The News Of Arrival

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Thanja Palace's Grand Hall,

Some soldiers were trying to pour water on the fire to stop it, but it didn't control the fire.

Nandhini reached inside the hall,she kept a step to go forward, ' If I go like this, they will question me, I have to do something." Thought Nandhini.

She thought about this and kicked a half burnt pillar, the pillar started falling, " Help ! Help! Someone help!" Screamed Nandhini.

Her scream caught the attention of Karikalan who was busy helping other people . " Nandhini" he mumbled as he started running towards the source of her voice.

He saw Nandhini standing the centre, The pillar beside her was slowly falling. " Nandhini!"screamed karikalan as he ran quickly towards her and pulled her away from the place.

Just as he pulled her, the pillar fell , broke. He held Nandhini's hands and brought her out.

" Where were you Nandhini, how did you get caught in the fire?". Nandhini started coughing vigorously to avoid his question, he ordered a maid to get some water for her.

She drank the water and sat down. Karikalan came to sit beside her, Nandini turned her head to the other side and started thinking' how, was I fooled regarding my father's health ?' .

In the Morning,

Nobody slept in the palace, the news of the incident spread throughout the country.

Karikalan came inside the chamber furiously, Nandhini was sitting on the diwan with her fist on her chin, thinking about something.

" Where did the senadhipathi go yesterday?, Was he sleeping? questioned Karikalan to a soldier.

The soldier bowed down and suggested" I will go and check on him Ilavarase" . Karikalan nodded and dismissed him.

He turned to look at Nandhini, " Are you alright Nandini? Did you get hurt ? " Karikalan asked,check for wounds. " No karikalare, I am totally alright." Replied Nandhini as she held his hands.

He hugged her suddenly, causing her to freeze, she didn't hug him back but stayed still.

The same soldier came running and entered the chamber panting,
" Ilavarase".

"Yes what happen ?" Asked Karikalan cursing under his breath, as he broke the hug.

" Ilavarase our senadhipathi -" started the soldier . "What happen to him?" Asked Karikalan walking towards him. " He-he is dead Ilavarase " replied the soldier with his head down.

Adhita Karikalan was filled with shock , he couldn't believe his own ears. " What are you saying?" asked Karikalan in a low voice.

" Yes , Ilavarase " told the soldier. Nandhini who was sitting on the diwan got up and stood beside Karikalan.

" If what he is saying is true, we will have to take a look " told Nandhini assuring karikalan that everything will be alright. Both of them walked fast towards his chamber.

What they saw there made karikalan take a step back. Kalanthakan was liying dead with his throat slit open.

His right arm was missing, Karikalan scanned the room he found a palm leaf script and a thing wrapped in silk cloth.

He opened the script,

Greetings to the GREAT ADHITA KARIKALAN, I see that you are in a great shock reading this letter. This is just the beginning, you will have to see much more. This is a small gift from me.

The Mystery killer.

He opened the cloth to see his sword which he left in the palace of Madurai. Karikalan was left shocked.

He got up and searched the room to find any clue instead he found his missing hand was near the window of the room.

Nandhini had a satisfied look on her face. Karikalan turned to Nandhini to see her frozen ,staring at the body. Karikalan called Nandhini's name bring her out of her thought.

Nandhini's eyes welled up as she looked at karikalan. Karikalan didn't know how to console her.

Nandhini ran out of the chamber to Urvashi's room. She found Urvashi sitting on the diwan hugging her legs.

Nandhini shook Urvashi and asked " why are you sitting like this?" . Urvashi didn't open her mouth, instead she pointed under the bed.

Nandhini went and looked under the bed to find the sword covered in blood which she used to kill Kalanthakan.

Nandhini sighed and took the sword,
" You were scared of this ?" Questioned Nandhini. Urvashi nodded, Nandhini shook her head and replied " silly girl this is my sword, I placed it here."

" But why is it covered in blood" asked Urvashi. "Oh you want to know, then go to kalanthakan's chamber." Told Nandhini.

Urvashi obeyed as she was curious to know and went to his chamber to see Adhita karikalan standing in the centre with Kalanthakan's body liying in front of him.

Urvashi was shocked. She saw Karikalan looking at her, " Come Urvashi, is Nandhini ok?" Asked Karikalan. Urvashi just nodded.

" Can you help me?" Asked Karikalan. Urvashi nodded again. "Please go and inform Sembian Patti, Chakravarthy about this. " Request karikalan

Urvashi nodded and left the chamber, She first went to the Chakravarthy's chamber to inform his he seemed to be shock, but soon accepted that he is dead.

Sembian madevi was informed later. sundar cholar and sembian madevi reached the chamber at the same time, to see his body. " Where is your wife ?" Asked Sembian madevi.

Karikalan looking at her and raised his eyebrows and replied " She with Urvashi".

Sembian madevi pursed her lips and nodded. The vidhiyar had come to take a look at his body.

" Arase, from what we see, he was killed at night" told the vidhiyar. Sundara Cholar sigh sadly and dismissed him.

" Adhita , who do you think would have done it?" Asked Sundara chola. " Pandiyan Invaders" reply karikalan burning in anger. " How did they enter?" Asked Sundara Cholar.

" Influence, they have a spy here, I think there were some spies among the dancers also" replied Karikalan.

" Do you know where they would be taking shelter ?" Asked Sundara Cholar. Karikalan shook his head and replied
, " No Arase, but when I find them I will rip their throat out for doing this to our Senadhipathi. "

Sundara Cholar nodded and warned karikalan to be careful, some maid helped him to walk back to his chamber, Sembian madevi left after Sundar chola.
After a few hours.

Nandhini was still sitting on the diwan. " Are you upset Karikalare?" Asked Nandhini as she saw karikalan enter their chamber after Kalanthakan's funeral.

" Yes, Nandhini" replied karikalan as he removed the white shawl he was wearing, sat on the bed .Nandhini got up and sat beside him keeping her hands on his shoulder.

He took her hand from his shoulder and held it in his hand, placed a gentle kiss on the back of her Knuckles. " Who would want to kill his so, brutally?" Asked Karikalan.

Nandini stayed silent, karikalan continued, " won't they think about the family he has behind?" Asked Karikalan.

" He has a family?" asked Nandhini as she slowly pulled her hands from his hands.

" Yes, They are still sitting beside the funeral pyre." Told Karikalan. Nandini got up and insisted him to take her there. After a lots of pleading, he finally agreed.

As they got there they saw a small girl crying with her mother as some soldiers pulled her away from the funeral pyre.

The sight got tears in Nandhini's eyes, her mind slipped to somewhere......

The fire was burning furiously, A woman was being pulled by some masked men, a small girl who was about five years old was clinging onto the woman's leg, " Amma! Amma!" Cried the small girl. The woman was reaching out for someone.

Straight to them was a man dressed in royal clothes, his face was blurred, he was screaming for the woman reaching out for the woman but was being pulled by some people.

A tear of sadness slipped down Nandhini's eyes. Karikalan shook Nandhini.

Nandini blinked out of the thought.
" They are his wife and daughter " informed karikalan pointing at them.

" I will take all the expenses of their livelihood from now on from my part of money" replied Nandhini.

Karikalan smiled sadly and nodded. Nandhini couldn't stand there for more than few minutes.
She and karikalan immediately left from there.

They entered the palace as a soldier came to karikalan informing him that sundara cholar had summoned him. Karikalan dismissed him and walked to his chamber, with Nandhini.

Nandhini stood outside and told karikalan to go inside.

" You called me , father?" Asked Karikalan. " Yes son, we have got a letter from pazhaiyarai" told Sundar cholar.

" What is it father?" Asked Karikalan. Sundara chola gave him a palm leaf script. He unwrapped the script and started reading it out loud , a bright smile replaced his sad one.


I am hereby to in form you that I will be arriving to Thanjai tomorrow in the morning to visit you , I heard that my brother has married a Vaishnav girl. So,side by side I would meet my brother and New sister in law too.

Iliya pirati,

Nandhini who was standing outside heard him reading the script, her eyes darkened at the name.' So, there is going to be a new palyer in our game" thought Nandhini.

Who is the mystery woman and the child?
How is it related to Nandhini?
Are you excited for Kundavai's entry?

Hope you liked this chapter, don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts. Special thanks to RagKee for supporting.

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