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Caelem's POV

  It was around five o'clock when I got home. Fortunately the rain had stopped. My keys jingled as I took them out of my pocket.  I inserted it into the key hole and with a turn, the door opened. I entered inhaling the the smell of lemon. I had always used lemon scented products to clean the floor and wash the dishes etc.

"Pixie?!" I said calling my dog.

  She'd normally come running and jumping onto me with a bark. I discarded of my back in the chair and went into the kitchen.

" Pixie?" I called again. No answer.

"Come here girl" I said. Hoping that she'd come walking to me.

  I spotted her bowl beside the refrigerator and it was empty. I figured that she was probably hungry. I maneuvered into my bedroom hearing the sound of the television and spotting Pixie's motionless body on my bed. I knew exactly what she was doing.

She was playing dead.

I really needed to limit her TV time. I went over to the television and turned it off.

" I've got something for you." I said knowing that she'd get up off the bed.

  She jumped off the bed and unto the floor excitedly.

" So now your not playing dead, huh?" I spoke as I rubbed her fur.

  I brought Pixie into the kitchen and put some tasty doggy snacks into her plastic bowl. There was noise coming from the neighbours house, it looked like they were doing reconstruction on their house again. I looked out the window, directing my eyes in between two trees and saw a truck and pieces of board lying in the grass. I closed the curtain and sighed.

  I started a path to the living room after I had done that I lifted my arms in the air and stretched as I got in my tippy toes, then went back down  on my heels. I walked over to the brown couch with a short lasting yawn as I plopped down on it.

  I grabbed the TV remote which was in arms length of my reach and pressed the red the turn on button. That's when moving pictures appeared. It was just a bunch of ads. I lay down with my left hand behind my head, comfortably relaxed by the soft material of the couch waiting for something interesting to come on.

  While in the midst of waiting my thoughts had switched to Nancy. The girl I met in the library. I think it would be nice to have coffee with someone since I haven't done so in a long while. We don't exactly know each other but she seemed like a nice person full of wit and sarcasm, but wonderful nonetheless.

  Roof!Roof! Pixie barked as I heard things clinging and clanging. And I knew exactly what it was. Sometimes Pixie can get a little hyper when I give her sweet snacks.

  I quickly made my way to the basement almost tripping on the basement staircase. I slowed down when I had reached the bottom, and sighed. I saw Pixie covered in orange paint.

" Pixie.." I said, being a little upset, it was partly my fault because I left the basement door was unlocked.

" Come on girl" I spoke and she followed me to the bathroom.

She needs a hell of a bath.

  She had already gotten in the bath and I began to soap her fur and the raspberry smell got stronger. Pixie seemed to like it seeing that she was wagging her tail.

  I finished washing her and all the paint came off. After she was dried I told her to go to bed, it was getting late and I also needed to sleep. She gave me her puppy dog face trying to protest but she realized I wasn't going to fall for it. She eventually went to her sleeping spot in the living room.

  Washing pixie had giving me a back ache, I went to lie down with the intention of falling asleep. I had to eventually. It was night and I had tomorrow to look forward to.

Not really feeling this chapter, but hey, I just started.

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