|Round 9|CLOSED| Missingstream @Averyiator

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{Names used: None}

Grey tom with bright amber eyes.

He gets lost very easily, resulting in his Clanmates panicking on a daily basis because he would be missing. He is playful, yet shy and gets scared easily. He is not a good fighter, but still wishes to be a warrior, not a medicine cat under any circumstances.

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[1] Missingpath {NaokiNeko} - Always misses the road that others expected him to be on, and travels into the unknown hidden by the undergrowth.

[2] Missingshadow {FleetLeaf} - Constantly goes missing in the dark. However, his Clanmates know he will always return just like a shadow when one returns to the light.

[3] Missingsun {glorytsunami} - Like the sun being lost easily being clouds in the sky, causing dismay and distress. The sun is bright and represents cheerfulness and just, similar to his playful personality. The sun's light is not always strong, similar to how he is not always a good fighter, but it will always shine, like how he will always strive to be a warrior. His bright amber eyes and stormy grey pelt represents the fiery sun, always going missing behind storm clouds in the sky.

[4] Missingeye {chicken_burritos} - One of his eyes was lost in battle.

[5] Missingleaf {AutumnLeopardWing} - Gets lost easily, like how a leaf amongst others cannot be found. He is terrible at fighting, thus defenceless in battle like a leaf. His eyes are amber like a leaf in Leaf-fall.

[6] Missingstep {potatoesAreAmazing13} - Gets lost easily.

[7] Missingfeather {EchoWritesWarriorz} - Playful and has grey fur.

[8] Missingfern {Mewvallous} - Unique, as he gets lost easily, and kind. He is playful, though with his shy demeanor, he would appear to be a caring cat.

[9] Missingsky {Willowmyth} - Like the sky being cover by clouds, he does not want to be in the centre of attention, and prefers to be behind the clouds.

[10] Missingheart {Stormblown} - None.

[11] Missingcall {ApplecharmStarhorse} - Playful, yet shy, unaware of where his paws belong as his heart 'shouts' a missing calling, waiting for StarClan to guide him to his right calling.

[12] Missingstorm {pikachulover0927} - None.

[13] Missingwind {Techno_Waffle_Ninja_} - Gets lost easily, as though he drifted off along with the wind.

[14] Missingcloud {RogueLioness14} - Clouds can be considered shy when they fly away or clear the sky, but can also be called clumsy when they fall to the ground in the form of fog. Clouds can also be playful. Clouds can be grey, just like him.

[15] Missingday {Ember-sky} - Gets lost very easily and wastes his Clanmates' time when he gets lost, making every cat 'miss' a day.

[16] Missinglight {TheWarriorCatGirl} - Has no guide to his path, and is stuck in the dark.

[17] Missingflight {_And-Peggy_} - Like a bird flying into the sky, he is very easy to lose sight of.

[18] Missingseed {Seikiatsu} - Like a seed in the middle of nowhere being lost. Seeds have a chance of being crushed, like how he is not a good fighter. With a seed's high chance of getting crushed, he is easily scared that it would happen to him.

[19] Missingfrost {Fadedvoice} - Like frost in the middle of Leaf-bare, he disappears easily.

[20] Missingfoot {GlaruaNPotaku} - Needs feet to walk. He gets lost easily.

[21] Missingecho {IamDapplepelt} - Get lost easily and must find his way home again, like how an echo leaves a mouth and returns to where one can hear it.

[22] Missingmouse {ruddergrl} - Scared and hard to find.

[23] Missingwish {TwiceBakedPot8o} - Not the strongest ambition in the Clan. His desires and hopes are almost nonexistent.

[24] Missinghope {XxblazingfurxX} - Wants to be a warrior but is missing the hope of his Clanmates.

[25] Missingriver {KiahDavidson} - None.

[26] Missingdawn {Soldier_Panthercloud} - None.

[27] Missingflame {flameheart_writes} - Even though he gets lost easily, he knows what he wants in life.

[28] Missingbranch {megisawsm417} - Trees without branches look out of place. He wants to be a warrior despite his lack of skill. A branch may be strong, but it could still fall under certain circumstances.

[29] Missingnight {the-black-werewolf} - Playful but gets scared easily.

[30] Missingleap {Cinderburr} - Wanders about daily and gets lost, but he has determination to create his own path and become a warrior, not follow the path other think; to become a medicine cat.

[31] Missingberry {Mint779} - Bright amber eyes that look like berries. Disinterested in becoming a medicine cat.

[32] Missingear {Pugswagger} - Ear was torn off.

[33] Missingfish {Floriah-} - Fish is grey like his fur or golden like his amber eyes. Some fishes could be very playful, others are shy and easily scared. If a fish in a school accidentally wanders off, it could get lost easily and become an easy target for predators, similar to how he could be an easy target for an opponent because he is not good at fighting.

[34] Missingstream {Averyiator} - Streams are dried out in Greenleaf, and can be lost easily when the heat comes along. Like a stream, he can be bubbly and playful, yet silent and shy. He tends not to be like the river, and tends to live a more peaceful life, except for the fact that he gets missing quite a lot.

[35] Missingbird {TheLadyAvanne} - Like a bird, he is playful but get startled easily like a bird which takes flight at the slightest sign of danger. In the same way, he is shy, not allowing others to get close to him. He can be a 'bird brain' and gets lost easily. While birds are quick, they are not strong and will fly away like him. However, he 'flies' on determinedly, wanting to be the best warrior he can for his Clan.

[36] Missingpelt {zanelover_25} - None.

[37] Missingscreech {fanfictionhaven} - Like a bird screeching for help, he is like a tiny kit screeching for his mother to find his way.

[38] Missingoak {Jazzcatz67} - Eyes are the colour of oak tree as they are bright and brilliant. He has a heart ad strong as oak bark and stays strong through his beliefs.

[39] Missingsoul {BuggyBug101} - Lost nature. He gets lost as if his soul is in a never ending maze.

[40] Missingstrike {Tigglezy} - Not a good fighter and often misses his mark; home.


1 - Missingstream {Averyiator} +4 points

2 - Missingbird {TheLadyAvanne} +3 points

3 - Missingfish {Floriah-} +2 points

4 - Missingsun {glorytsunami} +1 point

Remarks: There has been a significant improvement in responses. However, take note of the relevance of the reasons given. Some may not relate to the cat's personality.

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