|Round 8|CLOSED| Hopecloud @ApplecharmStarhorse

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{Names used: None}

White she-cat with amber eyes.

She is a good hunter, but has trouble fighting. She is kind and loyal, resulting in scornful remarks of her being too 'soft' by other Clan cats. She is desperate to get her Clan's respect.

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[1] Hopewish {EchoWritesWarriorz} - Wishes to get respect from the other Clans.

[2] Hopecloud {ApplecharmStarhorse} - Hope fluttering across the sky, though dissipating in a fight. She is there for her Clanmates through kindness and loyalty. Willing to drift slowly and stick with her Clanmates through tough times. Even though her Clanmates mock her for being 'soft', she soars with hope.

[3] Hopehawk {Seikiatsu} - Good at hunting like a hawk catching prey, but fighting for prey is hard, like how she struggles with fighting. Hawks are kind and loyal to their hatchlings, like how she is to her Clan. Hawks are desperate to find prey to eat, like how she is desperate for her Clan's respect.

[4] Hopeflame {WolfyWarrior2} - Amber eyes and burning desire to get respect from her Clan. She is like a fire that burns with kindness and loyalty.

[5] Hopelight {AutumnLeopardWing} - Amber eyes and shines with kindness.

[6] Hopeheart {snowfox893} - None.

[7] Hopebreeze {RainbowSkittlezZz} - Breeze is usually very soft, like she is, but progresses into winds and eventually, storms. In order to prove herself, she must become fiercer in battles, turning into a storm but remaining a breeze discreetly.

[8] Hopedapple {Willowmyth} - Kind and loyal personality is her downfall. Like shadows covering most of the light, leaving dapples, she usually almost loses hope, but does not.

[9] Hopespirit {RiversongOfRiverclan} - None.

[10] Hopeleaf {pikachulover0927} - None.

[11] Hopeblaze {Jaysplash43} - Kind and balzes with kindness.

[12] Hopewillow {SnowfallOfWindClan} - Strong optimism that grows and perseveres like a willow.

[13] Hopewhisper {WolfHeart124} - Able to hunt well because she is silent, but during a battle, she is soft like a whisper.

[14] Hopefeather {KiahDavidson} - None.

[15] Hopeflower {FanPancake} - Like a flower, she is soft, making it easy for her Clanmates to trample on her as she has not yet grown to get their respect.

[16] Hopefire {Swiftflower} - Desires to get respect from her Clan. She has amber eyes and is like a fire that Burns with loyalty and kindness.

[17] Hopestream {Sk8ingMagikarp} - None.

[18] Hopestep {WolfishGamer} - Kind and brings hope to her friends and Clanmates. A pawstep can be soft like her.

[19] Hopeblossom {Luthien04} - Hopes to blossom with her Clan's respect and that her other hopes will blossom too.

[20] Hopelily {Mint779} - Kind and soft.

[21] Hopefrost {megisawsm417} - Like frost, she is gentle. Frost resembles her fur colour.

[22] Hopehoney {WarriorCat0731} - Soft and sweet like honey. Her eyes are the colour of honey.

[23] Hopefall {Pugswagger} - Falls in battle but her hope raises her back up.

[24] Hopemoon {27Starblaze27} - Fur is the colour of the moon. She is always looking hopefully to the future and the sky.

[25l Hopepetal {Havenwing} - None.

[26] Hopesong {alow0056} - Believes life is like singing a song, needing the right tunes. Wrong tunes will get terrible notes.

[27] Hopesoul {HeadToPaw} - Has a lot of hope in her soul and is determined to get her Clan's respect.

[28] Hopedash {ROTGChildOfTheNight} - None.

[29] Hopewisp {-sparrowsandcrosses-} - Sweet and kind. She is often called soft, which results in some care becoming a 'wisp' of themselves.

[30] Hopebird {fanfictionhaven} - Birds are excellent hunters, but can be soft and gentle. Birds would demand the respect of others but at the same time, would prefer not to fight.

[31] Hopemask {ThatCatUnderStars} - Hope for her Clan's respect covers herself like a mask, preventing her Clanmates from truly seeing who she is; kind, loyal, with strong abilities for hunting.

[32] Hoperose {TheLadyAvanne} - Kind and caring, like a rose representing love. However, others scorn her for her kindness, as a rose or any flower is easily killed and trampled on.

[33] Hopesnow {Floriah-} - White like the snow and is thought as soft by others, but others often forget that ice is also made out of snow, like how her Clanmates forgetting that kindness does not make one soft.

[34] Hopeshine {TwiceBakedPot8o} - Kindness and loyalty shine. She has shining amber eyes that make the world seem bright even when all hope seems lost.

[35] Hopeflight {NewtIsALizardWizard} - Fast on her feet, able to catch prey quickly and efficiently, as well as flee from battles and conversations.

[36] Hopefawn {Cinderburr} - Gentle and soft like a fawn.

[37] Hopenut {OneOnlyChance101} - Life is nutshell, and she is not aware of what to do.

[38] Hopestorm {Soldier_Panthercloud} - None.

[39] Hopewhisker {I_am_Maplestar} - Good at hunting, soft and gentle. She desperately twitches.

[40] Hopepool {PoppykitB74} - None.


1 - Hopecloud {ApplecharmStarhorse} +4 points

2 - Hopehawk {Seikiatsu} +3 points

3 - Hoperose {TheLadyAvanne} +2 points

4 - Hopesnow {Floriah-} +1 point

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