Being His Wife - 2

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...continued from previous one shot.


Gauri stared at the scattered clothing on her bed with her jaw hanging down. "Omkara, what..." she looked up at him shocked waiting for an explanation. He folded his arms and shrugged glancing at the bed as though it was no big deal. Gauri shook her head and rushed to shut he door of their room. 

It had been three weeks to when it all started. Omkara helped to understand the dynamics of a relationship, of giving space to each other when needed and totally violating that space when time called for. Initially, Gauri had started becoming uncomfortable with him and his scandalous ideas and words. But slowly she was getting used to it, hell she even enjoyed it. 

She marched right back up to him and folded her arms. "Explain."

He smiled. "Those are umm, the kind of clothes I would like you to wear occasionally."

"You have a preference of undies..." Gauri spoke looking at him with wide eyes.

"Well, not really. But umm, it's sexy, that kind of stuff." He pointed to the variety of bras, undies, even thongs and negligees he had shopped online.

Gauri took a deep breath and perched upon the bed picking up one flimsy blood red material, a thong to be specific between two fingers. "This!" She murmured horrified. How on earth was that one supposed to be worn? Forget that, why would anyone want to wear that?

"You don't have to, you know, wear them like right away. Keep it in the closet and you know...occasionally." Omkara replied, pulling out his phone from his pocket. "Gauri, I need to take this call." Saying that he walked upto the window and stood their.

Gauri heard him talk about some upcoming exhibition. She picked up anothe black piece. It was flimsy silk, that felt soft against her fingers. She picked up next, Omkara had definitely displayed his choice of colors well with those. 

"It's called lace!" He said and she immediately dropped the piece and looked at him with flushed cheeks. Just imagining herself in those before Omkara's eyes made her face flame up. 

Omkara's lips curved up slightly noticing his wife's lost expression and flushed cheeks. He stepped closer and held her hands. She looked at him startled. He wrapped her arms around his waist standing between her knees. Her immediate reaction was to pull away her face from touching his abdomen. She titled her face up to meet his eyes. "Why are you so lost?" He asked, his hands moving to her face.

"Come on try one." He said caressing her cheeks with her knuckles.

"These are inappropriate... don't you think so?" Gauri finally spoke up the conflict in her mind. "You know... those kind of girls wear them."

Omkara nodded slowly, the pads of his thumbs continuing to lightly caress her cheeks. "No. They are no inappropriate Gauri. They are just associated with inappropriate scenes and people." He loved how she obediently had her arms around him, just like he had placed it. Working on their intimacy had sprouted some new fantasies into his head. 

"Okay!" She whispered.

Omkara took a deep breath reaching to her hands that were now interlocked behind his back. 

"Where are you going?" She asked when he suddenly moved away.

"Dinner." Omkara answered casually.

"Wait, I will try one of these. " She said in a desperation to have all his attention again. 

He smiled and looked at her. "Go ahead, I will find out after dinner which one you tried!" He winked walking out of the room. 

Gauri was baffled. He unleashed her anticipation and just left. Gauri took a deep breath bringing together her legs. Off late, her body's reactions had changed. Just having Omkara around made her nervous, in a very desperate way albeit. And his mere touches elicited responses from her body. Gauri had never had thoughts like the one Omkara brought ot her mind. She had started craving for their proximity. She constantly wanted his touch, his scent, his gaze and all of his attention. She breathed heavily looking at the items scattered on the bed, pondering which one to pick for tonight.

* * *

Gauri, for the first time, was impressed seeing herself in just inners. The intricately made lace inners made her feel confident. She was almost certain Omkara would like it too. She had worn the same clothe over and made her way to the kitchen. She stopped in tracks immediately when she saw Shivaay and Anika kissing each other in the passageway. She had to blink to make sure she was seeing right. Anika was against the wall while Shivaay was against her. Gauri lowered her gaze immediately only to notice more details. She immediately turned around and as stealthily as she could decided to take the front staircase. She mentally cursed herself for moving towards the back staircase. This absentminded behavior had become increasingly common lately. And this was all Omkara's fault. 

Gauri was trying to un-see what she had seen when she made it to the kitchen using the main staircase. She immediately caught Omkara's eyes on her. Her mind was definitely not making up that, look Omkara was giving her. His gaze smoothly dropping to her chest as though trying to figure if she had changed anything on the underneath. His lips then formed a disappointed pout. Gauri smiled busying herself with setting up the dining table. He probably thought she didn't wear them. Somehow Gauri felt excitement rush through her nerves.

A little later Shivaay and Anika made it to the dinning table bantering over something as usual. Gauri felt more nervous than them. "You didn't?" She heard Omkara's whisper when she was serving his plate. 

Gauri feigned to be confused. "What?" She whispered as though she had no clue what he was talking about.

"Nothing!" He whispered and cleared his throat a little, "Thanks!"

Gauri smiled to herself.

* * *

Close to two hours later Gauri's wait was finally over when Omkara walked into he room and shut the door. Gauri kept down her English language course book on the bedside table and looked up at him. "Everything okay?" She asked as he sat on the bed, noticing that he seemed to be lost in his thoughts.

"Yeah. Umm, actually there's this artist called Sreekanth Gowda, he is holding an exhibition at Pune. This weekend." He told her sitting up on the bed. 

Gauri's heart immediately lost the excitement. He'd be going away for the weekend. Omkara generally preferred traveling alone for his exhibitions and other art related visits. "When do you leave?" She asked.

Omkara looked at her. "I was thinking, if you would want to join me."

Gauri looked at him pleasantly surprised, "You want to take me along?" She repeated to make sure she understood right.

"Yes!" He said simply.

"Okay!" She smiled. "But wait," her smile dropped as curiosity came up on her face. "You usually like your space right, during your trips. Then how come suddenly you want me to--"

Omkara's lips drew up into a heartwarming curve. "Because I want to spend some time with you. Gauri, we never had a honeymoon. So I thought why not tick that off the list."

"Honeymoon? Pune?" Gauri asked with a mocking glance.

Omkara was amused. Gauri would accept the least of things. She never asked for expensive gifts or even flowers. A mocking remark was a first from his wife."You me away from everything else. That's honeymoon. Besides, it woul be a pity if we went to a fancy place and didn't even get time to explore the place."

"Why not?" Gauri asked confused.

"Because we'd be exploring each other." He answered casually.  Gauri parted her lips releasing an inaudible gasp. Gauri stared at him while he placed his phone on the bedside stand. "Are you in?" He asked turning to her. 

Gauri looked squarely into his eyes. "Yes!" She said trying to seem as confident as he was but her cheeks were a pool of heat.

Omkara found it very easy to read Gauri especially when she was embarrassed, blushed or was simply aroused. She still didn't know how to camouflage that carnal need. She'd straightforwardly stare at his lips which gave away everything she desired. He liked how her desire for him was slowly growing, going beyond hugs and cheek kisses. 

Omkara crawled closer to her, swiftly pinning her to the mattress, taking his sweet time to straddle her. 

"Omkara!" She gasped when he slowly let his pelvic make contact with hers. He smiled taking off his kurta quickly. She parted her lips taking a sharp inhale looking at his naked chest. Omkara stretched his arm and switched off the main light source in the room leaving on the soft golden lights. He observed how she reacted to his slightest movement and he was thoroughly enjoying it. But the moment when she had flicked out her tongue to wet her lips Omkara was left to ponder who was the one teasing.

He left open mouthed kisses on her neck. She arched back breathing heavily. Omkara quickly withdrew and sat up again. He shifted away so that he could give her some space to get rid off her clothes. She took his cue very well and sat up, her eyes in level with his. 

Omkara couldn't hold back her slow motion. He quickly used his hands to help her pull up the kurti and his lips parted as the extremely teasing sight greeted him. She had put on one of his new purchases. He looked at her and she smiled, while his hands reached to cup her breasts. "You lied..." he mumbled not breaking their eye contact.

"Not exactly," she whispered. He responded by squeezing her softness covered in the lace bra. Gauri parted her lips at his assault staring at him, indulgently.

He pushed her to the mattress, continuing to squeeze, cup and release. "You are becoming naughty don't you think?" He asked with a smile to let her feel the comfort. 

She lowered her gaze with a blushing smile. "Do you like it?" 

"You have no clue how much." Saying that he moved away to get rid of her patiala pants to see what surprise awaited him below. She tried sitting up but he intervened, "Gauri, relax. Just trust me?"

She nodded shyly laying back on the bed. Omkara watched her while his hands quickly got her pants off. He ran his palms up and down her calf muscles, to her ankle and then all the way to her thighs. He watched as her teeth took in her lower lip. He paused just watching the beautiful sight before him. Her hands clutching the bedsheet, arms tended up with anticipation. She was a sight to behold. He then slowly massaged her inner thighs. 

"Omkara!" She murmured feebly. He hooked one of his fingers into the material on her tighs. She moved a little in response. He then surprised her letting his tongue make contact with her skin. She looked down and gasped. "What.."

"Gauri, trust me please." He repeated.

"Omkara, please!" She whispered and he knew she needed the touch of skin against hers desperately more than ever.

Gauri felt cold, her bare skin yearned for his warmth while he was busy caressing her legs. He left wet kisses on her inner thighs and she tried not to move violently under the supple softness of his lips. She was totally enjoying how he touched her firmly yet with gentleness. She gasped when she felt his teeth tug at the material. Jeez, he was so going to tear that beautiful lace if he kept tugging at it like that. 

Her eyes shot open when she realised she had soaked the new material. She took the support of her elbows to look at what he was doing. She felt herself grow wetter as she caught glimpse of his tongue flick across her thigh. "Om!" She gasped as simultaneously he had managed to toss the material off her in a quick move. 

Omkara inhaled deeply. It was sometimes a task to keep her from totally spoiling the moment. "Take that off!" He demanded looking at her chest hungrily. That piece of lace was a tease showing more than it hid.

She almost gaped at him. 

"Now." He asserted.

Gauri struggled to sit up and gulped. Her hands reached to unhook the material. She did it effortlessly. Omkara so needed to learn to be that effortless. "Toss it!" He instructed while his finger had reached the right spot between her legs. He looked at her in awe and felt himself harden at the sight. 

"What are--" she took a sigh reacting to what his fingers were doing. "Omkara!" She gasped squirming slightly. 

"Remember the other day I told you I can eat you. I am going to show you how today." He whispered, "lay back Gauri." Hi fingertips continued to move in pleasurable circles.


He smiled reassuring, "just trust me!"

Gauri did that. She simply lay back as he held apart her legs and went down on her. Gauri gasped her back arching, and squeezed her eyes shut feeling a powerful, moist, warm touch. She felt his stubble agaisnt her thighs and whatever he was doing was making her shake. She clutched on the bedsheet tightly, letting out a shaky word escape her lips, "Omkara!"

"Om!" She moaned her hips buckling. He only held on tighter to her thighs and effortlessly kept doing whatever he was. "Oh, Om!" Gauri tried to hold back. "Om!" She almost screamed this time. 

Omkara quickly climbed up her frame. If she was going to scream like that, the entire house would know that she was close to her earth shattering orgasm. 

She was breathing hard, she opened her eyes feeling his wet mouth on her chest. He was now nibbling at her skin. "Omkara!" She moaned sweetly exhaling sharply, running her fingers through his soft hair. 

"I am going down on you again!" He muttered and lived up to his word. The sense of right and wrong had disappeared. Gauri moaned softly as his grip tightened around her thighs. She surely wouldn't forget the night.

Many minutes later, Gauri was enjoying every thrust looking straight onto his eyes as he had requested her to. The intimacy had heightened as their gazes didn't move away and remained locked. She felt him pick up his speed and tightened her fingers around him in anticipation not breaking their eye contact. She parted her lips as she felt his movements go faster and then stop, flooding her. Their gazes still unmoved. He smiled satisfied and leans forward to kiss her. 

Out if habit, Gauri's eyes opened at the crack of dawn. She smiled as Omkara came into her view. She loved waking up to see him every morning. She shifted moving closer to him. He slept like a soldier. She sat up realizing they both were bare. Her eyes remficestae don his peacefully sleeping face. She watched closely as rhythmic breaths went in and out. How could someone become so important for someone to survive? It overwhelmed her Hiw with every passing day, she was falling a little more in love with him. It was like it never stopped. She was constantly falling in love. She didn't know if it would ever stop. It was terrifying, but so addictive - the feeling of constantly falling in love. 

She knew, she had a lot to understand. Omkara appeared simple but he was way more complicated. And Gauri now felt confident that she'd slowly understand his very uneven layer. She leaned forward and kissed his cheek. He moved and opened his eyes. Gauri immediately regretted not holding back from the temptation. "Sleep, there's time!" She whispered softly leaning further to kiss his forehead. She then pulled the duvet up to cover herself and snuggled close to him.

Hope you all enjoyed it. 

Just out of curiosity, how many of you are also Aastha Shlok fans? I ended up binge watching a few scenes and despite of the high dosage of male chauvinism I actually found myself enjoying Aastha and Shlok. They have a very cracking chemistry! 


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