The Confession to Nandini

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At the Pond,

Nandhini ran away with tears in her eyes. Urvashi who was standing with Nandhini there bid her farewell and started to go behind Nandhini.

Nandhini came to the pond and sat down on the farthest step. She kept her head on her knees and started to regret what she did.

' why did I do that? It did not only embarrass myself but the prince too. I am sure Karikalar would be angry with me. ' thought Nandini. As she let her tears fall on her lap.

"Akka !?" Called Urvashi as she saw Nandhini sitting in distress. Urvashi came and sat beside Nandhini. She hugged Nandhini.

" I made a big mistake, I didn't think that he would do that, I was so shocked to hear what he told. I shouldn't have run away" told Nandhini as she hugged Urvashi back.

" Akka I am sure that he understands what you would have felt akka " Consoled Urvashi as she patted Nandhini's back.

" But what would his grandfather think about me, a coward?" Told Nandhini not fully convinced by Urvashi's words.

" Akka he is older than Karikalar, he would have understood how you would have felt. Don't take these silly matters into your head" told Urvashi as she soothed Nandini. Nandini half-heartedly nodded her head.

" Urvashi you go back to the palace, let me stay here for some time to clear my mind." Nandhini requested.

Urvashi understood that Nandhini wanted some time alone. She left Nandhini at the pond and went back to the palace.

Back at the camp, Karikalan cursed at himself for making Nandhini react that way. " Son come let's get inside the tent and then speak about it". Called Malayaman.

Adhithan agreed and started walking forward, he constantly kept looking back to see if she was back, but his hopes went in vain.

Karikalan sat on the cot in the tent smiling at him, Malayaman sat beside him, "Son, I am very happy for you," he said smiling. " By the way which place's princess is she? " Asked Malayaman. Adhitan's smiled fell.

" Can't you guess from her attire that she is not a princess?" Told karikalan.
" I thought that too, But as for her beauty, she definitely looks like a royal, "told Malayaman.

"No thatha she is not a royal she is a vaishnavi girl who lives in the house back at the pond in the temple "replied Karikalan.

Malayaman thought for a second and asked" Do you love her?". Adhithan nodded yes. " But think about the good fare of our country," told Malayaman.

Karikalan raised his eyebrows and asked," What are you coming to say thatha?"

" Son, Nandhini is a poor vaishnavte, and you are the crown prince. We don't even know who her parents are. How can she become the future queen of Cholas, think my son." Malayaman tried to make Karikalan understand the truth.

" I don't care what others would think, I am adamant on my decision that I will marry Nandhini. If at all at any cost someone tries to separate us. They wouldn't be alive to see the sun, careful thatha" Adhita Karikalan warned him dangerously and left in search of Nandini.

Malayaman knew that talking to Adhitan was a waste he knew the right person to speak with, Nandhini.

Karikalan soon reached the pond. He saw didn't see Nandhini at the pond. He entered the house to see Nandhini who was blanked out, sitting near the door.

Nandhini was so immersed in her thoughts that she didn't even notice Karikalan slip into the house.

Karikalan called Nandhini's name. She didn't reply. Karikalan finally shook Nandhini out of her dream. She saw Karikalan in front of her and jerked up. " Karikalare when did you come? I didn't notice you" told Nandhini.

" Sit down karikalare I will bring you something to eat, Nandini was about to go to the room but she was stopped by Karikalan holding her wrist.

" Nandini, aren't you angry with me ?" Asked Karikalan.

"I am the one who should apologise," told Nandhini. " I shouldn't have run away. I know how embarrassed you would have felt in front of your grandfather " continued Nandhini.

Karikalan smiled slightly and told "You didn't embarrass me Nandhini don't feel guilty for the things you didn't do" Nandhini didn't know what to say.

" Karikalare I want to tell you something," told Nandhini, she knew that this was the right opportunity, to tell the truth about her.

" Sure, but before that I want to tell you something," told Karikalan. Nandhini was confused and told" Sure".

" Wait a minute " told Karikalan and went out of the house. Nandini was eagerly waiting for him. Karikalan came back in a few minutes.

He asked Nandhini to close her eyes. Nandini can feel Karikalan keeping something behind her ear, And slid something up her ring finger Karikalan brought a mirror close to Nandhini's face and asked her to open her eyes.

Nandini opened her eyes and looked into the mirror. It was a rare white Lotus flower.

" See you made the flower look more beautiful" told Karikalan making Nandhini blush. She playfully punched his chest. She then looked at the ring and looked at Karikalan.

" Karikalare, this ring is yours. " Told Nandhini. " Not anymore, Now it belongs to the tigress of the Chola Empire" smiled Karikalan. Nandini started to blush hearing his words.

" Aah Nandhini the punch hurts more now. " Told Karikalan rubbing his chest facking hurt. " Don't tease me karikalare" told Nandhini.

" What is the thing that you wanted to tell me karikalare?" Asked Nandhini. Karikalan looked straight into Nandhini's eyes and told " I love you Nandhini", Karikalan confessed, " I truly love you, Nandhini, I don't care about your cast or status, I love you for what you are ."

Nandhini looked at Karikalan with love-filled eyes and she suddenly hugged him. Karikalan froze in happiness he slowly hugged her back. " I love you too Karikalare," told Nandhini in a near whisper. She broke the hug and kissed his cheek. Karikalan's eyes widened in happiness.

Nandini was blushing like a mad woman. She ran out of the house and to the palace, to see her friend.

Karikalan who stood there lifted his hands to his cheek where Nandhini's soft lips were at. He started to blush too.

Nandini ran to the palace in happiness with the white Lotus in her hands. She went inside Urvashi's chamber. Urvashi was startled by her sudden entry. Nandini fell on the bed and covered her face with the pillow.

Urvashi had no idea why Nandhini was behaving like this. " Akka what happen tell me " asked Urvashi. Nandhini kept nodding no to her questions. " Akka this is the last time, if you don't answer I won't talk to you", told Urvashi.

Nandhini finally agreed to tell Urvashi everything. " I met Karikalan," told Nandhini, she started to blush again. " Ok Akka, what happened when you met him, " asked Urvashi in a teasing way.

" H-Heee " dragged Nandhini. " Yes, Akka what did he do" repeated Urvashi for the hundredth time. " He confessed his feelings for me," told Nandhini.

Urvashi was shocked, she knew that something happened there but didn't think it would be like this. Urvashi smiled brightly at Nandini.

" That's great akka!!" Told Urvashi
" Akka did you tell the truth to Karikalar?" Asked Urvashi hoping to get a positive answer.

" I was about to but Karikalare interrupted me in the middle and told me this after that I came here," told Nandhini not knowing what to do.

"It's ok Akka tell him when you both meet again," told Urvashi. Nandhini nodded.

On the other side, karikalan returned to the camp knowing that it will take a long time for her to return.

When he reached the camp he saw his grandfather waiting for him in the entrance. Karikalan turned his face in annoyance.

Karikalan got off the horse. " Did you go to see her again?" Asked Malayaman. karikalan rolled his eyes and replied, "Yes I went to see her, so what".

" Adhita please understand she is not suitable for you " told Malayaman.

" I know that she is perfect for me, I don't need your opinion thatha," told Karikalan as they walked towards the tent. Malayaman knew that he had to do something.

It was night, and Nandhini returned to the house back at the pond. She prepared everything to sleep there tonight. Nandhini was about to lie down, suddenly she heard a loud knock at the door. ' who is it at this time ' thought Nandhini. She went to the door and opened it.

She saw some soldiers. " Why have you come at this time? " Asked Nandhini.
" Are you Nandini?" asked a soldier.
" Yes " replied a confused Nandhini.

" The great Malayaman has ordered us to bring you to him. " informed the soldier.

Hope you liked this chapter, For what do you think that Malayaman would have called Nandhini?

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