightly, although he still remained kneeling. Holding out his hand, he took one of the boxes from the clerk's arms and opened it. Taking out the chic, black leather ankle boot, he gently held Amy's foot steady and slipped it on.

"How does it feel?" he asked.

"It fits perfectly." Amy said with a smile. "Does it look good with the outfit?"

"It looks great. It's exactly what I had in mind." Zen smiled.

"Alright, then this one's definitely a keeper. I'll go change back so we can buy this stuff and move on. I want to go look at some knick knacks and decorations for my new room." Amy said as she slid the boot off and handed it back to Zen. Picking up her Converses, she sauntered back into the changing room, completely oblivious to Zen's gaze as he watched her with admiration and a hint of fascination. However, the store clerk noticed this quite quickly, and her face fell as her heart sank.

Before long, Amy emerged with the pile of clothes she wanted and followed the clerk up to the counter. Soon, her new wardrobe was loaded into about six paper bags the size of small suitcases and placed in her arms only for Zen to hastily snatch them away.

"Please, allow me." he cooed sweetly, placing three bags on each arm.

"Go ahead. You're not getting any complaints out of me." Amy smiled as she followed him towards the exit.

Suddenly, as the automatic doors slid open, a shrill symphony of high-pitched squeals and cameras clicks pierced the air, making Zen, Amy, and MC jump. Immediately, the horde of fangirls that had been waiting outside the store swept over them like a massive ocean wave, violently shoving Amy and MC aside as they crowded around the actor.

"Zen!!! We love you!!!" one girl shrieked.

"You're so hot!!!" another exclaimed.

"Marry me, Zen!!!" cried a third.

"Ladies, ladies, calm yourselves! I'm flattered by your attention." Zen said, forcing a smile as his eyes scanned the crowd for his friends. Seeing a flash of white and purple ombré, he reached out his hand and grabbed the disoriented female and helped her to her feet as MC stubbornly shoved her way past several girls as they grumbled in protest. As she stood up and dusted herself off, Amy noticed all the girls shooting her glares that rivaled the deathly gaze of the gorgon Medusa.

"What's their problem?" she wondered. However, everything clicked when she felt Zen place his hand on her shoulder. "Oh."

"Girls, I am so honored by your devotion. As a man of humble begins, I know that I'm only here because of you, my amazing fans. If you would so kind as to let my friends and I through, I have something for each of you." Zen stated, distracting the girls from his female companion for a moment. Reaching into his pocket, he produced a bag of headshots small enough to fit in a wallet, each marked with a signature. The girls grew deathly silent as Zen opened the bag, slowly inching closer. Smiling at them, the actor dropped a picture in each of their hands and remained completely unphased by the squealing that followed. Before long, each girl had her own picture that she hugged to her chest like her life depended on it. Returning the remaining pictures to his pocket, Zen grabbed the hand of an astonished Amy and steadily led her and MC away while his fans were distracted. When he noticed the white-haired beauty staring at him, he looked away shyly.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" he asked softly, doing his best to keep from blushing.

"I'm trying to figure out why you had those pictures in your pocket. It would seem you're even more narcissistic than I thought." Amy replied playfully, earning herself a chuckle.

"I won't deny that I'm a narcissist but that isn't the reason I had those pictures. After a few rough scrapes, you learn to have certain precautionary measures on hand." Zen winked. "Why does it matter to you though? Are you jealous because you didn't get one?"

"Don't flatter yourself."

Suddenly, someone walked straight into her, causing her to stumble.

"Hey, watch it-" she started to snap as she turned to face the culprit but stopped when her oceans met stainless steel. Zen's fiery rubies narrowed angrily as he glared at the last person he wanted to run into.

"Trust Fund Kid."

((Hey guys! Heads up, the picture above is of the last outfit Amy tried on, though I'm sure you all were smart enough to figure that out already.))

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