True Love

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Natsu made his way to the guild looking for a certain blond celestial mage, his best friend.

"Lucy, you're looking as extravagant as ever," Natsu looked up towards the bar, Lucy sat there forced to listen to Loke's lame pick up lines and flirts, this of course bothered the fire dragon Slayer. Although he tried to not make a scene.

"Go away Loke," Lucy rolled her eyes, suddenly eyeing the rosy haired dragon Slayer, "Natsu!" Lucy called out, jogging over to him.

"Hey Luce," Natsu pulled his toothy grin that always made Lucy blush.

"Is it alright if we go on a mission? my rent is due soon..." Lucy asked.

"Sure, hey where's Happy?" Natsu asked, Lucy turned around finding the blue cat attempt to give his fish to Carla.

"Over there," Lucy giggled "Let's go ask him if he wants to come," Lucy suggested, Natsu nodding.

"Lucy!" The two best friends turned their attention to Loke, walking over to Lucy. Her letting out a huff of annoyance.

"What is it Loke?" Lucy asked.

"Give me a chance, I love you Lucy..." Natsu's eyes widen when he realized Lucy seemingly consider Loke's proposal.

"Lucy let's go!" Natsu quickly grabbed Lucys wrist pulling her away from Loke, Natsu quickly grabbed Happy by the tail, earning a yelp from the blue cat, before picking Lucy up running off with a random job he hadn't read over.

When they had gotten a good distance from the guild. Natsu eventually put Lucy down. After much of her protest.

"Natsu, what was that!?" Lucy protested against Natsu's irrational way of acting.

"What was what?" Natsu tilted his head. He knew exactly what Lucy meant, but too embarrassed to provide her with an explanation for his actions.

Lucy let out a sigh of annoyance, before smiling. Looking up at Natsu, who still held Happy's tail.

"Uh... Natsu...?" Lucy asked for the Dragon Slayers attention, "Happy's tail..." She pointed out.

"S-Sorry buddy..." Natsu chuckled. Scratching the back of his neck. "Hey Lucy what was the mission is grabbed.

"Huh?" Lucy looked down at the paper picking it up. "Oh, it's says:

We are looking for two good looking mages male and female to perform magic and gain attention for our restaurant.
200,000 Jewels

"I suppose we could do this..." Lucy muttered. "I mean I consider myself decent, and heaven knows Natsu is quite handsome..." Lucy continued to whisper.

"Fufufu..." Happy laughed. "Lushies a pervert."

"AM NOT!" Lucy defended 'Lucy kicking' him into the sky. Pouting Lucy turned to Natsu who was looking down scratching the back of his neck.

She swore she heard him mutter something along the lines of: "I think your gorgeous," but she wouldn't let her hopes rise only to fall back down at Natsu's density, she wouldn't let her small crush on the Dragon Slayer to get the best of her.

"Anyways, the town is not that far I don't think we'll need to take the train." Lucy looked at a relived Natsu.

"I'm going home so tomorrow morning we can go," Lucy looked at Natsu, to see his eyes lock onto hers. "N...Natsu...?" Lucy watched as Natsu stepped closer to her. "Are you...-"

"Natsuu!!" Lucy quickly pulled away from Natsu who just grunted silently in frustration. "Lushies mean!" Happy cried flying into Natsu arms.

Lucy rolled her eyes. Waving to the two.

"Bye! I'll see you guys later!" Lucy took off running. Unaware of Natsu's eyes fixed on her. He watched her long blond hair swaying which he wished to run his fingers through. Her curves which to him seemed to beg for his touch. Her long legs he wished to wrap around his waist.

"Natsu? You've been spacing out a lot, especially around Lushie, are you okay?"

Natsu snapped out of his trance to look at his blue cat companion.

"I'm okay!" Natsu pulled a grin, but deep down he knew, he loved Lucy he always did, but something always stopped him. Fear.

Strange, he knew, he could take down bad guys and anyone who threaten FairyTail, his family. But confessing to his best friend being rejected and losing her trust and things becoming awkward around them, he couldn't stand the thought.

"Let's go home!" Natsu offered, Happy nodded, the two making way to their house.

Lucys cheeks were burning bright pink reliving the memory that happened less than an hour ago.

Natsu stepping closer to her, her heart beating fast. And then that stupid cat. Lucy grumbled at her thoughts falling back onto her bed.

"What would've Natsu done if happy didn't interrupt?" Lucy began her regular fantasies of Natsu confessing to her, and possibly kissing her. She hugged her pillow tightly.

"Urg!" Lucy grumbled loudly into her pillow, "Why does he have to be so dense?!" Lucy threw the pillow into the corner. Hugging her knees. Turning her attention to the shut window.

Crawling to the window she opened it, the slight early night breeze blew in. The sound of tree leaves rustling. The stars that were brightly illuminating the sky.

Staring at the stars Lucy unintentionally fell asleep on the window sill, only to be found by Natsu who just happened to be walking past her apartment, to see her sleeping.

"Lucy..." Natsu whispered her name, a beautiful name. A name he had come to love.

Climbing up to the window, Natsu picked Lucy up from the window placing her as to not wake her up on the bed.

"Nya...Natsu..." Lucy mumbled Natsu's name, her hair spread around her perfect face. Her lips puckered out slightly.

"Luce..." Natsu lowered himself. Trapping the sleeping blond mage under him, his lips only so far from hers. A light touch, almost unnoticeable, but he knew his lips had touched hers.

The soft sensation of her tender lips made his heart race, to fight and urge and kiss her continuously. He moved his lips capturing her lower lips, feeling her kiss him back.

His eyes snapped open, in fear that Lucy had woken up, only to see her sleeping soundly smiling.

"Weirdo," Natsu chuckled quietly. Leaning down once more placing another kiss on her lips. Falling to her side, embracing his partner. Their lips still touching. But uncontrollably sleeping soundly with their lips in sync with each other.


The next morning Lucy opened her eyes to find her crush of a dragon Slayer upon her lips, pulling away in pure shock.

"KYAA!" Lucy fell back landing on the floor, "NATSU!!" Lucy yelled getting up, earning a '5 more minutes.'

"Natsu! Why did you-!" Lucy quickly covered her mouth.

What if he crawled into her bed and she attacked him sleeping with her lips?! What if they...!

Lucy looked down at herself relieved to not be stripped nude, "Natsu what are you doing here?!" Lucy asked frantically.

"Sleeping..." Natsu picked himself up. Rubbing his eyes, yawning. "Luce, I'm hungry!" Natsu knew very well what was happening.

Unknown by Lucy she was as easy to read as a book, despite the fact Natsu never read many books.

Lucy was a bright scarlet red color, she had seen their lips touching, a sensation Natsu loved. Her tender lips upon his most likely hard ones.

He never knew much about romance or dancing, kissing. But something about her, Lucys being made him want to learn, it made him want her to love him, back. The way he loved her.

"Umm... Fine, I'll make something... Then we have you go and find Happy to go on the job," Natsu grinned agreeing, making Lucy blush and shuffle to the kitchen.

Natsu fell back onto the bed sighing, looking to the side to see Lucy's desk. A book, probably something she borrow from Levy... Natsu sighed.

Taking a breath, Natsu got off Lucys bed. Making his way to the kitchen.

Lucy was cooking, frying eggs and bacon. Natsu leaned on the door frame watching, Lucy. Her tight shirt hugged her curves, and loose hair, long legs. Walking quietly, Natsu without thinking wrapped his arms around Lucy.

Due to his sudden action Lucy let out a squeal.

"N-Natsu?!" Lucy felt her heart beat accelerat, her face flushed red, and she felt herself trembling as Natsu breath steadily onto her neck. Tightening his grip. "H-Hey a-are y-you-" Lucy couldn't finish her sentence since Natsu placed a hot kiss on her neck.

Making the blond celestial mage moan loudly at the contact. "Nya... Natsu..." Natsu couldn't seem to overcome the urge to kiss Lucy, he wanted her lips upon his.

Only hers, forever hers.

Lucy turned to face the Dragon Slayers who trapped Lucy underneath his hovering body.


Interrupted by the sudden kiss of Natsu, a dream... This has to be a dream, Natsu's too dense to know how to...

Natsu pulled back from the kiss, letting out a small breath before staring back into the eyes of his true love before returning more eager, kissing Lucy only for her to return the kiss, one hand behind her, turning off the stove.

She ran her hand through Natsu's pink locks, massaging his scalp. The Dragon Slayer loving the sensation of her touch, cupping her face.

"Lucy," Natsu whispered her name. Her heart picked up. "I love..." Natsu stopped himself, taking a breath gazing back up at the anticipation filled blond celestial mage. "I love you, I can't stand the thought of you not with me," Natsu leaned in, resting on Lucys shoulder, who only leaned in with him.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, lifting his head.

"Natsu... I..." Natsu's head shot up to make sure he had ever detail of what she was about to say...

"I love you too," Lucy smiled. Natsu pulled a grin, before it turned to a smirk. "Huh?" Lucy gazed at Natsu's exposed dragon-like fangs.

"Let's plaaayy...Lucy," Natsu said before pouncing onto Lucy.


"Oh Lucy... You smell amazing,"

"W-Wait!!! Nya... Natsu!"

"I love you lucy,"


The two unaware of the laughing blue cat and his white haired takeover mage friend.

"They loooovvveeeee each other," the two laughed quietly.

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