Chapter 11

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                    Phoenix's POV

   I woke up and was confused to find Kai and Amator staring at me. I looked at each of them and my surroundings, I was on a beach next to a wooded area, then I looked at them again my eyes landing on Amator. I had so many questions as to how they knew each other, where was I, how did I get here, and so on. Before I could voice my questions, Kai spoke up saying, "I know you have a lot of questions, but let's get you home before a) your dad gets too worried and b) someone finds us." I nodded and Amator helped me up and helped me walk as we set off to my house.

    My legs felt as if I hadn't used them in awhile and I felt lethargic, as if all my energy had been drained out of me. It was a slow walk to my house with little conversation, mostly me asking questions and Kai responding with, "I'll answer your questions when we get to your house." What surprised me was that Amator seemed to know the way, even though he's never been to my house. It made me wonder about him, like what kind of fae is, what recreational activities does he like to do, does he have any frowned upon hobbies like my drawing, or any illegal hobbies like my reading.

   My train of thought was interrupted when we reached my house. As soon as I got inside, I flopped on my couch. Soon as the boys got inside, Kai asks me, "Okay, what do you remember from before you woke up?"

    "I remember that I was on my  mandatory date at the restaurant you work at," I pointed at Kai, "and there was a bird, and then the waitress spilt hot soup on me are the same time as Lu- I mean the slimeball put his slimy hands on my leg, and I fell into the lake. Then I woke up with you guys next to me on a beach near a wooded area. Which reminds me how did you get to me?" I asked Amator, "I mean, last I checked you weren't at the restaurant and second of all how do you two know each other, and how did I get out of the lake without drowning?"

  Amator smiled at me sheepishly and said, "I was there, I was the bird." I looked at him, then I looked at Kai worried about the information Amator just let slip. To my surprise Kai started laughing, "Don't worry about me revealing you guys' fae secret,  in order to do that I'd have to reveal myself as well." He said after he had controlled his laughter.

  My eyes widened as I realized what he was saying, " Y-you're fae!?" I asked shocked.

    Kai chuckles again, "Of course, how else do you think I got the water out of your lungs. Oh right, I still have to answer all your questions. Yes I am fae, water fae with a touch of mind reading, to be exact. I'm full fae unlike you half-lings, no offense, in fact I'm older than your dad is.  Me and your amor aeternus just met today. Technically you did drown, but I was able to remove the water from your lungs before it could have any permanent affects. Oh and the reason this is my glamour is because the best way to understand a society is to experience how they treat their youth. There that should answer all your questions spoken and unspoken that I can answer."

    I was flabbergasted, because indeed he had answered all of my spoken and unspoken questions that he could answer, but I still questions that Kai couldn't answer because they were for Amator. I want to know about his life, I want to know about him as a person.

   Kai cleared his throat and said, "I can see you two both want to have getting to know each other session so I'm going to leave but before I do, can I just say that you two have forever to get to know each other don't get other people suspicious. In this society, it isn't the right time for you two to be together. Unlike your parents and their own amoribus aeternam  (A/N plural of amor aeternus) you both are immortal, so wait until this society falls, because like all its predecessors, it will eventually fall."

  After that, Kai left and for awhile we  sat thinking about what he said. I broke the silence by saying, "Kai's right, we have time to wait and I don't want to end up banished not being able to see each other again."

   "Kai?" Amator questioned with a slight smirk. I smiled sheepishly and replied, "I have names for people in my life base on their personalities." I shrugged. He chuckled, "I know Kai, your mind reading friend, told me." 

    "Then, why'd you ask?" I questioned. He shrugged this time, "I wanted to hear from it you. Oh, and don't worry so much about banishment I've heard its not as bad they make it seem in history books." 

    "How do you know that?" I asked confused. "My mom is banished, she communicates with me every night through my dreams, now don't get me wrong she doesn't make it seem like a cup of tea, but she does say that the history books exaggerate the to add a fear factor. She was banished two years after they deleted the records of her having me, so I, obviously, didn't get banished as well." 

  There was a few moments of silence as i digested this information. Then Amator broke the silence by saying, "You guys are right though, we should wait to be together. I'll wait as long as it takes for you." I sighed, "Can you stay a little longer though, I'm still kinda freaked out about one of my worst fears almost coming true tonight." He nodded. 

  We spent awhile just talking. I found out that he too, has an illegal hobby, listening to music with words and singing  to them as well. My father came home and barely had enough energy to climb to this room. After a little  more talking I found myself curled up next to Amator as he began to sing a song, the name long since forgot, and the writers name the same way. 

"Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt, suddenly goes away somehow One step closer I have died everyday, waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything, take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath, every hour has come to this One step closer I have died everyday, waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand moreAnd all along I believed, I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more One step closer
One step closer I have died everyday, waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand moreAnd all along I believed, I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more"

    I fell asleep to his soothing voice. That night I had a peaceful dreamless sleep.
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  Merry Christmas (to those who don't celebrate Christmas, happy holidays) The song at the top and the lyrics at the end of the chapter are of the song Thousands Year by Christina Perri.

So I revealed some things in the last chapter and this chapter that I tried to hint at awhile back.

Who would thought Kai is fae?

How did you guys like that sweet little moment between them?

I hope you are enjoying the story I love seeing it when you guys comment and vote. ;)

I have a few ideas on how this story will go.

Enjoy your Christmas (or other holiday) right now it's 2 days 1 hour and 50 minutes until Christmas here.

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