Chapter 12

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                       Amator POV

         Phoenix fell asleep after I sang a song that describes how I feel for her, the truth is that if need be I would wait 10,00 years if it meant being with her everyday for one year. I know I've only known her for a short time and this was the first time I actually got to have a full conversation with her, but I feel it is the truth because she's my amor aeternus.

    My mother once told me that she would never bind my feelings because feelings are power, strength, warnings, instincts, and intellect all rolled into various emotions. She also said that the fae that fully bind their emotions become cruel and sadistic, and most only partially bind their emotions allowing the strongest emotions to come through. My emotions have never been wrong before and right now I'm feeling sadness due to the fact I won't be able to be near Phoenix as often, peace holding her in my arms right now, love, and surprisingly worry for her safety for some unknown reason.

   After I set her down I open her window before turning into a bird and flying to my house. I left my bedroom window open before I left, in fact I always leave it open makes it easier to get in and out at anytime.

   When I got to my house, I changed into my night clothes and quickly fell asleep so I could see my mom.


   My mom sat in the middle of a field. She looked how she always did from the day she stopped aging. Each fae stops aging in appearance at different ages, my mom stopped aging in appearance at twenty-five. She has never used a glamour with me. She, unlike me, had long, curly, dark brown hair. Even with my slouching, I was a head taller than her, in fact the only  obvious feature we shared was our eye color, we both had the same honey colored eyes. She wore clothes from multiple different eras. Tonight she was wearing a pair of sandals from ancient Rome, bell-bottom jeans from the 1970's, a cold shoulder blouse from around 2018, a head piece from the Renaissance era, and beside her a 1980's jean jacket. I sat down next to her.

   "You are late", she said in Latin. This is how we always spoke to each other in our language.

   "I'm sorry I managed to spend some time with my amor aeternus and lost track of time." I replied.

  "Be careful, I want you to be happy, but I don't want you to end up banished like me." She reminded me.

  "Actually that's part of the reason why we were spending time together, because it'll probably one of the last times we'll be spending together for a while." My mom looked at me in slight confusion waiting for me to continue. I then told her how Phoenix almost drowned, and how Kai saved her, and how we talked about staying away from each other would be best for now.

    "That's going to be very difficult for you two, but it is what's best for both of you." She spoke calmly after I finished.

   "I know that, but I have a bad feeling that something bad will happen to her." I replied.

  "There's nothing you can do right now, just wait." She looked at the sky and frowned. "I better go now before the guards wake us up and I'll get punished......again." She mumbled the last word thinking I couldn't hear it. I frowned before she left and I woke up.


  I woke up and got ready for the day like normal. When I got to the kitchen my cousin was already there and he had the remains of transferred lipstick on his lips.

"How was your mandatory date last night?" I asked really wondering how lipstick got on his lips, also because I knew he would tell anyhow this way I'm prepared for it and can prevent an explosion of anger.

  "Great," he said, "my 'match' fell in the lake,and the waitress responsible felt so guilty she comforted me until she ended up doing something she definitely enjoyed, but is probably sobbing in her room right now where I left her thinking she regerts it, but will eventually come back for more." His tone was arrogant and he winked on the last part and put air quotes around match. He disgusted me with every word he spoke, but I should be used to this because he talks like this ALL THE TIME. I'm honestly surprised that I haven't snapped yet.

   Suppressing my hatred for him I asked, "So, is your match alright?" He shrugged and replied, "Don't know, don't really care. Her waiter friend  took her to the hospital or something, I didn't pay attention to what he was saying."

    Deep breaths in, out, repeat. I silently reminded myself. Thank goodness that he soon left me alone in the kitchen. I quickly went to my room turned into a bird and left.   


    Flying always made me feel free, all my thoughts and worries would disappear. As I found myself heading towards Phoenix's house unconsciously, I turned and redirected myself. My thoughts then began to drift to Phoenix. I wonder if she has something that frees her from her thoughts and worries like flying does for me. I hope she does because she deserves this kind of peace. I wish I could somehow share this feeling of peace and exhilaration with her, from what I've gathered so far she doesn't have something to relieve stress. I hope one day Phoenix gets the chance to feel the same type of joy I feel from flying.


    After I had my flight I went to my house and got ready for work. All though out the day I couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible or amazing was going to happen before too long. The questions were which one and are we ready for it to happen?


Hi guys I know it's been a while but I hoped you liked this chapter. I introduced an important character in this chapter and kinda foreshadowed somethings. Hope you enjoyed. 😁

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