~Science fiction results!~

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We are thankful to each and every one of you that participated in our Contest! Do not be demotivated if you're not a winner, for life gives a lot of opportunities and this is not the end! If not now, you will someday and we look forward to it. <3






1st Place:-

A tie between...

Username: leiana52

Book Title: Second Chances

Total: 85

Review: I loved your first chapter, you got me hooked right from the beginning. The descriptions, Fireblaze's character development, and the memory experiment were all great. I especially liked the bit at the end when Ether chooses not to say anything about the color changes in her memory. I loved your ideas and the plot as well. Nice use of description and language, good character development as well. You did have some errors in your work though, but other than that it's a great story. You were good at adding suspense and captivating readers. I really enjoyed reading your work.


Username: mirrormybook

Book Title: All The Stars

Total: 85

Review: I love your book! From the first chapter, it got me hooked. I love the way you described all your characters and how you show her feelings. We can't all be perfect though. There are some places you tell not show and you sometimes give too much or too little information. Your cover doesn't quite match the concept of the book and your blurb should be improved as it plays an important part in grabbing the attention of readers. Most of the time, you ignored punctuation marks and those only confused me, I had to go back to read it. There are also some places you don't describe the characters well. Always reread before updating, it will really help. If you improve on these, I'm sure you'll become a paid author in no time.


2nd Place:-

Username: thereale1

Book Title: Secrets

Total: 84

Review: I feel like you give away a bit too much about the plot in your blurb. You probably should get rid of the bit about Clarke's best friend and about the two sides clashing so that you can allow your readers to find out for themselves as they read. I really liked your plot. There was nice character development and I really liked your main character, you made her so realistic and likable. You described her really well and in the first chapter when we first meet her. Her emotions and views on her world and about her mother were so perfectly described; I really liked it. There were a fair number of mistakes in your writing. I loved the world you've created in this book, it's really mysterious and well described. Good use of language as well. You are very talented so carry on writing.


3rd Place:-

Username: Nobblerwobbler

Book Title: 87 Below

Total: 70

Review: This is a very intriguing concept. While the pacing of the first chapter left me wary, the second chapter immediately made up for it. I was curious and on the edge of my seat about what was going to happen next. The grammatical errors are few and far between (but, when they show up, they are glaring). All in all, this was a wonderfully decent read that I plan on reading more of in the future. Thank you for sharing this story!


Honorable Mention:-

Username: juniper-moonpoetry

Book Title: Once We Existed

Total: 69

Review: The blurb was short but catchy which I liked. The cover was beautiful. I loved your descriptions; they were so beautiful and vivid. I liked your plot, it's creative. I loved the futuristic world you have created, a good job with setting descriptions as well. I suggest you put different characters' dialogues on separate lines to make it clearer for readers and separate scenes with some sort of mark. You could add more character development to your work and describe the characters' emotions better. I found a few mistakes in your story. You could use a bigger variety of adjectives in your descriptions. I liked the idea that Nova had a sister who was "dead" and then she later finds her but I don't think you should have her find her so quickly. Maybe, you could continue on with the story, and then she finds her later on or you could have Nova trying to find out if her sister is dead or not, and then it leads her to her sister. Just a suggestion though.



Username: JabaPabaWaba

Book Title: The Branded King

Total: 39

Review: This review is going to sound harsh, but there are things that need to be said. Within the first paragraph of the story, your tenses were flip-flopping all over the place. You need to keep them straight by picking either present or past and sticking to it. It makes the story super distracting and hard to read. I think that a lot of your other problems could be solved by simply editing what you're writing. (Also, just for future reference: when you write numbers between twenty-one and ninety-nine, you should write them out and hyphenate them.) All that being said, there were good aspects to this story. For one, I enjoyed the conflict between the characters and the pacing you incorporated. Thank you for sharing this story!


Username: monster-withnoname

Book Title: Greenblood ANIMUS

Total: 38

Review: While this is an intriguing concept at first-- the blurb certainly plays it up-- there are so many grammatical errors and the sentence structure is so janky that it makes it hard to read this book. The thing is, some of your sentences are totally off the wall. Instead of describing what the characters are doing, sometimes you tend to put their actions in parentheses and hope for the best. I would recommend finding some way of editing what you've written. I would also recommend keeping your chapter headings consistent. Some of your diction was absolutely superb, and I have to say that I quite enjoyed it when things came together and your writing was absolutely harmonious and wonderful. However, those places were few and far between. Still, I have to say, I enjoyed some of it. Thank you for sharing this story!


Username: author_eclipse

Book Title: The Experimental Cosmos

Total: 37

Review: Right off the bat, the cover needs adjusting. The title is hard to read because of its placement and color, which is really the main problem there. The blurb is simple and insightful, which I appreciated. Nebula's opening actions are the kind that draws you in and leaves you wanting more; the imagery of a radioactive wall is hard to ignore. However, there are a few minor grammatical errors, and the exposition dump at the beginning makes reading the first chapter a bit of a slog. I would recommend spreading out that exposition. Let the reader learn about the world in which Nebula lives by showing us how it works as she moves through it rather than telling them at the outset. Then there was the addition of the author's notes. In the future, I would recommend that you make sure that, if you are going to include them at all, they are separated from the chapter by something, be that bolded font or some sort of border or image. There are a few other things that could be fixed, but that was the main one. Overall this was a pretty decent book, and I especially liked some of the imagery used. You have a bit of a knack for description. Thank you for sharing this story!


Username: meera_amila_6

Book Title: The Invisible Boy

Total: 14

Review: This is going to sound incredibly harsh, but I don't know how to put this in a softer way. The errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling in this book are astronomical. They are so glaring that it is hard to read the material and it's nigh impossible to get anything out of it. Combined with the incredibly short chapters (which isn't necessarily a bad thing), I could not understand or track the story. I would recommend finding some way to keep track of your tenses, as you tend to fluctuate between past and present even within the same sentence. You could also add more description. How are we supposed to feel for Robbie-- who is supposed to be the protagonist, if I'm not mistaken-- if we don't understand anything behind his motivations or him as a person? Overall, the story needs more description beyond what you have. There are other problems with this book, but I am going to leave it here. Writing is hard. Don't hesitate to ask someone for help with it. After all, you have to write to improve your writing.


Username: SadieECover

Book Title: 806083: INSURRECTION

Total: 56

Review: There are spelling and punctuation errors that can easily be fixed to polish up your writing. The first chapter should be more interesting to captivate readers. I liked your plot and your ideas. Your chapters were sometimes really long which was quite tiring and they were very dialogue-heavy because you had so many characters. It would be better if you broke the chapters up, but this is just a suggestion though, you don't have to. I liked that you put another language into your story and included diverse relationships. Your story was definitely lacking character development and description. I was confused about what Lin was talking about with his dad, you need to make things a bit clearer. I liked that you varied which character was narrating the story, it made it more exciting to see it from others' POV. This wasn't a science-fiction book though, it should've gone in mystery/thriller. Be sure to carry on writing.


Username: ninjacookiecutter

Book Title: When I leave

Total: 43

Review: I love your book! I love the characters, the way you managed to turn the recent pandemic into something else with your imagination, I love the way you've developed your characters and your blurb is so captivating! Though you're always writing in the third person, if you want to write in only a third person, you have to indicate. You're always telling us what your characters feel, you should always show it so that the readers can relate with the book. The cover though relating to the book in a way doesn't exactly fit the book, readers always judge by the cover. If you're flashing back, also indicate, this confused me a lot, I had to go back to reread the book. Always reread before updating, it helps minimize mistakes and sometimes, prevents it. Improve these and your book will be better than you imagined.



Winners and HM! Please PM me your email so, I can send you your stickers! Your rest of the prizes will be provided within 24-48 hours. Thank you for participating!

Any queries? Ask away!

Your host,

Typed and Edited byilickcupcakes (give her profile a check, such a big help!)


Credit for the stickers go to LagendaryReaper

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