|Round 9|CLOSED| Sableflame @AutumnLeopardWing

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{Names used: None}

Dark tortoiseshell she-cat with white patches and light green eyes.

She has a strong sense of justice and is very ambitious, aspiring to be leader someday. She is humourous and sarcastic. She has a huge appetite and can be dimwitted at times, but is able to get the job done when she is serious. She dotes on kits all the time, and is a huge gossip, unable to keep a secret, and is annoyingly loud.

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[1] Sablesprout {rolsafrair} - None.

[2] Sableheart {the-black-werewolf} - Strong sense of justice.

[3] Sablecall {Sandstorm919} - Annoying loud chatter.

[4] Sablechirp {flameheart_writes} - Loves gossip and cannot keep a secret.

[5] Sableflight {Stormblown} - None.

[6] Sablewing {KiahDavidson} - None.

[7] Sableblaze {ApplecharmStarhorse} - Blazing fire of ambition and personality, burning with a passion to become Clan leader. She has an interesting and sarcastic nature, though serious at times. She blazes like a warm fire to protect her Clanmates.

[8] Sableshine {AliceHightoppHatter} - Outgoing and 'shines' over others and is bright and positive. The orange and white patches on her fur resembles light breaking from dark and black storm clouds. Her eyes resembles the greenery that grows from the shining rays of light.

[9] Sablesong {Cinderburr} - Songs can get too annoying and loud, despite being known as beautiful. She has an inability to keep secrets and makes noise constantly. Birds, such as eagles, are symbols of leadership; she aspires to become the leader of her Clan.

[10] Sablebird {ruddergrl} - None.

[11] Sablewolf {TheLadyAvanne} - Strong like a wolf, and has a huge appetite, 'wolfing' down her food. Dogs are seen as less intelligent by the cats, like how she can be dimwitted sometimes. However, wolves are very social creatures. Similarly, she likes kits and hangs around them and her Clan a lot. She is annoyingly loud, like a wolf barking and howling constantly.

[12] Sablebreeze {IamDapplepelt} - Loves to gossip and spread secrets like the breeze carrying leaves. A breeze can also be strong, symbolising her strong sense of justice and ambition.

[13] Sableleap {Averyiator} - Ambition causes her to take leaps instead of steps. Leaps are usually loud, like her. Leaps can also be seen as unnecessary, as there are better ways to do things than making a show of it. However, she is a leaper, not a stepper. Leaps can be humourous, used as a joke to show off. They can also be seen as a dumb action to take. However, she leaps, be it a dumb decision or not.

[14] Sablelight {sam_fenton} - Strong sense of justice and love of kits.

[15] Sablebelly {megisawsm417} - Has a big appetite and like a hungry stomach, she is loud, even when others found it annoying and inconvenient. She is ambitious, like one wanting food. When one is hungry, food is needed. She can be dimwitted, just like one taking more food than one can eat.

[16] Sablespring {HeadToPaw} - None.

[17] Sableflare {Mint779} - Ambitious and has a huge appetite like devouring flames.

[18] Sablebounce {Tigglezy} - Energetic and ambitious, ready to bounce onto anything. She is playful and loves kits.

[19] Sablestorm {NaokiNeko} - Own force of nature, full of ambition like a whirlwind, and blunders through everything mindlessly.

[20] Sabledapple {EchoWritesWarriorz} - Tortoiseshell fur.

[21] Sablewish {Soldier_Panthercloud} - None.

[22] Sablescreech {Poppysplash} - Very loud voice that sometimes scares off unwanted visitors.

[23] Sableshade {glorytsunami} - Dark pelt resembles shadows. Her ambition is innocent now, but could lead to something darker in the future. Her Clanmates often throw her into the shade as she is annoying and likes to gossip. She has trouble keeping secrets in the shade and likes to spill them.

[24] Sablesky {Fadedvoice} - Voice knows not limits, like the sky.

[25] Sabletooth {pikachulover0927} - None.

[26] Sablehawk {Seikiatsu} - Can be annoyingly loud like a hawk flying by. Hawks' chirps and squawks resembles her gossiping with others. Hawks can be competitive, like how she is ambitious and has a strong sense of justice. Hawks want to have the strongest mate, like how she wants to be leader one day and is working towards that.

[27] Sableglow {fanfictionhaven} - Has a glowing aura that demands justice, like how some animals have glowing colours to warn predators of the consequences. Like a monarch butterfly, she has colours that tell predators to stay away, for she will expose their secrets.

[28] Sablethorn {OliviaJWrites} - Thorns can be annoying at times, if they get stuck in a paw. However, they get the job done, such as protecting berries, a plant, of something valuable. Similarly, she is loud and annoying, but has ambitions to do what is right.

[29] Sablecreek {SnowfallOfWindClan} - Creeks bubbles, just like her, not able to keep anything to herself. However, a creek is also nourishing, providing a source of food, water, and safety, just like her ferocious protectiveness over kits and string sense of justice.

[30] Sablecloud {I_am_Maplestar} - Clouds are ambitious to cover up the sky, just like how she wants to take a huge role in the weather as she aspires to be leader. She can be funny and sarcastic like hilariously shaped clouds. Both the clouds and her have a big appetite for 'gobbling' up the sun and snacking on prey. Clouds can be stupidly floating around or busily causing a serious rain like her. When the clouds are fluffy and gentle, she is doting on the young ones. As clouds cannot keep in any more moisture, they will spray out raindrops everywhere. Similarly, she will take in many secrets then spit them all out. Like a cloud which rumbles and tumbles loudly, she can be annoying.

[31] Sablestem {JellieBellie17} - Can be firm and has a strong sense of justice.

[32] Sableflame {AutumnLeopardWing} - Ambition burns strongly like a flame. She wants to become leader, like how a flame can dominate a whole forest. She has a huge appetite, like a flame 'eating' down a forest. Flames can burn slowly like her dimwitted personality. Flames also make loud noises as they snap at trees, unable to be quiet, like her gossiping. Her pelt has ginger, like the colour of a flame.

[33] Sableleaf {BuggyBug101} - Loud personality. She goes around like a falling leaf.

[34] Sablecrow {Floriah-} - Crows are talkative birds, loud and annoying at times. They can be humourous, though it may not be nice. Young crows will care for the young, often helping their parents when fledglings arrive.

[35] Sableeye {Sola202um} - Awakes at night a lot, and likes to be quiet and not noticed.

[36] Sablepath {GlaruaNPotaku} - Wants to become a leader, which means she needs to follow the right path. On her path, she could gossip like she loves to. She can find prey to satisfy her hunger.

[37] Sablechaser {ThatCatUnderStars} - Chases what she loves with ambition; leadership, prey, kits, and justice. She runs around camp, spreading gossip and news.

[38] Sablereed {Shayneku} - Compliments her tortoiseshell fur pattern.

[39] Sablewind {Warriorcatsrule26} - Can be quite fast to make rash decisions. She can be powerful like the wind and wants to be leader. She does not have any limits holding her back from what she thinks is right.

[40] Sablefang {HeadToPaw} - None.


1 - Sableflame {AutumnLeopardWing} +4 points

2 - Sablecloud {I_am_Maplestar} +3 points

3 - Sablestorm {NaokiNeko} +2 points

4 - Sableleap {Averyiator} +1 point

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