Chapter 1 - We're the next guardians

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The next morning.

Max, Alex and Alexa woke up as they did there bathroom routine, getting dressed and head downstairs. Waving to there mother.

Alex, Max and Alexa : " Bye mom "

Mom : " Bye you three "

They came outside as they walk to school. Upond getting there they enter their classroom.

Max : " Ready? "

Alexa : " I guess "

Without a instant.

??? : " Finally you three damn nerds show up "

The look to see one of there classmates. The aggressive guy known for his dark type magic


Alex : " Um it's called coming to school add? "

Add : " You three, especially you Alex are always late to class "

Alexa : " why do you gotta be a dick add? "

Add gets up and go to them.

Add : " I'm only here to be a elsword guardian, and I dont need stragglers slowing me down "

Alex : " Hey!?, we're not stragglers! "

Suddnly someones metal arm gets place on adds shoulder.

??? : " Knock it off add "

They see one of there other classmates whos the tallest and sleep head of the class


Seeing him made Add snarl.

Add : " Grrrrrrrr....Raven "

Raven : " You need to chill put Add, they just got here so straighten up now "

Add : " Or what your gonna do something about it?, or are you gonna just give me stares all day "

Raven : " Nothing, nothing at all "

Add : " tch..whatever "

He walks off.

Max : " Thanks raven- "

Raven : " He's right you know?, you three must step up on being on time "

Alexa : " I know "

??? : " ALEX!!!! "

He turn to see another of his classmates, the flat wizard alex calls her.


Alex : " Oh boy... "

Aisha : " We were suppose to do our project together why didn't you come!? "

Alex : " I had better things to do then helping you do a spell "

Aisha : " Like what?, sleeping all day like raven? offense "

Raven : " none taken, I know what I do "

Alex : " I help you do a spell last time, then it blew up in my face "

Aisha : " That was different "

Alex : " I'll help you make a spell, that doesn't make you flatter than the sidewalk " *putting his hands behind his head*

He refers to her chest as this cause aisha to blush with embarrassment and gasp.

Aisha : " HOW DARE YOU!?, your a no good jerk! "

Alex : " Takes one to know one "

They both argue back and forth pretty much barking like dogs at that point. Max slowly scoots away from that as he sits at his desk which was actully next to the class first and only human android student known as.


Eve : " Greetings max "

Max : " Oh hey eve "

Eve : " You seem very energized today "

Max : " I mean, I guess you could say that "

Eve tilted her head.

Eve : " You haven't herd the news? "

Max : " What? "

Eve : " There will be a big test held near June "

Max : " Wait what?"

Eve : " The guardian test, it's where wizard's arcoss the world from differnt schools attend, to do a quest test "

Max : " So they literary go on a quest? "

Eve : " correct "

Instant a girl head popped in between them.

??? : " I hear it's gonna be alot of fun! "

The class kitty know as.


Ara : " They say that test brings up your chance to become a guardian "

Max : " What's the main goal for it? "

??? : " To see what you can do with your classmates "

A boy step next to em, known for his smarts and add calls him the human pikachu.


Ara gasp and clap her hands as her cat face appears.

Ara : " Chung-kun! "

Chung : " It's for cooperation with one another, usually guardians work together so they wanna know if we can work together "

Max : " Seems simple "

Eve : " Substantive compared to our class "

They see alex and aisha still arguing as add started to get annoyed as he used his magic as he aim at them, and cause them the blow up as they fell in there desk.

Add : " Shut up!, your both being annoying as hell! "

Ara : " Well, we're all unique right? "

Chung : " Yeah, though we have alot to do if we all wanna be a guardian "

Raven walks up to them.

Raven : " What are you guys talking about? "

Eve : " The quest test "

Raven : " Oh, well I believe we can do it, along as we follow our teacher and train more on our magic and skills, we got this "

??? : " Raven-kun is right, we work hard for this "

They look to see one of their classmates, the elf archer girl named.


Raven : " Rena-chan "

Rena : " You're right, we can do this as long as we work hard "

Chung : " Though we never been on a quest before "

Ara : " But who says its impossible? "

Soon the teacher came threw the door.

Teacher : " Good morning class, sorry I was late stupid traffic, now plz everyone take there seats "

Everyone sits at their desk.

Teacher : " Now as, well as some of you all know that the quest test is coming up, which means we're going to be doing alot of work which involes teamwork, new spells and magic and including skills "

Alex : " Does it really help out with being a guardian? "

Teacher : " Correct "

Aisha : " In curiosity, why must a exam come in to play then? "

Eve : " The exam is final stand to the guardian academy "

Teacher : " Eves correct, the exam is to help you get in the guardian academy, whatever score you get results to see if you pass and go to guardian academy "

Add : " Tell me more about this quest test, can we hurt anyone? "

Teacher : " No add, it's not about students vs students, and frankly I don't know what will it be, they change it every year"

Add snarl as he cross him arms with his legs crossed ontop of the desk.

Raven : " So what exacly are we suppose to train? "

Teacher : " Simple, we're gonna be learning more about more magic, spells, skills and upgrade all your abilities as best we can....however we're very limited in this school, if you pass there's alot more options for you in guardian academy " *he clap his hands* " so shall we get started?, We got alot of work ahead "

Students : " Yes sir "

Teacher : " Great, so I devise a new way of teaching you all this time "

Ara : *gasp* " Are we going on a field trip!? "

Teacher : " In a way, come I'll show you all to the fields "

Everyone got up and go to the fields, filled with huge bushes, tress and a big lake.

Teacher : " Alright student's, your gonna be doing your own quest "

The student's look.

Tecaher : " Ok this rock I have in my hand "

He holds up a rock but not just any rock it's a magical stone.

Add : " A damn rock? "

Teacher : " Not just any rock, its a magic stone "

He throws it across the field in the high bushes, grass and trees.

Teacher : " The stone will glow and make a sound when your close to, you all are gonna go find it "

Add : " That's our quest?, finding a damn pebble? "

Eve : " This could help with our communication skills "

Ara : " Yay we're all bonding "

Teacher : " Ok on your marks.....get set....GO!!! "

The students looked as they see the maze that they will be heading in.

To be continue.....

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