Being His Wife

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Background: Post Roop Bua's arrest, Anika comes back home. An excited Gauri wants to spend time with her sister but Omkara makes her understand that Anika needs to be with Shivaay.

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"Gauri, where are you going?" Omkara asked as Gauri was all set to follow Shivaay and Anika into their room.

"To Jiji's room! There's so much we need to talk about." Gauri replied happily.

"Yeah, of course!" Omkara mumbled nodding, his fingers grasping around her wrist gently. "But, uh, they need to you know change and rest. Plus, they would want to spend time with each other after everything right?"

Gauri nodded understanding his point, and realization dawned. "Yeah you're right." She muttered, slightly disheartened at the fact.

Omkara noticed the tiny little bit of disappointment, and spoke up, "But you know... now Anika's going to be here. You will have a lot of time to spend with her."

Gauri's face lit up and she looked at him with the widest smile. "Yes!" 

Omkara leaned closer, in subtle voice saying, "Maybe you should spend some time with me too!"

Gauri took a few seconds to register his words and looked at his face and there he smirked. She blushed instantly as he pulled her closer tugging at her arm. "Shall we go?"

"Okay!" She whispered, very cautiously looking over her husband's shoulder to see Rudra looking at them suspiciously. "Let's go!" She said feebly and began to walk towards their room. 

Omkara smiled following his wife when he heard a soft whistle. Rolling his eyes he briefly turned mouthing "What?" to his annoying little brother. Rudra waggle his brows unquestioningly. Omkara glared at him mouthing "F off!" 

Omkara heard Rudra's fading chukle as he made his way into the room.

"What are--you doing?" Omkara asked fumbling for the light switch after shutting the door to their room and locking it.

He was momentarily shocked when he saw Gauri undressing herself, once he put on the golden lamps on either side of the bed. "Gauri !"

"What?" She asked startled, looking at him with wide eyes.

"I didn't--" Omkara stammered his eyes briefly dropping to her collarbone, where she had just undid the front hooks of her kurti.

"What? You wanted to right?" Gauri asked with uncertainty. She had been reading a lot of articles and magazines on the topic of marriage and understanding men. She knew she would never be good enough for Omkara. But the least she could do was put efforts and try be a better wife.

Omkara was now very curious. This was the third time that Gauri was voluntarily undressing herself in the week. The same Gauri who'd go beetroot red when he as much as shifted her duppata. "Gauri, I ... we need to talk." He ended up saying. Saying that he didn't imply sex in quality time would be a lie.

Gauri peered at him confused. He took her hand and made her sit on the bed and sat beside her. Gauri turned to face him. "Is everything okay?" She asked him.

"Yes, everything is okay. But, I... look Gauri the thing is that... what I mean to say is..."

Gauri frowned. "You're nervous?" She asked observantly.

"Yes, sort of. The things is that... so much has been happening that lately, we haven't got time to nurture our relationship."

"Okay," gauri responded waiting for more, something more substantial to understand what was on his mind.

"Okay, first things first, what's with this... not so shy avatar? Last two times also you just... "Omkara moved his hand in hair pointing to her. 

"What did I do?" She asked confused.

"You stripped!"

Gauri looked at him with still more confusion. "What does that mean?"

Omkara took a deep breath. It was uncomfortable explaining things to his wife. She was so innocent that his struggle only became harder. "Okay." He said taking a deep breath, gilding her hand. "Stripping in this context.... means to remove or tear of one's clothes."

"Oh!" Gauri gasped her embarrassment reflecting as the red gue on her cheeks. "Is that... inappropriate?"

Omkara gently caressed her hand, "It's okay and it's definitely not inappropriate if it is woth your spouse." He said with a teasing smile. "But," his smile faded, "why are you doing it? I mean... u till last week you were shy and all of a sudden you just strip off at my subtlest suggestion of being with you."

"You, um, don't like that?" Gauri asked with hesitation.

Omkara looked into her honey brown eyes. "Gauri, you're not understanding my question. What changed? Why do you suddenly want to ... please me like that?"

Gauri looked away perplexed and lost in her own thoughts.

"Hey, " Omkara said sifting getting her attention. "I love you Gauri. In every way, mostly." Omkara added thoughtfully. "But, I need to know what you're thinking. You can share whatever is in your mind with me Gauri, I am your husband."

Gauri looked at him. He was always so welcoming that Gauri wanted to confide in him. "I read somewhere that... men like ot when their...wife catches their hint and you know...strips."

"God, what have you been reading!" Omkara exclaimed.

"Why?" Gauri muttered, "Is that wrong?"

"Gauri, um, what, where did you read that?"


Omkara closed his eyes and huffed. "Okay. Go ahead elaborate."

Gauri sighed, "Omkara," she said softly and nervously, " we are from different worlds. I am barely educated while you've also done your master's that too abroad. I am a simple girl from a small town while you're...famous, popular and what not. I love you and I know you love me. But that's not enough for a marriage right? You came all the way to Bareli to win my heart. You left no stone unturned to show me how much you care. I am doing the same." Gauri shrugged her shoulders gently. "I just don't want to be a good wife, I want to be the wife you've always wished for. I want to fit into your world like you fit into mine. "

Omkara was clean bowled. He just smiled and listened to everything that came straight from her heart, holding her hand between his hands. She had tears glowing in her eyes that told him how much she loved him. 

"I understand Gauri. Maybe there are times when I, perhaps, unintentionally make you realize that you're different from me. And I am really sorry if I have ever hurt you like that."

"No!" Gauri whispered, placing her one palm on his hands.

Omkara looked down at their hands. "Thank you!" He said gratefully. Gauri was a very simple person yet she had managed to get to the nub of his complex self. There were times when he wished that his Gauri was a little more understanding to is ways, or understood what he needed when or just be that mature companion who he could talk to about life and it's intricacies.

Gauri's smiled but there was a little hesitation that Omkara caught.

"What is it?" He asked, his fingers reaching out to the hair that had come to her cheek as she shook her head. "Tell me Gauri."

"I just don't know if I can ever be what you want." Gauri confessed a tear rolling down her cheek. "I really want to be what you want, what you need in a companion."

"Gauri, please don't cry!" Omkara said wrapping his arms around her pulling her into a hug. 

She sobbed pressing her face against his chest. "I really want to be what you want!" She mumbled.

Omkara could related to what Gauri felt. He had been through it all. He remembered how he wanted to be everything Gauri wanted which ended up with him being Dilpreet the man she wanted in her life.

He pulled away and cupped her face making her look at him. "You are everything I want Gauri. Truly. " Omkara said rubbing her tears away. "You don't have to read anything or take anyone else's help Gauri. I know... it's easy for me to say that. But let's do this, I will ask of you what I want. I will tell you what I need you to be."

"Gauri, is there's anything that I have learned from our past and relationships around me is that not communicating tears people apart. I don't want any more misunderstandings. Promise me, if anything bothers you, you'll tell me. You will always let me know what you feel."

"Promise!" Gauir mumbled through a smile.

Omkara leaned forward and kissed her forehead. He smiled as their eyes met once again. "Now coming to other things" omkara cleared his throat to get back his voice to normal. "Please, don't undress like that. Please. I would like to take care of that myself."

Gauri's face was still covered with the reddish hue due to all the crying. "So, you don't like stripping!"

Omkara blinked. Gauri's direct questions left him in a fix ally he time. "Onve in a while I would more than love if you stripped for me. But not like how you've been doing it. No."

"What do you mean?" Gauri asked confused.

Omkara sighed and brought out his phone. He definitely needed internet's help to explain things to Gauri. Never in the wildest dream had he thought he'd be showing his wife a strip dance video on the internet.

Gauri gasped and with parted lips watched the video with her eyes glued to his phone. Omkara smiled to himself, he never thought he'd be the one to adulterate his wife's adorable innocence.

Hope you enjoyed reading this. Would love to know your thoughts! 

And um, do you think a follow up part for this would make a good read? If yes, what would you like to see ?


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