Chapter 13

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                  Phoenix's POV

     It's been a few weeks since Amator and I agreed to stay away from each other, but every now and then I'd see a bird following me and knew it was him. The mandatory dates are getting further apart since "we've had time to get to know each other". My visions have been less frequent then when I first got them and don't come true the next day anymore and aren't always bad, for example the last time I had one was about the government sending a retraction statement telling me that I get Tuesdays and Sundays off of work, it came true two days later.

    Everything has been really quiet lately, dad still is being worked to the point of exhaustion, so we barely see each other, and when he is home he's sleeping.

    Kai and I have been hanging out more lately we both have Sundays off so he comes over to tell me stories about different times and places in which he lived. My favorite stories are the ones that are in my book collection called fairytales, but they're not made up and they are different from what the books say. In the fairytales most of the characters who have fae abilities are evil and use their magic to harm or trick the main character, but in Kai's versions the fae aren't always evil or they have a reason to mistrust or hate humans.

"So wait," I interrupt Kai as he's telling one of the stories, "the 'witch' from Hansel and Gretel was really a type of fae that depends on sugar to live?" I asked.

"Yes, a saccharo fae, or sugar fae. Now would you let me finish my story." Kai responded. After I guiltily nodded he continued. "The saccharo fae not only needs sugar to live, the more sugar around it the more power they have. So, of course when two kids start eating her house she got angry. She told them to help rebuild her home. Gretel was supposed to bake more cookies for the walls while Hansel was supposed to repair the walls. Gretel kept burning herself on the oven and Hansel kept building the walls around himself. Then Gretel accidentally lit the house on fire. So, to make sure they didn't get in trouble the kids made up a story that they were held hostage by an witch, who locked Hansel in a cell and made Gretel be a house servant. They then continued to tell everyone that they pushed the witch into the oven, which caused the house to catch on fire." Kai finished.

"Wait, why would they get in trouble?" I asked. "Did I forget to mention that the saccharo fae was the town's baker?" Kai responded sheepishly.

"Yeah you did, but why was she the baker if she needed sweets to live?" I asked.

"She had to blend in somehow. And what better way to blend in if you need sweets to live then have a job making sweets." Kai responds.

At this I chuckled. This is how we spent our Sundays. Kai telling me stories from his past and retelling fairytales. Sometimes I'd show him my art, or sometimes we'd talk about one of my books.

    Kai even told me about a time when there was this app called Wattpad where anyone from anywhere could be a writer and anyone else could read their stories. To me that sounds amazing. When I told Kai this he laughed and told me it was mostly stories where a girl who never got in trouble fell in love with the trouble-making jerk. Besides those stories apparently there was also books about different worlds, magic, friends, werewolves, and vampires according to Kai. I wish I lived in a time when reading was encouraged, and not outlawed. Kai tells me that when people had books not many people appreciated them, instead preferring to play video games or watch TV. I believe that was the saddest thing he's ever told me.

    Over all my life has become routine, and to be honest it's kinda scaring me. School, work, the occasional mandatory date, spending time with Kai, and repeat. I can't help, but feel as though this is the calm before the storm, and the longer the calm remains the worse I fear the storm will be in the end.


Short filler chapter for you guys. We got to see a little bit of Kai's personality and there was a little reference to this amazing app. ;)

Also Kai retold a well known fairytale if you want to read other retellings of fairytales check out two books here on Wattpad just a warning though one is on hold for a bit and the other is being edited and on hold, but they're really good.

The books are:

The Rotten Shoe by NellaDeVilla (on hold)


Behind the Mirror by RuruCrystal (on hold and editing)

Both are great books by great authors. The Rotten Shoe is a Cinderella retelling and Behind the Mirror is a Snow White retelling.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you read the books above while you wait for my slow updates because you'll love them.

Ps please vote and/or comment it really inspires me to write.

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