The First Hunt/ Devaralan attam

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A week Later,
At night,

It was the full moon Night where Nandhini is going to accomplish the first step.

Nandhini had sent a letter to the pandiyan group telling them to get ready as soon as the Deveralan's attam starts. This would be the perfect chance for him to be alone.

Nandini had given Urvashi a bigger work, Urvashi nearly fainted hearing that. Nandhini on the other hand was getting prepared to kill him.

Urvashi entered the senadhipathi's chamber to find him drinking alcohol. Urvashi scrunched her nose as the disgusting smell of alcohol hit her.

She cleared her throat to get his attention. He immediately turned towards her and asked "Why have you come Ilavarasi?" Asked Kalanthakan.

" Do you want to send another letter?" He continued. Urvashi shook her head and replied "No, I just wanted to talk with you" told Urvashi.

He gestured Urvashi to sit on the diwan opposite to his. " So what do you want to talk to me ?" Asked Kalanthakan.

" I just got a news from my spy that , some pandiyan spies are plotting something against you " informed Urvashi. " What is it ?" Asked Kalanthakan crooking his eyebrows.

Urvashi gulped and replied" If I tell you that, then you will have to follow what I say , do you agree?" Kalanthakan thought for a second and replied" ok ".

" They have planned to kill you tonight " told Urvashi. Kalanthakan was shocked, he became angry and got up, threw the glass from his hand to the floor. Urvashi flinched at his action.
" Lies" shouted Kalanthakan.

" If you believe me or not, this is the truth,"told Urvashi as she held a cloth with some herbs in her hands very tight.

Kalanthakan furiously went to the balcony, Urvashi used this opportunity and opened the jug of alcohol, she mixed the herbs in that and immediately closed the lid.

Kalanthakan hissed in anger and turned towards Urvashi who started shaking in fear, " How can I trust you, asked Kalanthakan." It was my most trusted spy." Told Urvashi.

Kalanthakan nodded. " Ok what was your condition, asked Kalanthakan.
" Well, I want you to not stay in the palace when the Deveralan's attam starts. " Urvashi stressed out each word.

Kalanthakan thought for a few minutes and nodded in agreement. Urvashi got up and bid her farewell and left.

Kalanthakan was still in deep thought, even after Urvashi left. He took another glass and filled it with the alcohol.

Urvashi ran back to her chamber and closed the door shut. " What did he say" asked a voice inside the room, Urvashi jumped hearing the voice.

She saw Nandhini sitting on the diwan majestically,with her eyes closed and her hands on her head.

" You were right akka. He did what you exactly told" informed Urvashi as she went near her. Nandhini opened her eyes and took her hand off her head and asked " Did you mix it ?" Asked Nandhini, with a evil smile.

" Yes, but what is it akka?" Questioned a clueless Urvashi. " You'll know soon, Urvashi" replied Nandhini as she got up from the place and opened the door. She stopped near it , turned to Urvashi and gave her a smile.

Urvashi knew that something was going to happen, Nandhini always doesn't smile like that. Urvashi gulped thinking about is, she shook her head and sat on the bed.

Nandhini saw karikalan sleep on the bed and sighed as she entered the chamber.

Nandini went to the pile of clothes she brought when she came to the palace. It had a woodden box inside. Nandini was about to take the box out, but she was jerked by Karikalan, calling her name
"Nandhini?" Called karikalan as he saw her with the bundle.

" What are you searching for Nandhini?"asked Karikalan as he got up and walked towards her. Her grip on the bundle grew tighter. " I-I was " sluttered Nandhini.

" Hmm, can I tell you what? " asked Karikalan with a smile. Nandini nodded he opened his palms to show Nandhini the tiger emblemed ring. Nandhini looked at it and sighed in relief.

" Yes karikalare I was searching for this" Told Nandhini cheerfully as she took the ring from his palm.

Karikalan chuckled. Karikalan came closer to Nandhini and asked " Won't you give anything in In return ?" .

Nandhini took a step back, Karikalan didn't let her slip away by holding her by her waist. Nandini was startled by his actions " what do you want Karikalare?" Asked Nandhini, struggling under his grip.

Karikalan didn't reply he instead turned his head to the side, showing his cheek to her. Nandhini very well knew what he was asking. " No, karikalare not now " told Nandhini as she tried to get off his grip.

Karikalan was not in the mood of letting her go away, " No, I won't let you go until you pay back." Told karikalan tightening his hold. " No" repeated Nandhini.

" You already told that we will see everything in Thanjavur, but now you are not fulfilling your promise." Told Karikalan with a frown.

Nandhini sighed in defeat " Karikalare I did , but some other day not now please, we have to go" . Pleaded Nandhini.

Seeing her please made karikalan losern his grip on her a little, Nandhini used this chance to push him away and run out of the room with the bundle.

Karikalan groaned in defeat stomping his feet like a child, ' you escaped today, but you will get caught very soon ' thought karikalan as he smiled looking at the direction she went.

At the Grand Hall Of Chola Palace,

Everybody were preparing for the Deveralan's attam which was going to happen in a while.

Nandhini and Karikalan came together and sat in the front row, everyone bowed at the Crown prince and the Princess. The just smiled humbly.

Sundara Cholan walked inside, everyone greeted him, as he sat beside his son. Nandhini looked at devaralan and smiled , nodded.

They started the attam in a few minutes.

For a first few minutes everyone remained calm and peaceful. Just in between, Nandhini signalled deveralan to do it.

Devaralan signalled a dancer ( spy ) to start a fire. The dancer took a Bond of fire which was hung on the wall for light and threw it on the curtains hung in the hall.

The fire started to spread fast deveralan and his group pushed the lamps to make the fire more agressive.

Everyone started to run here and there. The place was filled with chaos. Karikalan started screaming for Nandhini, he couldn't see her among the croud.

Nandhini had finally escaped the Hall somehow, she now started heading towards Urvashi's chamber and opened the wooden box kept on the table and took her hereditary sword from it .

Nandhini furiously walked towards the Senadhipathi's chamber. She entered the chamber to see him enjoying his drink.

Nandhini's eyes burned in anger as she saw him. " Kalanthaka!" Shouted Nandhini. He turned his head to see Nandhini standing in front of him but her face was blurred to his eyes, which he thought was because of amount of alcohol consumption.

" Oh , so you are the one who has come to attack on me?" Asked Kalanthakan provoking Nandhini, this angered her more. " Oh yes I am your death, Kalanthaka." Replied Nandhini.

Kalanthakan chuckled, " You thinking a mear woman can kill me?" Asked Kalanthakan as he withdrew his sword to fight, even though he couldn't stand steadily.

Nandhini pounced upon him with her sword, he blocked her attack, Nandhini kicked him on his stomach, causing him to stumble back.

He looked at Nandhini and asked" who are you!?" . " I am the Queen of Pandiyas" replied Nandhini as she attacked him once again.

This time he was pushed to the edge of the balcony, by Nandhini. He tried to focus on her but her image was getting more blurred, he could see her image scattering.

He realised that this was not the effect of alcohol." What did you do to me ?" Screamed Kalanthakan.

Nandini started laughing maniacally looking at his state," Poor you, didn't even notice the girl Urvashi mix something in your drink."

" What, she was your spy, I should have realised it. What did you mix, why did she try to save me ? " asked Kalanthakan.

" Oh nothing just a bit of Poisonous herbs in case I miss to kill you, she didn't try to save you she just dug a big hole for you, I knew that you will do everything opposite of what she says, because she is a woman" Replied Nandhini. Kalanthakan shook his head to clear his vision.

He took his sword and came to Nandhini's direction to attract her. Nandini swinged her sword to cut off his whole arm. Kalanthakan screamed in pain, he fell down.

Nandini kept her sword on his neck and rounded him" tell me who sent you?" Questioned Nandhini. " I won't tell it even if my life goes." Replied Kalanthakan.

" Well even if you don't tell your life will go, now tell me " asked Nandhini in a dangerous whisper.

Kalanthakan chuckled as blood flowed from the the place of the arm. " You think your father got Ill all of a sudden, naturally?." Asked kalanthakan.

Nandini frowned, her lips parted, she started at him " what are you blabbering?" Asked Nandhini.

" I am not blabbering " Told Kalanthakan. Before she could ask any other question further, he drew his small sword off his pocket and sliced his throat.

" Kalanthaka! Kalanthaka!" Called out Nandhini who was desperate to save him. But he choked on his own blood and died.

Nandhini sighed in defeat, she saw that his blood has splashed on her face, she immediately went to the nearest source of water which was a glass of water,she splashed on her face, wiped the sword with Kalanthakan's shawl.

She placed a palm leaf script and a thing wrapped in a silk cloth upon his body and left the room.

She went to Urvashi's chamber and placed her sword under the bed. She immediately ran towards the hall.

What did kalanthakan's words mean?
Who is behind all these?

Hope you liked this chapter don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts. Special thanks to RagKee for supporting.

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