A Call from Motherland

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At the Chola Camp,

Nandhini was taken to the camp by the chola soldiers. When she reached the camp she was greeted by Malayaman who was waiting for her.

" What is the reason of calling me here Ayya? " Asked Nandhini. " Nandhini I know that what I say will definitely break your heart but please kindly listen. " told Malayaman.

" Sure but please tell me what it is first " asked Nandhini.

" As you know that Adhita karikalan is the crown prince of the chola empire he has to go back to thanjai" started Malayaman.

" So " asked Nandhini confused. " He can't stay with you here" told Malayaman.

" If he can't stay with me then I would give my life to go with him." told Nandhini proudly. Malayaman shook his head and told, "thats what I dont want "told malayaman.

"what? Why? " asked Nandhini in confusion. "Yes devi, I want you to stay away from Karikalan"told Malayaman shocking Nandhini. " But why ? "asked Nandhini in a broken voice

"Nandhini , Karikalan is the crown prince but you are just a poor orphan girl who lives in the house at the Temple's pond . we cant let an orphan girl ascend the throne."told Malayaman. The word "orphan" broke Nandhin's heart. even though her father was alive.

She was told by her father that her mother had died due to illness when she was three years old.

" But I truly love him " nandhini told in a mear whisper. " please Nandhini understand " pleaded Malayaman holding Nandhini's hands. Malayaman left Nandhini's hands and saw her face.

Her face didn't look convinced, Malayaman thought that this has to ended in the tough way. " If you don't follow my orders, your friend Urvashi won't be alive the next moment you talk to karikalan. My soldiers will always be watching you. Careful my child" warned Malayaman.

Nandhini didnt know how to react , one side of her felt sad and another angry. She can't let Urvashi's life fall in danger because of her and karikalan.

Nandhini thought of telling him her true identity to Malayaman, she thought that this was not the right time to say that to him, all her words would be deaf to his ears.

She remained silent. Malayaman asked the soldiers to leave Nandhini back to her house.

Nandhini was left there by the soldiers. Nandhini was deep in her thoughts that she didn't even notice that the sun has risen.

Nandhini was sleepless the whole night ,kept staring at the wall. In the morning, Urvashi came chirping in to the Hut .

She called Nandhini's name but Nandhini didn't notice her . So finally, Urvashi shook Nandhini awake.

Nandhini just looked at Urvashi and then stared blankly at the wall. " Akka, what happen?" Asked Urvashi. Nandhini didn't reply. Urvashi repeated again " Akka, what happen?", Nandhini stayed motionless.

Urvashi started to shake Nandhini. Nandhini became annoyed and shouted " LEAVE ME ALONE" at Urvashi. Urvashi was startled by Nandhini's words . Tears filled Urvashi's eyes. Seeing that made Nandhini's heart ache.

" Urvashi I-I didn't mean that." Nandini tried to convince Urvashi but Urvashi left from there crying. " Urvashi don't go, I am sorry " pleaded Nandhini. But Urvashi didn't listen.

Nandini smacked her forehead and sat down cursing at her foolishness.

By this time Karikalan who was sleeping in the tent also woke up. He went out to see some soldiers outside acting suspicious. They didn't greet him as usual, didn't look in his eyes even when some greeted, Karikalan frowned at them.
"What happen?why are you looking at me like that?" asked karikalan.
" Nothing ilavarase" told the soldier as they bowed and left from there.

Karikalan walked towards his grandfather who was talking with some soldiers. " Thatha why are some soldiers acting wierd?" Asked Karikalan.

His grandfather turned towards him and told " I don't think they are , you are just imagining things karikala" .

Karikalan shrugged it off and went to take a bath. He had a long and relaxing bath. His thoughts were only of Nandhini ' what would she be doing?' , ' will she also be thinking about me ' .
Only if he knew.....

" Greetings to the prince." Greeted a soldier,Karikalan nodded . " Ilavarase Your thatha wants to discuss something important with you , so he asks your presence in the camp." Informed the soldiers.

Karikalan sighed in anoyance and got up, he followed the soldier to the tent. Malayaman was pouring a glass of water for Karikalan.

"Did you summon me Thatha " asked karikalan as he entered the tent.

Malayaman gestured the soldiers there to go out. They bowed at him and went out.

"Yes my son, you have to go to Thanjavur tomorrow." Informed Malayaman. Adhita karikalan froze in shock.

" What are you saying Thatha, I can't leave just like that tomorrow." Told karikalan who was slowly getting angry.

" I know the reason why you are not agreeing, but it was an order from your father" told Malayaman.

" But we still haven't found who the killer is " told karikalan in protest. " I will take care of it my son , you go back to thanjai" told Malayaman.

" I can't leave her alone" Karikalan told to Malayaman. Malayaman very well understood that and told " Take her with you if she agrees to come".

This reply made Karikalan happy he smiled at Malayaman and went towards the horse stable. He took his horse and rode towards the temple.

Nandhini washed her face and went inside the temple to pray. Right at that time Karikalan enter the temple. He saw Nandhini standing in front of the deity and praying .

Nandhini sensed a presence behind her, she very well knew Who it was.
" Someone will see us" told Nandhini.
" Let them see" told karikalan.
" We shouldn't meet it seems" told Nandhini.

" Why "questioned Karikalan." I am an orphan, I don't even know who my mother is " told Nandhini forcing every word out.

" Who told this? " Asked Karikalan in anger. " Your thatha " told Nandhini as she started walking towards the house.

Karikalan followed Nandhini, she stopped outside the house. " Why are you following me ? "Asked Nandhini.
" Nandini please don't ignore me, I understand your situation but-" karikalan was stopped by Nandhini's interruption.

" No buts karikalare , please don't come to see me here from now on" Nandini told as she entered in the house. Karikalan was stopped by Nandhini closing the door shut in karikalan's face.

Karikalan didn't know how to react he started banging on the door " Nandhini open the door ". Nandini who was on the other side mufled her cries with her hand. Nandini slid down and sat against the door, crying.

Karikalan got tired of banging he felt hopeless. He finally informed the news to Nandhini " I don't know if you are listening or not. But it is my duty to inform, I will be going back to thanjai tomorrow , I will be waiting for you till the sun rises tomorrow. I expect you to be there, goodbye Nandhini" . Nandhini froze. Karikalan didn't wait for Nandhini's reply he went out of the temple.

Nandhini processed everything after a minute. She imidiatly opened the door and looked out . " Karikalare!" Screamed Nandhini. She saw karikalan riding far away from the temple.

Nandhini wanted to run to Karikalan but she knew that it was impossible to do so. Nandini slowly sat down against a pillar of the temple mumbling his name . Tears spilled down her eyes as she watched him leaving form there.

It was nearly evening all the people who came to the temple looked at Nandhini wierdly she was sitting there like a statue but the only difference between her and a statue was the tears spilling from her eyes.


Urvashi came to apologise for the thing that happened in the morning. She didn't find Nandini in the house. She seached for her every where near the pond but didn't find her .

Urvashi finally came inside the temple. she saw Nandhini's State and ran towards her , she hugged her Nandhini hugged her back and started weeping out loud as she cried in Urvashi's sholders . Urvashi herself started tearing up herself.

" He left. He left me Urvashi" Nandhini started wailing like a child. Urvashi took her inside the house. Nandini kept mumbling this as she cried herself to sleep.

That's when a Pandiyan messenger came with a message. Urvashi received the letter and dismissed the messenger. Urvashi opened the letter to read it...

Greetings to the Crown Princess,

Your father's health has been declining day by day , he wishes you to be by his side. Hence he has summoned you back to Madurai. We will expect you in Madurai the day after.

Yours Faithfully,
Periya Pazluvetrayar .

A tear slid down Urvashi's face Knowing that she has to return back to Madurai and there was no way she could meet Karikalan tomorrow.

Nandhini woke up the next morning, hearing the news made her devastated, she had to be with her father.

On the next morning Karikalan waited for her as promised. He had no other option than to leave. His grandfather has been forcing him to start the journey before the sun rised , he stayed for his Nandhini. Karikalan accepted his faith and started his journey...

So this is a very heart breaking chapter. What do you think will happen in the next chapter?. Hope you all liked this chapter , comment and leave a vote.

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