Chapter 8: An Unlikely Alliance

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Amy's breath caught in her throat as Jumin gazed down at her from over the top of his phone.

"Oh, Amy, I didn't see you there. My apologies." he stated flatly as he glanced back at his phone.

When he didn't receive a response, Jumin looked up again and raised a questioning eyebrow at the woman who was staring at him with wide, fearful eyes. "Is something the matter?"

Zen's temper flared as he clenched his jaw and curled his hands into fists.

"What are you doing here, Jumin? I thought you believed you were too good to mingle with us 'common folk'." he spat as his scarlet irises gleamed like hot coals.

Jumin's eyes narrowed. "Oh Zen, I didn't notice you standing there without your crowd of fangirls worshipping you and kissing the ground you walk on.

Something like a deep growl escaped Zen's throat, causing Jumin to smirk internally though his face remained impassive.

"If you must know, I was supposed to meet a few colleagues here and go to lunch with them but they all just texted me to cancel. Quite rude if you ask me." he continued nonchalantly as he slipped his phone into his pocket and began fussing with the cuffs of his jacket. "Zen, forgive me for being nosy, but are those men following you your bodyguards?"

The hair on the back of Zen's neck stood on end as he and MC glanced over their shoulders. Sure enough, the small men in black suits that had been following them on the road stood in the shadows of a nearby hallway, peering at them from behind their identical sunglasses. Jumin's frown deepened when he saw their reactions.

"It would seem they are not." He stated dully. Suddenly, he reached out and grabbed Amy by the arm, dragging her towards a nearby restaurant.

"Hey, what the heck are you doing?! Let go of me!" Amy exclaimed as she tried to pry his hand off of her wrist.

"I am trying to help you. If you stay out here in the open, you are sure to have a confrontation. However, assuming they were sent by your father, they will not go near me for fear of damaging relations between my company and his. Now please stop struggling." Jumin explained.

Amy stared at him in shock. He was helping her? The other day it seemed like she could've crawled in a ditch and died and he wouldn't have batted an eyelash. What was with this sudden change of heart? Glancing at Zen and MC, she searched their faces for an explanation but they appeared just as shocked as she was.

"Are you two going to just stand there or are you going to join us? I'm not waiting for you so make up your minds quickly." Jumin stated flatly, casting Zen a distasteful glance before disappearing into the restaurant with Amy in tow. Finally snapping out of whatever daze has taken hold of him, Zen stormed after the cocky businessman and MC in turn scrambled after him.

"Zen, deep breaths. Whatever you do, don't punch him!" she stated as the two walked through the automatic double doors and toward the hostess station. Amy immediately sighed in relief when she saw them.

"Hey Jumin, would you let go over her arm already? You're making her uncomfortable." Zen growled at the ravenette.

"Oh? I didn't notice. Forgive me." Jumin replied and released Amy's wrist. Immediately, Zen stepped between them, and he and Jumin glared at one another with enough venom in their eyes to kill an entire army.

"Um, your table is ready, Mr. Han." the hostess said awkwardly, fiddling with the four menus in her arms as she watched the silent showdown.

Turning away from Zen, Jumin gave the woman a curt nod, signaling for her to lead the way. Briskly turning on her heels, the hostess hurried towards the back of the restaurant and ushered the four customers into a private room. Inside, a booth next to a window with a view of the city was set with four plates, glasses, and bundles of silverware wrapped in cloth napkins. After placing a menu at each spot, the hostess bowed humbly and left without a word. As soon as Amy slipped into her seat, Zen immediately sat down beside her, watching Jumin warily the entire time. Rolling his eyes, Jumin slid into the spot directly across from Amy while MC sat beside him.

"So, Amy, I was quite startled when I learned you were now staying with Zen of all people. Has he been a good host? He hasn't tried anything, has he?"

"Why do you suddenly care about my wellbeing? You didn't seem to give much of a crap yesterday or at the party." Amy replied suspiciously.

A sigh escaped Jumin's lips. "Contrary to what you seem to believe, I have nothing against you, Amethyst. The few times we have met have not been under the best of circumstances. We share no interest in each other yet we have been forced to spend time together like a couple. Like you, I too was doing what little I could to defy my father's wishes. It was never that I had anything against you; I merely overly emphasized that I was uninterested in hopes of deterring our fathers from further attempts of joining us together. I'm not a bad person, Amethyst, I promise."

"Heh, I beg to differ." Zen scoffed, wincing slightly when he received a sharp kick to the shin from MC.

"Even so, that still doesn't answer my question as to why you've suddenly developed an interest in me." Amy stated flatly. "Also, don't call me Amethyst. I hate that name."

"Very well. To tell you the truth, I am actually rather jealous of you."

Amy's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What? You're jealous of me?"

"Yes. You've done something I never can; you've broken from your father's hold. You can now write your own fate. While I can afford many things serving as my father's successor, you have the one thing that I cannot afford." Jumin stated, his usually cold gray eyes turning bright and sincere. "Given that I am not as privileged as you in the sense of governing my own life, I would like to help you in any way I can. If you need any financial aid or if Zen is being a bad host, please contact me."


"Yeah thanks, but she isn't going to need any help from you. I can take care of us both." Zen cut in, wrapping an arm around Amy's shoulders and sneering at a Jumin. Blushing, Amy hastily ducked out of his hold, though the actor was too preoccupied with his rival to notice.

"Are you sure about that? Caring for two people is very different than caring for one. You have more expenses to pay and things get used up more quickly. Also, have you taken into consideration how having Amy stay with you might affect your career and popularity? There are a lot of variables you are not considering here, Zen-"

"I said I can do it. End of discussion." the actor snapped, his face getting red.

Rolling her eyes, MC cleared her throat to get Jumin's attention. "Jumin, you've eaten here before, right? I'm not sure what to get. Could you give me a few recommendations?"

With Jumin distracted, Amy turned to Zen and kicked his ankle, making him flinch.

"What is with people kicking me today? My flawless skin is going to get bruised!" he whined.

"Why didn't you tell me we were being followed?!" Amy asked.

"Huh? Because I didn't want to worry you."

"You still should have told me! I have a right to know things like that!" Amy fumed, glaring at him.

Zen blinked in surprise. She was mad at him?

"I'm sorry. I just wanted you to have fun today and forget your burdens instead of spending your time worrying and constantly looking over your shoulder." he explained.

Amy's expression softened to the point where she even started to smile. However, she hastily turned away before Zen could see it.

"Well, just tell me next time, okay? I'm not some fragile damsel that will shatter the minute I come in contact with hardship."

"O-Of course! I never thought anything like that, I promise!" Zen stated, worried he had offended her.

"Good. Now, let's get something to eat. I'm not very hungry yet so why don't we split something?" Amy said as she picked up a menu and started skimming through it.

Zen's lips curved into a frown. "Amy, you're not just saying that to avoid eating, right? You need to eat a sufficient amount of food each day or your health will deteriorate."

"No, Zen, I'm just not super hungry, that's all."

"You better not be lying to me."

Amy chuckled to herself. "He may be a narcissist and a little smothering at times but he is truly a big sweetheart. I wish I could do something to thank him for helping me."


After concluding their lunch together, the ravenette and the trio parted ways.

"Oh Zen, you should check the messenger sometime soon. 707 has already started spreading rumors about you and Amy and he pretty much has Yoosung convinced that you two are reincarnated lovers from another galaxy." Jumin called over his shoulder before walking away.

Zen groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose, grumbling under his breath. "Thanks for the heads up."

"Take care of Amy."

Once Jumin had disappeared, MC pulled out her phone and glanced at the time.

"I really should go now if I want to get my errands done. Will you guys be able to get a ride home?" she said.

"We'll be fine. Give your fiancé a smack upside the head for me." Zen grunted as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. Grabbing Amy's hand, he guided her over to a nearby bench and sat down with her.

"Sorry, we'll continue your shopping trip once I clear this up, okay?" he said as he opened the exclusive Messenger app Saeyoung had designed and opened the most recent chat.

Curious, Amy peeked over Zen's shoulder and began reading the text messages. Slowly, her lips curved into a smile and she started giggling.

"You're friend is quite...creative. He would do well as a science fiction author." she mused.

"Yeah, he's something alright." Zen grumbled as he started typing a response

707, Yoosung, Jaehee, ZEN

ZEN has entered the chatroom

ZEN: Yo, Seven! Quit spreading rumors about me!


707: Rumors? What rumors?


ZEN: Don't play dumb with me! Jumin told me about your little fanfic of lies!

Yoosung: Lies? You mean Zen and Amy aren't reincarnated alien lovers?


Jaehee: I told you he was lying.

ZEN: You told them her name?! Seven!!!

707: What? They needed to know so we could decide on a ship name for you two! Hey, by the way, which name do you like better: Amen or Zemy?

ZEN: Neither!

707: Awe, you're no fun!


Yoosung: Seven! I'm gonna kill you for lying to me again!

707: Hehehe...707 isn't here right now. Please leave a message at the beep.

ZEN: Seven!

707: Beep!

707 has left the chatroom

ZEN: He ran away...

Yoosung: Coward.

Jaehee: Zen, are you actually having this Amy woman stay with you? You realize how risky that is, right?

ZEN: I know, Jaehee, but I don't feel comfortable having her stay someplace else. Thank you for your concern though.

Yoosung: Zen, when is Amy going to get added to the messenger? I want to talk to her myself!

Jaehee: Yes, I am curious to meet this woman as well.

707 has entered the chatroom
MC has entered the chatroom

707: I just pushed the app to Amy's phone so she should be able to make an account and log in.


707: I wirelessly hacked MC's phone.

MC: Saeyoung!


Yoosung: Zen! Have Amy log in! I want to meet her already!

Zen and Amy shared a look.

"You don't have to. They're a tad crazy." Zen warned.

"No, it's alright. Tell them I'll be on in a second." Amy stated as she pulled out her phone and opened the app that had manifested on her screen.

707, Yoosung, Jaehee, ZEN, Amy, MC

Amy has entered the chatroom

Yoosung: She's here!!!

Amy: Hi..

Yoosung: Are you really Zen's girlfriend?!?!

Amy: Uh, not quite. Zen and I are just friends.

707: "Just friends"


ZEN: Dude, stop that!

707: Yo, Amy, what name do you like better: Zemy or Amen?

Jaehee: Seven, leave the poor girl alone. You'll scare her off.

707: I will not be silenced! Zemy forever!!!

707 has left the chatroom

Amy: Your fiancé is quite a character, MC

MC: Tell me about it.

ZEN: MC, I thought you were running errands...

MC: My phone started making a bunch of weird noises so I was investigating. Shouldn't you and Amy be shopping?

ZEN: Touché.

Yoosung: Aw, you guys have to go already?

Jaehee: They have things to do, Yoosung. Not everyone has time to just sit around like you do.

MC:...Did Jaehee just burn Yoosung?

ZEN: I think she did.

Amy: Don't worry, Yoosung. We can talk more later.


Yoosung: Okay! She's really nice, Zen. Definitely a keeper.

ZEN: We're not dating!

Amy: Bye Yoosung

Yoosung: Bye Amy!

Amy has left the chatroom
ZEN has left the chatroom

"Yoosung's cute in a little brother kind of way." Amy giggled as she stashed her phone in her pocket.

"Yeah, sure." Zen stated, somewhat annoyed, as he put his phone away. Taking Amy's hand, he began to walk with her again only for her to gasp and jerk to a stop.

"Amy, what's the matter?!"

"Zen, it's beautiful."

Following her gaze, Zen's eyes landed on a leather bound journal adorned with gold designs that resembled fairy dust. A deep, amused chuckle echoed from his throat as he shook his head.

"A book. Of course."

Paying Zen no mind, Amy approached the window and eyed the journal the way a child eyed a king-size candy bar.

"Do you want it?" Zen cooed as he came up behind her.

Amy nodded her head vigorously, her eyes sparkling. Smiling, Zen grabbed. the door and ushered her into the store before slipping in after her, though not before scanning his surroundings for their stalkers. Oddly, they seemed to have disappeared.

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