Chp.4.Destination Cycle

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Nancy's POV

  The hot air that was forming inside the bus was uncomfortable and not very tolerant. Fortunately I had been situated at a window seat. As the bus moved forward, fresh air got sucked in. Either these people were comfortable or they were just being tolerant.

  I could see a man reading the news paper so carefully he has probably already missed his stop, and another smoking a cigarette and puffing the smoke out into the air carelessly as if he had not seen the sleeping baby, lying in its mothers arms. I watched as the woman got up and shoved the man out of her way resulting in the man almost losing a grip on the object. The woman scurried over to another seat far away for the ill-mannered man. I rolled my eyes at the fact that the man still had not learnt his lesson. He was still releasing clouds of smoke into the almost confined space in the bus, pouting his mouth as he sucked in whatever substance he was taking in from the cigarette, to his enjoyment.

  The came to a halt as it had reached my stop, I got up forcefully pushing through the bundle of people that were standing due to the results of the lack of seating space while muttering apologizes for bumping into them. I walked down the few steps then hopped on to the pavement. I quickly checked my pockets before the bus moved on to see if I had left any of my belongings on the bus. Fortunately I did not. My money and phone were still in the compartments of the jeans.

  I started strolling down the greyish sandy colour of the side walk, feeling the friction underneath my shoes within every footstep. I walked pass many clothing stores and shops that were selling stationary equipment. They were either being cleaned or the shutters were being pulled up because the shops were being opened.

  After the light had become red and the illuminating sign that signalled that pedestrians may cross, I did exactly that. I walked pass two more stores then ended up at my destination. The Public Library. As soon as I entered, the unique smell of the books brushed against my nose almost causing me to sneeze.

  I was early as always. I took my took my usual spot behind the counter made of wooden material. It was really thick and I liked the texture.

  " Nancy?" Seth called.

   "Ah huh?" I answered turning my head to look at him. He had a brown box in hand. They were probably from the donations, the books that weren't suitable to be placed on the shelves. Why did people donate these old books?  Either the cover was missing or there was some weird brown sticky substance on the pages. Just because we wanted donations doesn't mean we want destroyed books. The library isn't a garbage disposal.

  " As soon as the usual time comes you can start putting in place the returned books. I can stay at the counter if you like." Seth said fixing his scarf with one hand, balancing the box in the other with his back slightly slanted, allowing him to manage the weight better.

  "Yeah, Definitely" I thankfully replied. Being at the counter was so boring. Seth would normally switch with me if he had the time because he knew I didn't like it much. He said he wanted to meet new people. 

  New people meaning women. Like anyone ever comes in here.

   We then switched and he carefully placed the box on the table not wanting the contents to spill. I walked between two shelves,one held fiction the other non fiction. To my left was a door five feet away from me.

     I entered the room. To be specific it was the storage room. I removed four brown cardboard boxes and carried them over to a shelf at the back of the library via dragging them across the floor. That was how heavy they were. I knew I definitely was going to have a back ache after.
This wasn't entirely as easy as winking but I didn't mind. As long I didn't get bored. It was as regular as clockwork for me to get bored. I commenced on placing the books on their correct shelves. It took all of an hour and a half. After all of that I had to walk from shelf to shelf and fix the books in the right position, turning the spines out so the title was conspicuous.

    I slowly began to get up from my bending position.  I could feel the pressure on my legs, arms, neck, shoulder and back. Good thing I finished before my lunch break. I had fifteen minutes to chill out. I maneuvered into my usual spot at the glass window.
It was so transparent it almost looked invisible because of how clean it was. I leaned back, took breath's in and exhaled them out.

   The door buzzer buzzed but I didn't pay any attention to it because Seth was at the counter.

   "Hello?" A whispering voice said. I spun my head around assuming it was a costumer who needed help.

         "Oh, you." I said just realizing who it was after observing the person.

   " Yeah. . . me." He replied with an unsure tone.

   "What?" I asked. He was just standing there, looking at me while leaning on the shelf. It was rather uncomfortable.

   . . . He chuckled a bit with a confused look forward his expression. "You, me,coffee,yesterday,APOLOGY?"

        "Oh snap!"I came to realization then smacked myself in the head. " I totally forgot. I've been as busy as a bee." I said.

    "And I've been as hungry as a hunter, so coffee? Or are you busy? Am I too early? I— " He started to get insecure.

   "No, my lunch time is in a few minutes." I assured. I got up out of the chair almost stumbling.

   He nodded then he followed behind me. When I reached the counter I stopped to talk to Seth.               
    "I'm going out for coffee."

  "Coffee!? Can you get one for me. Please?" Seth asked while chewing on his favourite grey scarf. Caelem sent him a 'that's not normal' look and Seth flashed him a 'dude please!' kinda look. I knew they were telepathically talking to each other.

   "Sure." I replied. The two broke eye contact then Caelem and I exited the library after Seth gave me a thank you.

     We started a path down the street, pacing slowly dragging our feet across the pavement.


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