Water Games

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Veera Narayan Perumal temple,
A few days after that Incident,

Nandhini couldn't sleep at night. She kept thinking about him. She was tossing side to side on her bed.

Urvashi entered the chamber and called " Akka wake up let's go out to the market" .

Nandhini's eyes shot open. " Yes Urvashi let's go , before that how is our new guest is he alright?" Asked Nandhini.

"Ayoo akka do you keep thinking about him? Hmm Looks like something is going in between you two." started Urvashi mockingly.

Nandhini blushed at Urvashi's words. " So am I going to get a brother in law??" Asked Urvashi raising her eyebrows." How will he be your brother in-law mad girl , when you marry Amarabhiujhangan and when I marry him, he will become your brother and not brother in law .
Corrected Nandhini.

Nandhini closed her mouth with her palm in realisation that she had spilled more information than need. Urvashi looked at Nandhini with a teasing smiled. " Akka.... So you have thought about this way earlier than me " teased Urvashi.

"What ?Don't look at me like that" Nandhini told not being able to withstand her teasing.

" Enough of the teasing I have to get ready" Nandhini told as she sent her friend out of the room. Nandhini went to the pond to bath as she stayed in the house after the fight.

Nandini had tied a white cloth around her body. She stepped into the pond, kept her clothes a few steps away as she didn't want it to get wet .
Nandhini started scrubbing body with herbs.

She noticed a man walking towards the direction of the pond. Nandhini's eyes widened. She held her breath and submerged in the water.

That man was none other than Adhita karikalan. He too came to take a bath. ' What a nice day, oh I am a very gifted man ,I will take Nandhini to thatha today ' thought karikalan he had a white vesti wrapped around his waist.

He noticed some clothes kept on the steps a just opposite to him. He couldn't see it clearly as it was on the other side of the pond. He too keep his clothes a few steps away which was only a sandal coloured vesti and a shawl .

He entered in the water and dipped his head inside the water.

At the same time Nandhini who was under the water, emerged from inside. She was gasping for breath. Nandini looked around. 'No man is here' thought Nandini as she continued bathing.

Nandini started to swim around the pond. Karikalan had the same Idea on his mind too. He too started swimming in the pool.

Nandhini and karikalan were busy swimming under the water that they didn't notice their clothes being stolen by the kids who were playing near the pond.

Nandini and karikalan unknowingly swam towards eachother.

Nandhini saw a person looking like Adhita karikalan in the water. She blinked inside the water, thinking that it was her imagination.

Karikalan was doing and thinking the same. He and Nandhini at the same time came out of the water.

Both Adhitya karikalan and Nandhini was shocked to eachother " aaaahhhhhh" both of them screamed looking at eachother.

Nandhini swam towards her clothes as fast as she could, so did karikalan. She searched for her clothes. She couldn't find them. The same thing happened to Adhita karikalan.

"Where are the clothes!?" Screamed Adhita karikalan as well as Nandhini in sync. They looked at each other from distance. Adhita karikalan was straight opposite to Nandhini but a bit far away.

" Where did you hide my clothes Karikalare?" Shouted Nandhini from her side. " You are asking me ? Where did you hide my clothes!?" Shouted karikalan.

As they were arguing they saw kids playing nearby. " Hey kids did you see mine and this akka's clothes?"asked Karikalan to the kids who were playing.

Those kids were confused. One of the kid pointed towards the tree and asked "Are you asking for these?".

Karikalan and Nandhini's eyes widened at the sight of their clothes. Their clothes were tied to eachother like a rope and was tried to the tree. Those kids used it to pluck mangoes from the tree.

"Hey! Naughty kids give us our clothes back " shouted Nandhini. " I will rip your head off if I come there!" Screamed Adhita karikalan.

The kids laughed at them " hahaha, you don't even have anything to where , how will you come and kill me " Karikalan became embarassed, he saw Nandhini laughing at him.

"Hey! Nandhini don't laugh at me , even you don't have clothes"said karikalan. Nandhini closed her mouth in realisation.

" You guys are cute kids, please give us our clothes"pleaded Nandhini. The kids didn't show any signs of returning the clothes.

The kids got anoyed by the constant shouting. " Fine we will return the clothes but only one of your clothes. So who will want their clothes back ?" Asked a kid.

"Mine!" Both of them said at the same time.

" Karikalare, If I get my clothes back i will were it and bring you clothes to wear as your clothes on the tree are nearly going to get torn, please let me get mine." Nandhini pleaded. Seeing Nandhini pleaded made Karikalan's heart melt.

" Hey kids , give that akka's clothes." Told karikalan. The kids half hearted opened the knot and threw Nandhini her clothes.

Nandhini got it and immediately got off of the water she wrapped the cloth around her shoulders and ran towards the palace.

Nandhini was shivering. Urvashi came to recieve Nandhini." Akka what happen to you?" Asked Urvashi who couldn't suppress her laughter.

Nandhini explained everything and she asked Urvashi to give some clothes for Karikalan. Nandhini went inside the palace and dressed up properly.

Urvashi gave Nandhini some clothes for Karikalan. Urvashi requested Nandini to take her with her, after many tries she finally agreed.

Nandhini and Urvashi rode in Nandhini's horse to the pond. Nandhini took her horse and went towards the pond, where as Urvashi got down near the house. " Princess Urvashi gave us some new clothes, here are yours"

Nandhini was about to throw the clothes to karikalan but he stopped her by saying " No No don't throw, it will get wet ,Come here and give" .

Nandhini walked forward towards Adhithan, he pulled the clothes from her hands, as the steps were slippery Nandhini lost her balance and fell into water with a loud splash.

The kids who were watching it started to laugh. Nandhini came out of the water and gasped for air. She saw everyone laughing at her including Karikalan. Her cheeks became red in embarassment.

Nandhini started to punch his chest playfully. Karikalan her her hands and started at her" You look even more beautiful when you are angry"said karikalan.

Nandhini stopped punching and started to blush. " Stop it karikalare. Put on your clothes and get back to the vidhiyar's Hut. See now because of you, I will have to change again " told Nandhini.

Karikalan agreed and came out of the pond. He got dressed up and Nandhini went to the house at the pond. Karikalan used the horse bought by Nandhini to get back to the vidhiyar's hut.

Urvashi in the house saw Nandhini drenched again and started laughing her life out tears started to spill out of her eyes due to constant laughing .

Urvashi asked Nandhini laughing
" Akka did Ilavaraser do this?" Nandhini nodded yes.

"Wow looks like he doesn't want you to leave him at any cost" said Urvashi. Nandhini's smiled vanished it was replaced by sorrow.

" We both will have to leave eachother at some point, for our country. " Told Nandhini.

"Not if you marry him " told Urvashi. " But as a crown Princess I can only marry a minister's son , if I marry karikalan then I would have to leave with him " replied Nandhini.

Urvashi thought for a second and told" Akka let's talk about this to Chakravarthy, he will have a solution I think ." Nandini nodded.

" Akka why don't you tell about this to Karikalar , I am sure that he will understand " suggested Urvashi. " I will definitely tell him when the right time comes Urvashi ". Replied Nandhini.

Nandini dried herself and wore new pair of clothes and walked to the Vidhiyar's house with Urvashi

Nandhini and Urvashi reached the Vidhiyar's house. Karikalan was all dressed up his wound were half healed.

" So shall we go and meet my thatha?" Asked Karikalan. Nandini and Urvashi nodded in reply.

So in the next chapter they will be meeting Malayaman. What do you think his reaction would be?

Hope you liked the chapter , don't forget to vote and comment. Special thanks to RagKee for supporting.

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