|Round 8|CLOSED| Cloverlion @Floriah-

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{Names used: Cloverfoot, Cloversplash, Clovertail}

Russet-furred she-cat with white patches, one blue eye and one green eye.

She is very daring and tends to disregard orders to seek adventure, and with it comes her sharp tongue and dismissive nature. However, she is very loving towards her family and has utmost respect for her parents.

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[1] Cloverheart {Willowmyth} - Has many different sides to her in her heart like the fractions of a clover.

[2] Cloverwind {ApplecharmStarhorse} - Blowing pass all, disregarding any orders to stop to explore the air. However, when it comes to family, like a clover settling in the patch resting from the energetic wind, she stops.

[3] Cloverthorn {PebblethornWrites} - Tongue is as sharp as thorns, and when some cat tells her to do something, she buries into her brambles, not allowing orders to get to her and leaving it outside on the sharp spikes.

[4] Cloverflight {scarlettisagoner} - Takes off whenever she wants to seek adventure. However, she will always return from adventures eventually to the cats she like.

[5] Cloverleaf {Sandstorm919} - None.

[6] Cloverbreeze {Swiftflower} - Like a breeze, she passes everything, but is caring towards her family.

[7] Clovershade {Neko_Frisk} - Like a shadow, she slips through the territory quickly and silently, but always returns to her loving family who she respects dearly and always wants to protect. She is a beautiful, bright, cheerful and lucky cat who has many different unique personalities when she feels different things. She is a skilled hunter because of her ability to stay quiet.

[8] Cloversting {RogueLioness14} - Daring and reckless nature, as well as dismissive. However, she can be kind, like when the feeling of a sting goes away.

[9] Cloverspark {ShyFox22} - Love for adventure and has a sharp tongue.

[10] Cloverriver {AliceHightoppHatter} - Fur resembles the muddy waters of a river and her eyes resembles colourful fish. River currents are strong but can break off into gentle streams, just like her dismissive and loving nature. Only the most daring would jump into a river, and those who get caught usually find themselves being strayed into a wonderful place and have an adventure back home.

[11] Cloverfire {Creamstar234} - Like a clover, she is close to her family, while her sharp tongue and bold personality is like fire.

[12] Cloverleap {glorytsunami} - Likes to leap into danger without looking where she is going. She loves her family so much, she would take a 'leap' of faith for them.

[13] Cloverhare {AutumnLeopardWing} - Coat looks like that of a hare. She does not listen to orders and instead, leaps into her own adventures.

[14] Cloverstep {xXCloudsongXx} - Itch to explore.

[15] Cloverrunner {Seikiatsu} - Always running away from orders and off to seek adventure. She is very daring, running but not knowing what is ahead.

[16] Cloverpetal {Thunderstorm443} - None.

[17] Cloverflame {Luthien04} - Like a flame, she is adventurous and daring, but a flame can also be warm and kind. She has a sharp tongue, like flames.

[18] Cloverlion {Floriah-} - Daring like a lion and seeks adventure like a cub who just opened their eyes. Lions usually travel in a pride, forming a bond with the ones they live with. When seeking a pride, nomad lions tend to challenge the current leader of the pride, even if they are inexperienced. It shows that they are brave and daring, yet protective and loving. Golden fur around her chest resembles a mane.

[19] Cloverskip {acetheoneandonly} - None.

[20] Cloverstem {KiahDavidson} - None.

[21] Cloverpelt {pikachulover0927} - None.

[22] Cloversnake {Toastagami} - Like a snake, she is known for being mischievous and unpredictable, needing to explore, and has a sharp tongue like a snake's fangs.

[23] Cloverpatch {MooseMilkIsMyLife} - Has patches of red and is loyal to one group - patch - of her Clan; her family.

[24] Cloverblaze {GhostTheSnowFox} - Russet fur and sharp tongue. Her personality is like fire blazing through the forest. She is caring, like a clover or a soft flame, but energetic and daring like a forest fire.

[25] Clovereyes {therealstreamheart} - None.

[26] Cloverwish {27Starblaze27} - None.

[27] Clovereye {BuggyBug101} - None.

[28] Cloverchase {fanfictionhaven} - Four-leaf clovers attract many, causing them to rush towards them, just like her seeking adventure. If one is lucky, she will stop her search to help one find a four-leaf clover.

[29] Cloverseed {megisawsm417} - Seeds can either spring up wildly or slowly, like her personality.

[30] Clovernose {Smokefeather} - Always ready to seek adventure, and has cool eyes.

[31] Cloversun {TheLadyAvanne} - Burns brightly, full of energy and always blazing her own trail. The sun follows no cat's path except its own, and is hot, like her short temper and sharp tongue. However, it burns brightly, giving life to everything on earth, like her love for her family that burns steadily and bright.

[32] Cloverpath {Cloverpath} - Respects her family greatly and hopes to follow in their pawsteps. She is still craving out her own path and her adventurous nature is helping her to be a great warrior she longs to be.

[33] Clovervine {RainbowSkittlezZz} - Vines are either poisonous of completely harmless. Her dark side is like a poisonous vine, an infection or wound that will heal over time and her good side is like a harmless vine that will not hurt one.

[34] Cloverflare {Mint779} - Russet fur and has a daring nature. Her love for her family is strong like a flare.

[35] Cloverlight {Havenwing} - Creates her own adventures and has a kind spirit burning within her.

[36] Cloverpad {OneOnlyChance101} - Can switch sides like a thorn being pulled out from a paw pad, or from having no thorns to accidentally sticking a thorn in a paw.

[37] Cloverdust {Sola202um} - Shy personality but loves to hunt and fight.

[38] Cloverfrost {TwiceBakedPot8o} - Has a generally cold exterior, like frost covering a clover. However, on the inside, she is alive and welcoming towards her family and very close friends.

[39] Cloverspeckle {ROTGChildOfTheNight} - None.

[40] Cloverfang {Sk8ingMagikarp} - Sharp tongue and tendency to disagree.


1 - Cloverlion {Floriah-} +4 points

2 - Cloverriver {AliceHightoppHatter} +3 points

3 - Cloversun {TheLadyAvanne} +2 points

4 - Cloverthorn {PebblethornWrites} +1 point

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