~Vampire/Werewolves Results!~

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We are thankful to each and every one of you that participated in our contest! Do not be demotivated if you're not a winner, for life gives a lot of opportunities and this is not the end! If not now, you will someday and we look forward to it. <3






1 Place:-

Username: missprada2020

Title: Paranormal diaries

Total: 90.5

Review: So starting with the plot, Your plot is unique and intriguing, it certainly has a good pace, not too slow and too fast. Although it still lacks some thrill factor, as it's a paranormal story you can add more drama or action according to your taste For chapter length, personally I don't like long chapters but as the premises of story is brilliant and mesmerizing it can easily engross the reader into it, you got plus points for that. As we move on to writing style it's not too fancy or not too regular, it has the perfect blend of words needed to describe the situation or to write a dialogue, which is good as it keeps in mind the level of English your readers understand Although I would suggest you to write meanings of new words you input like 'Fwooper' you can give a short description about that or can give extra information about this mythical creature. For grammar part, it was comparatively good, though there are some places (a line or two) in a chapter which needs editing Now going towards the character , I definitely liked Erika, the character has a strong personality with her past life which fits in well with the story, as for her companion Seth, he has a normal personality which fits in well with her, For others, I also liked the character development of Adriano and the wolf Clan King, plus the Earl's fiery mysterious evil personality but it got little confusing in second or third chapter when you introduced Elders of organization, it's advised not to include too many characters at once, though you were good at shifting spotlight from one character to other and successful in separating which are important. In short, your story got interesting blurb and story plot, your presentation is satisfying, a little mishap with grammar in one or two chapters but it's worth reading.


2 Place:-

Username: goldenunseen

Title: The vampire invasion

Total: 88

Review: The first chapter was very good and kept the right amount of suspense. The characters were very well made but after the second chapter you completely forgot about Mr/Mrs smith when they were a huge part of the story. I would try to find more descriptive words and that when you bring a character into the book make sure they stay there. There were some common grammar mistakes and some elusive things I would of like to have been made known quicker or more clearly. But overall I enjoyed it and it was very entertaining.


3 Place:-

Username: lexinewman2020

Title: The path to freedom

Total: 82

Review: This was amazing! I love the surprise when you found out their mates! The first chapter was so good, but I feel like the rest of the book lacked the emotional connections that it needed. Some descriptions would have been nice. The punctuation was excellent but you misspelled some words. And the synopsis was good but I feel like it was lacking the true meaning of your book. I'd really just try to work on description and being able to tell what the characters are feeling or experience. Make me feel like I'm apart of the book.


Honorable Mentions:


Title: I am Catalina

Total: 79

Review: You started off really strong with the first chapter and how you explained how she became what she is and all of the pain and the difficulty she and her parents felt through this. And you really made me understand how hard it was for her to have to live with what she does and how hard she fights the bloodlust. The spelling was almost perfect you had some grammar issues with commas, periods, but overall it was well done. Descriptions were nice I was able to feel like I was her feeling what she was feeling. But as the story went on the chapters kind of lacked the emotions and the rawness that early on in the book you had. The synopsis wasn't very explanatory about all that the book is about. The cover had a good connection with what the story was about. It's a good book, you just need to make sure when you're explaining what's happening that you do it with more details.



Username: adretaRyder

Title: The Frozen City

Total: 65

Review: Your book is legit. I love the characters, the plot, setting, everything! As awesome as your book is, it needs some improvements. Your cover shouldn't be only about your MC, it should also include things about the book. Your blurb could also use some mystery, something to make it more captivating. You tend to have plot holes which can be due to the lack of planning, I suggest you focus on that! Moreover, broadening your reading experience can aid your sentence structure as well.


Username: 1-800-choke-that-ho3

Title: Not so normal

Total: 62

Review: The book is good but everything happened so fast, there was no wait or pause between one scene to the next. I would try, trying to have a wait and slow down when everything happens and work on better descriptions. It's a good start it just needs some touches and edits to make it better. Also, I would go back and explain what happened with Kota and kris, and with the first chapter it was good but the book didn't really have the aspects of the synopsis. Try making sure that your length out everything that's happening but it was a good story.


Username: 7bookworm23246

Title: Teen avengers and a vampire

Total: 59.5

Review: Your story needs improvement. I'm saying it to help you. You need to try and give more thoughts to your story. The whole book was confusing. You need to base a plot and connected your chapters with the others. A story comes to readers' attention when you focus on certain events based on a plot. There were quite a lot of punctuation errors and there were spelling errors. I think what you need to do is come back stronger to really make sure to find something that you can explain in deep detail, so no facts leave unstated. Edit books and try to find good descriptive words. Please keep striving to do your best! You can do it!



Any queries? Ask away!

Typed and Edited by BlizarrKaneki

Your host,



Credits of the sticker and poster go to LagendaryReaper

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