~General Fiction Results!~

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We are thankful to each and every one of you that participated in our contest! Do not be demotivated if you're not a winner, for life gives a lot of opportunists and this is not the end! If not now, you will someday and we look forward to it. <3






1 Place:-

Username: FParungao

Title: The Golden Seal

Total: 91

Review: Grammars are perfect. The cover. Uh, could be better because once readers do judge a book by its cover. In the blurb, you could state what kind of mature. Eg violence, gore read at your own risk. Well, I never really read far in the book to wonder why the book name 'The Golden Seal'. At one point I was getting confused but I put two and two together. I love the snippets of art that you put in the book and I love how you begin it. Keep on writing because practice makes perfect.


2 Place:-

Username: Meevbota123

Title: Acrylic on canvas

Total: 90

Review: The story mainly revolves around Arthur who is under control of his father mentally and is in love with art because of her mom. I really enjoyed the book because it's very rare to see writers writing about art and how every art have its own story. There were very few mistakes with the grammar but overall everything was amazing; the writing style was descriptive although many scenes details aren't provided I don't feel it's needed anywhere because the emotions and actions the described perfectly. As an art lover, I loved the book but I guess many people will find it boring because of the long chapters.


3 Place:-

Username: Alabihoney

Title: Queen of thrones

Total: 87

Review: To be honest, it's the best book, I've judge among the 5 participants. It's book cover, blurb, plot and description, all are awesome and well arranged. It's not flawless, there's some silly grammatical mistakes or typing mistakes. The language is nice. And I'd love the reading. I can see her hard work to make this book so attractive and beautiful.



Username: loveisasweetpoison

Title: My Heart to you

Total: 80

Review: The book cover is beautiful and attractive. The blurb and the plot are good. All the characters have been developed properly and there's less grammatical error. The first chapter is quite nice. The description is good and I enjoyed the book a little bit. Overall, it's a nice book and has won 3 other awards.



Username: HijabiAlien

Title: Little Feels


Review: I enjoyed the book, it was about a girl who loves the rain, young love, first heartbreak & loving own self. The book was simple & cute. The writing style was nice but better words could be used. The flow was good as well but the chapters were small and few grammatical mistakes

At the beginning I felt it's not friction, it felt more like sharing her emotions.



Title: Ashes of the Phoenix - The Fade

Total: 65

Reviews: The book cover is like the cover of a cartoon and I didn't see the author name in the book cover. There's a small paragraph on the cover which I couldn't read as the cover wasn't clear enough. The blurb and the plot are good. Promoting the book or giving details about what's your doing within the chapters is probably not a good idea because when a reader is reading your book, it's not necessary for them to know, what's your doing behind the scene! And giving tributes also is annoying. (It's like annoying advertising in a movie). So many pictures/animes are used instead so writing for the next. I'd enjoyed the book a little bit cause I don't like reading books while there's tributes or promotion in between chapters.


Username: Fathimafizza

Title: Tangled Hopes

Total: 44

Review: Your plot is good which gives a family feeling as we start reading, though you need to add some interesting factors in your story. As for your writing, you need a good amount of improvement in grammar section and sentence formation, your language is mediocre but the story idea compassionates that. As for the character, I like the main character but it still lacks firm personality development, but I liked your creativity and the way twins speak As for some words may not be understood by some readers it's advice to translate em in your writing As for presentation it was good at the start though not satisfying but it deteriorated as the story progressed, I hope you work more on proper spacing and punctuation, In short, I liked your plot idea but your writing needs more improvement.


Username: Davn40

Title: The Invisible Thief

Total: 39 

Review: The title is Invisible Thief which really seems interesting but the book cover is not attractive enough in the sense that, it doesn't go match the title fully. The blurb is too short and needs to be described more in detail, obviously when a reader is going to read a book, they are going to read the description first and it's not that something mysterious like the title is, readers would not like to read it. There's no plot or no paragraphing, it's like a passage(Line by line). The language is not clear in the sense when there's a conversation, no name is mentioned like who is speaking to who, I don't know. It's confusing. There's no full stop in most sentences. This participant is a new writer, I guess, and need to do a lot of improvement in his book. His thought is good but I didn't enjoy the book.


Username: nasshh

Title: Noor of Qadr

Total: 37

Review: I think she could use a better book cover that can attract the reader's attention. The blurb was nice, however, the description could have been better. The book is nice but she needs to improve her grammar. Some parts were confusing because of it. The plot was good but common. Her way of describing is good. I really like it. Randomly changing nicknames, in my opinion, is a bit distracting. Since the book contains some words of different languages, she should at least define what that words mean or it might confuse the readers. I like the characters. They were enjoyable.



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Typed and Edited by: BlizarrKaneki

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Credits of the sticker go to LagendaryReaper

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