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Long time ago in the year 2546.

Once upon a time, there was a man who was called many things...the hero, the villain, the rebel, the god killer, but many in the world know him as shirou the founder of fairy land, a place where anything mythical can live in peace and harmony. Untill the great war happened......a battle between all mythical legends and a evil relm known as the black knights a relem filled with nothing but evil and chaos, tho many thought the black knights would take over shirou sacrifice himself to save fairy land from this evil. Years have passed with fairy land as shirous statute in the heart of fairy land to honor the man as a small kid ran up to it.

??? : *in awe* " Woah coooool "

He hears a slight sign and look to see his mom

??? : " Alex slow down my child plz, I don't wanna lose you "

Alex : " Mommy look "

He pointed at the statute.

Mom : " Ah yes our hero of fairy land shirou "

Alex : " Mommy will I be like him some day? "

Mom : " Well I believe you will "

She picks him up.

Mom : "but in the mean time plz dont run off away from your mother....with your father gone off in the war with the black knights dragon its hard to keep a eye on you, max and alexa, ok? "

Alex : " Ok mommy "

Mom : " Great now let's get going "

She takes him and walks home.

Alex : " What about you? "

Mom : " What about me? "

She look at him.

Alex : " Weren't you in wars to? "

Mom : " Yes I was in wars, its how I met your father after all "

Alex : " Did you two fight? "

Mom : " Few occasions, but soon when we see each other, we'd just walk away from each other "

Alex : " why? "

Mom :" Cause we started seeing heart to hearts with each other, why are you asking me these questions ? "

Alex : " Because I wanna know what's it like being a guardian of fairy land- I wanna be one "

His mom had a short period of time as she signs.

Mom : " We'll talk about it when we get home "

Alex : " But mom- "

Mom : " No buts "

He snarl and pouts.

Mom : " Alex your only 12 just some stuff you don't understand, so please be patient "

Alex : " Ok mom I'll follow you "

Mom : " Good "

They continue there walk home as once, finally reaching there home she open the door and got surprise my two little excited kids.

Max and Alexa : " MOMMY, MOMMY, MOMMY!!!! "

They jump and tug her legs.

Mom : " Please kids settle down please "

She put Alex down as she walks to the kitchen for something as Alexa and Max looked at Alex not very happy.

Alexa : " How dare you Alex "

Alex : " What?"

Max : " Getting all the mom effection, it's not fair ! "

Alex : " I just wanted to see the shiro-shirve- I mean shirou statute "

Alexa : " Why?, you lose your mind or something we all know what he did ? "

Alex : " Jeez thanks ms obvious, I mean, I wanna be a guardian when I grow up "

Alexa : " Why? Thats a risky business big bro, 80% of guardians dont return back ? "

Alex : " I wanna be like shirou "

They look at each other then back at Alex and started to burst into laughter.

Alex : " W-whats so funny ? "

Max : " Nobody can do what Shirou did Alex "

Alexa : " He's the only strongest mythical hero in the world, no one has gotten that strong "

Alex had a short pause.

Alex : " Anything's possible "

They hear there mom in the back.

Mom : " Kids don't forget you have school tomarrow "

Max pouts.

Max : " Do we have to go ? "

Mom : " Yes my little one, its going to help you all become heros when you all grow up, now dinner is ready come now "

They ran in the dining room as they scoot the seats, sitting in them as they look at there food as max literally almost orgasm.


He plan his face in it and began to eat it like his dna counter part, a wolf.

Mom : " slow down max "

Alexa eats normally, but Alex looking at his plate twirling his fork in the steak.

Mom : " Alex, are you ok ? "

Alex : " H-huh ? "

Mom : " You aren't eating, what's wrong ? "

Alex : " I'm not really hungry " *He signs*

Mom : " Getting bullied ? "

Alex : " No not that "

Alexa : " Probley thinking about his friend, um what's her name ?, Aisha? "

Alex : " First off I'm not thinking about her "

Mom : " Well you must eat Alex so please eat "

She gave a smile.

Alex : " Ok ok your right "

He eats finally, as about a hour later, the sun starts to settle over the horizon of the island and into darkness where the only thing that shows when you look at the sky is it's beautiful moon and stars.

Mom : " Ok kid's, it's bed time "

The three get up and go in there beds as they get in there sleepwear and get in the bed, as there mom wrap there blankets on them all.

Mom : " Goodnight my children, I love you all "

Alex, Max and Alexa : " love you to mom "

She smiles and slowly close the door, shutting off the lights.

Alex in his head : " Will we- no will any of us be like shirou? "

As tomorrow is another day a slow but new era is coming, wondering if or what will happen to these next gen of guardians.

Alex maxfert

Max Maxfert

And Alexa Maxfert

As tomarrow school begins and sets the day, for whats in that school, sets the day of fairy land's greatest changers in history.

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