Chapter 14

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                      Amator's POV

      It's been a little over three months, since Phoenix and I talked. Summer came and went Phoenix and her dad have been by the house a few times as well as us going to hers, we would only make a small amount of eyes contact with each other. School is about to start again and along with that comes my seventeenth birthday, August 20th. School started on today the 17th. I was now sitting at lunch with my friends.

    Just like Phoenix gives her friends names based on meaning I do something similar, but I use song titles because unlike her I don't know the meanings of old names, so I use songs that I think describe them.

   Humble and Kind, is the song I use for one of my friends who has the biggest heart, not all the lyrics apply, but the message of the song fits her well, because she is one of the humblest and kindest people I know. She has mousy brown hair, that is always mostly down with one braid on either side of her face pull back behind her head, her hair only fall halfway between her chin and shoulders. Add in her delicate features, small stature, and blue hazel eyes and everything about her screams of her delicate and kind nature. Unfortunately, some people try to take advantage and her kindness. She's kinda shy around people she doesn't know, but once she gets to know someone she's a bit more talkative.

    All About That Bass, is about being confident in who you are even though you don't look like everyone else, even though this society supposed to be discrimination free if you are bigger than the average person, people tease you for it, it's human nature, my friend is one of those people who is bigger than the average, but she's confident in who she is and doesn't care what size her clothes are and in fact takes pride in what makes her different. She has brown hair that goes down to her butt, a round face with brown eyes that are framed by dark lashes, freckles go across her rounded nose, around 5'7, but because of her proportions she looks shorter than she is.

   Live Like You Were Dying, out of the whole group he is the one who I get along best with, which is kind of weird considering we're pretty different. While I'm always cautious about what I do so I don't end up making a wrong move and getting banished, he on the other hand lives everyday as if it was his last, pulling off hilarious pranks, and doing other crazy things. We balance each other I talk sense into him whenever he's thinking of doing something too crazy, and he every now and then talks me into breaking the rules, the rules that only get us a verbal reprimand as punishment. He has red hair that's almost in a buzz-cut, but with a little on top, enough to spike in a mohawk. He has blue-green eyes and is tall and lanky.

   Most of the time in my mind I just shortened their "names" to H.K., Bass, Live.

  As soon as I sat down Live spoke up, "So ladies, our boy here is having his birthday in 3 days, anyone have any fun suggestions?" He said wiggling his eyebrows.

   Right as I was about to respond Bass replied for me, "Umm, how about no, your 'fun suggestions' always get us in trouble, and I'm tired of some stick asking how we made it 'so far with so much dead weight' while looking at me or telling me that if I ran like that every day I'd be a 'normal' weight. I mean I know I'm perfectly plump that doesn't mean you need to point it out every two seconds."

  Live then turns to H.K., "How about you, would you like to do something fun with me and our boy?" As she hesitates Live tries to seal the deal, "Please it wouldn't be the same without you?"

  Before H.K. could respond Bass interrupted, "Don't you try and guilt trip her into going along with your scheme." The two then got into an argument.

   I rolled my eyes and sighed. Finally the peace maker of our group H.K. stepped in and kindly stop the argument, "Guys, you haven't even talked to the one who you're planning to do something for his birthday yet. You might want to talk to him before you decide anything on his birthday."

   This quiets them down as they turn to me and Live speaks up, "So, bro what do you want to do for your birthday?"

   "I actually wasn't planning on doing anything for my birthday, just some relaxing stuff." By relaxing stuff I mean flying and going to bed early so I have more time to talk with my mom, but they won't accept this answer because they think that relaxing means nothing.

    At this Base and Live erupt in protests, but as always H.K. comes up with a compromise and her quiet voice is enough to get the other two to stop yelling at me that I need to do something for my birthday, "How about we hang out at the one of our houses after we all finish our shifts on Wednesday, and then we can decide what to do from there."

  At this Live speaks up again, "We can hangout at mine, that way we can have some of my type of fun without getting caught, because y'all know my parents won't mind too much and they definitely won't tell anyone. Plus we can avoid the a-hole." This got everyone to agree, because no one in friend group likes being near my cousin and all of us want to hangout together.

   My friends are some of the few people in my school who don't like my cousin. He made H.K. do all his homework saying that if she didn't he'd spread lies about that everyone would believe because he's treated as if he can't do anything wrong. Base hates him of how superficial he is and he always makes remarks about her weight and of course because of the H.K. incident. Live hates him because he is and I quote, 'a womanizing, lying, fake, arrogant, a-hole who needs to get his butt handed to him', that's Live's very true description of my cousin not my own.

   So it was settled on my birthday after our shifts us four would hang out at Live's house, relaxing and having fun, away from my cousin. Just relaxing and being a somewhat normal teenager, the thought made me smile, but something in the back of my mind told me this was the calm before the storm and that I should enjoy it while I could.


Hey guys sorry again for the slow updates. Sorry this is another filler chapter as well.

So we got to meet Amator's friends. What do you think of them?

Do you guys have any song suggestions that would describe a person because I would like to include more people into Amator's  POV, but can't think of any more songs that describe people?

Who's your favorite character so far?

Do you feel suspicious of anyone or do you hate anyone in this book?

Personally I don't have a favorite character, but I do hate one of these characters (Lucifer/ aka Amator's cousin/ aka the slimeball), the more write about him the more I hate him.

I would just like to say thank you for reading this far because I know I'm a bad writer with really slow updates, but apparently some of you guys don't think that, which I find shocking, some of you even told your friends about my book ( *cough* NellaDeVilla *cough*) so I just want to say thank you to you all.

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