Full Moon Day

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Same, Veera Narayana Perumal temple,

It was a full moon night everyone were gathered at the temple. Out of nowhere the bandits had emerged.

All the people in the temple turned towards the direction of the noises.

They saw nearly fifty masked men surrounding the temple on all the four sides of the temple.

Women inside the temple started screaming. Children started getting scared hearing their mothers scream.

Nandhini and karikalan who were hiding behind a tree heard their scream and came out of their hiding spot. This gave the bandits a perfect chance to attack on them again.

Nandhini tried to move from the spot but Karikalan who was already wounded request " Nandhini don't go, it is not safe for you to go there."

Nandhini was desperate to save her people she replied " Ilavarase, you are already injured, you stay here , I will take care of them."

Karikalan was about to open his mouth to protest but Nandhini told" I am not only a girl who lives in the temple, I am also a Veera vaishnavi. "

She got up from the place and headed towards the temple, moved very swiftly dodging the arrows.

She saw that the bandits were beating and had also killed some people. Seeing the sight of her people suffering made her blood boil.

She walked towards Urvashi and pulled her aside by keeping her hands on her mouth.

Urvashi struggled against her grip " shh.. Urvashi it is me." Assured Nandini.Urvashi turned towards Nandhini and hugged her Akka I am scared" told Urvashi.

"Don't worry Urvashi I will save everyone. Where is my sword? " Asked Nandhini.

"Akka I left your sword near the temple's pond." Replied Nandhini.

"Ok, I will go and get it you stay here."told Nandhini as she left.

She sneaked to the pond and started to search for the sword. Nandhini didn't notice a metal pot keep on a step of the pond.

She accidentally kicked it causing it to roll down the steps. The noises produced by the rolling pot diverted some Bandits attention.

" Who is there!?" Shouted a bandit. Nandhini ran towards her sword and quickly bought it to her hand ready for an attack.

Nearly twenty bandits gathered hearing the noise . " Oh look a lioness is ready to attack."mocked a bandit.
" After this night I will make her my pet cat " told another bandit.

Their comments made Nandhini' anger reached its pinnacle. She started striking at the bandits.

She was very busy fight some bandits. Another bandit from tried to stab her from behind.

He was stopped by another sword which came to Nandhini's rescue. This sword belonged to the crown prince of the Chola Empire, Adhita karikalan.

Nandhini turned to see Adhita karikalan attacking on the bandits. " Ilavarase! I told you to stay there. Why did you come here" asked Nandhini as she attacked some bandits.

"You saved my life, it is my duty to repay it " answered karikalan.
" Ilavarase but you haven't still healed completely" protested Nandhini.

"Let us keep our argument later first let's finish them off. " Said karikalan. Nandhini wanted to protest but she very well knew that this was not the right time .

Nandhini and karikalan got many cuts due to the bandits but they didn't care, all that was in their mind was to save the people inside temple.

They nearly killed most of the bandits The remaining were now inside the temple. The sight inside the temple made them freeze.

Women were being dragged by the bandits. Men were being beaten. Children were being tortured without mercy.

Everyone turned towards the couple with the sword. The bandits left the captured people and fled towards them.

Nandhini and karikalan fought vigorously. At one moment, Karikalan and Nandhini were diverted by something this gave a bandit a chance to hold karikalan with a dagger at his neck

Nandhini paused fighting." Ilavarase! " Called Nandhini. " Put your sword down and come to me. " told the bandit smirking.

Karikalan couldn't fight against the grip as he was already very injured and very tired. " Ok but don't do anything to him." Told Nandhini as she let her sword slip down.

Nandhini walked towards the bandit. He loosened his grip on Adhita karikalan.

Nandhini signaled karikalan to push his sword to her which was right down his foot. Which went unnoticed by the bandit.

Nandini walked faster towards them finally picked up the speed and ran towards them, in a split second she bent, karikalan kicked the sword towards Nandhini. She got the sword and sliced the bandit's head off .

The headless body fell down. Karikalan escaped from him. Nandhini killed the few more bandits who were left. Karikalan crawled near a pillar. And rested his back on it.

Karikalan was breathing heavily. His half healed wound started to bleed again. Nandini gave her sword to Urvashi who came running towards them and rushed towards karikalan ignoring her own wounds.

"Vidhiyare please, heal him " pleaded Nandhini to the vidhiyar who came forward to check adhitya karikalan.

" Someone help me to take him to my house" called vidhiyar. Two men helped him.

Nandhini got up after they left. The remaining people who were stood there thanked Nandhini for saving their lives.

"What is this you are like my brothers and sisters. It is my duty to save you " answered Nandhini with a smile.

" Amma what is your name? " Asked an old lady from the crowd. " My name is Nandhini" told Nandhini. " As in the Crown princess?" Asked people in shock.

" No no, my parents named me after her. I am just a vaishnava girl who lives in the house back at the pond." Told Nandhini as she tried to hide her identity.

She didn't want people to know who she was because, she came here secretly not even the ministers knew that she was here. Nandhini wanted it to keep it that way.

" Thankyou very much for saving us Amma " everyone thanked Nandhini in chorus.

Nandhini smiled in response. " Come Urvashi let's go and visit the other saviour shall we ?" Nandini called Urvashi.

Nandhini entered the vidhiyar's Hut. And saw karikalan being treated by him. Karikalan smiled at seeing Nandhini.

" The Ilavaraser is regretting his atrocities now, I see ." Told Nandhini smiling at him .

" I never regret helping you Nandhini" . Told karikalan looking in Nandhini's eyes.

" Why did you come out of house at first?" Nandhini Scolded karikalan like a mother scolding her son.

" I didn't inform my grandfather that I would be going for a hunt. So I went in search of him." Answered karikalan.

The thought of him leaving saddened Nandhini " I will inform your grandfather, wherever he is " told Nandhini with the hope of making him stay.

" They won't even let you inside the camp Nandhini." Told karikalan.

Karikalan very well understood what Nandhini wanted, she wanted him to stay.

"If I could meet him I would ask for permission to stay here for a while. " Told karikalan. It bought back the smile to Nandhini's face.

" Really!?" Ask Nandhini."Yes" replied Karikalan. " I will speak with the chief tenant " Nandhini informed as she ran to talk with her uncle in happiness.

Karikalan smiled seeing her eagerly waiting for him to be with her. He closed his eyes to rest but the only thing he could think was about Nandhini......

Hope you liked this chapter please vote and leave a comment. Special thanks to RagKee for supporting

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