The New Prince

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Nandhini's Chamber,

Karikalan woke up and scratched his head, " what happen yesterday" thought Karikalan as his eyes fell on Nandhini who was sleeping on the diwan.

" Nandhini?" Called Karikalan. Nandhini was snoring as she was sleeping.

Karikalan sighed, he didn't want to disturb her sleep so he kissed her forehead and left.

Karikalan's Chamber,

Karikalan was getting ready, Parthibandhran entered the chamber as he was wearing his armlet, standing in front of the mirror.

" Yes Parthibandhra, why have you come?" Questioned Karikalan.

" Um I-I" stammered Parthibandhran.

Karikalan paused and turned to face Parthibandhran. " Why are you hesitating? Tell me" asked Karikalan.

" Last night I heard sounds of things breaking in yours and Ilavarasi's chamber, did you both fight?" Breathed out Parthibandhran.

" No," replied Karikalan as he sighed and continued his work.

" Oh, ok " replied Parthibandhra who was standing there awkwardly.

" Ilavarase I have gotten news about the abathudivagal." Told Parthibandhran.

" What? Really? What news." enquired Karikalan.

" The pandiyan abathodhavigal were spotted near the Kotravai temple." Informed Parthibandhran.

Karikalan didn't hesitate for a second, " ok get ready let's go. " Called Karikalan.

Parthibandhran nodded and left. " What happened last night? Nandini was talking something about, her sister. Brother? Or father?" Thought karikalan as he sat on the bed.

" Karikala!" Came Parthibandhran's voice from outside.

" Yes! I am coming." Replied Karikalan as he got up and took his sword from a table.

"Let's go," said Karikalan as he got on his horse.
Nandhini's Chamber,

Nandhini woke up and rubbed her eyes, she saw that she had slept on the diwan, and sighed.

'Did he not kill my father?' thought Nandhini as she walked towards the bed.

Nandhini heard the sound of anklets which just stopped at the door.

" Urvashi, Come inside why did you stop?" Told Nandhini as she called Urvashi inside.

The person at the door walked inside and paused as they stood a bit near Nandhini, they started silent.

"Why are you silent today Urva-" Nandhini turned to look at the person who she thought was Urvashi.

" What are you doing here, Kadambor princess?" Demanded Nandhini.

" Akka I-" started the Kadambor princess, Manimeghalai. Nandhini gestured for her to stop.

" I don't want to hear anything from you, just get out." Ordered Nandhini.

" Please Listen to me akka, karikalar-" Manimeghalai was cut off by Nandhini.

" Don't call me akka from your mouth, get out." hissed Nandhini.

" Please - " pleaded Manimeghalai. " Get out before I order to kick you out!" Shouted Nandhini.

Manimeghalai started tearing up, she covered her mouth with her saree's end and ran out of the room crying.

Urvashi who was in her chamber, heard her cries as she ran.

Urvashi frowned,' who is it?' thought Urvashi as she got up from the bed.

She peeped outside to see Manimeghalai running towards her room.

" Why is she crying?" Thought Urvashi as she slowly walked towards Manimeghalai's room.

She went inside and saw her weeping.

"Why are you crying?" Asked Urvashi.

Manimeghalai shook her and wiped her tears, "Go away or else Akka would shout at you." Whispered Manimeghalai.

Urvashi sighed, " Did Akka yell at you?"

Manimeghalai nodded, " Don't worry, everything will be alright, it will just take some time to accept you."

Manimeghalai shook her head," Karikalar didn't marry me." Revealed Manimeghalai.

" What!?" Exclaimed Urvashi.

" Yes, this was the thing which I wanted to tell Nandhini Akka, but " sighed Manimeghalai.

"Don't worry Manimeghalai, I will make akka Understand," told Urvashi as she left.

Just as Urvashi entered the chamber Nandhini asked, " She told everything?"

Urvashi was in shock, " how did you know Akka?" Questioned Urvashi.

Nandhini scoffed, " I know about you very well."

Urvashi sighed, " Akka why would you shout at her?" Questioned Urvashi.

" Why wouldn't I shout at her? She took my husband from me!" Replied Nandhini.

" When did he become 'your' husband?" Questioned Urvashi.

" I-I " stuttered Nandhini,

" Just accept that you love him." Requested Urvashi.

Nandhini stared at her.

"Parthibandhra, how long should we go?" Karikalan asked as he was getting tired.

" Just a few more minutes Ilavarase," replied Parthibandhra.

Karikalan groaned in annoyance.

Karikalan's horse stopped suddenly and neighed, "What happen, why did you stop?" Karikalan questioned his horse.

The horse looked frightened by something.

Karikalan tried to smoothen his horse but it didn't work.

The horse pushed Karikalan off it and flew away. Parthibandhran looked confused at the horse's behaviour.

Karikalan got up and dusted his armour, " what is wrong with the horse?"

Parthibandhran shrugged.

Both of them froze as they heard lurking in the shadows.

Karikalan immediately drove his sword, " Whose there?" Questioned Karikalan.

A group of people came out surrounding Karikalan and Parthibandhran.

" Meenkodi velga" they murmured as they got near Karikalan with weapons in their hands.

Parthibandhran immediately got down from his horse, ready with his sword.

" No, I don't love him." Told Nandhini and she turned her head.

" For how long are you going to lie to yourself?" Asked Urvashi.

" Till it becomes the truth." Whispered Nandhini.

" Akka, karikalan didn't marry her." Told Urvashi.

" Did you fall in her trap too?" Questioned Nandhini as she raised her eyebrows.

" Akka, please listen" requested Urvashi.

" Stop it, I have had enough of that lie" told Nandhini.

" Then it is your wish," told Urvashi as she turned to leave after a minute.

Nandhini kept her hand on Urvashi's shoulders and whispered " Urvashi, I don't feel good."

Urvashi's eyes widened as she understood what Nandhini meant.

" Abathudivagal, so what I suspected is true," whispered Karikalan.

" Ilavarase, what do we do now?" Questioned Parthibandhran as he stood beside Karikalan.

" What else, let's fight," stated Karikalan.

An Abathudavi lunged forward towards Adhithan swinging his sword.

Karikalan used his sword and plunged his sword into his stomach.

" They seem to be more in number!" Exclaimed Parthibandhra as he ran forward to attack.

" We will kill each and everyone" hissed Karikalan as he swung his sword forward to slash an Abathudavi.

Karikalan was knocked down by a soldier from behind, his sword slipped from his hands.

" Kotravai accepts the sacrifice" screamed the soldiers. Karikalan held his hands and kicked him back.

He picked up his sword and moved forward.

The blood of an Abathudavi splashed on his face. Parthibandhran was fighting with almost equal rage.

Karikalan was having an Abathudavi in his iron grip when a soldier came to the spot.

Karikalan cracked Abathudavi's neck as he fell lump.

" Why have you come?" Asked Karikalan.

" Ilavarase, Sembian made has summoned you back." Shouted the soldier in reply.

" Can't you see what I am doing?" Questioned Karikalan as he killed another one.

" Ilavarase, it is urgent, Ilavarasi need you. " Informed the soldier.

Karikalan stopped. "What? Nandhini?" Questioned Karikalan with a frown. The soldier nodded.

Karikalan look at Parthibandhran and then at the soldier and asked Parthibandhran. " Parthibandhra, I am taking your horse, It is an emergency." Informed Karikalan.

The abathudivagal looked at each other, " no don't let him go," told an Abathudavi as they diverted from Parthibandhran to Karikalan.

Parthibandhran did his best to Stop them as Karikalan got on the horse and left.

Karikalan returned in an hour, he rushed towards Nandhini's Chamber.

He saw his sister, grandmother and Urvashi standing outside looking a bit tensed.

" What happen, Kundavai?" Questioned Karikalan.

" Anna Nandhini-" Just as she was about to say. A female Vidhiyar came outside with a baby wrapped in silk cloth.

" Congratulations, Ilavarase, We have a new Ilavaraser." Announced the Vidhiyar.

Karikalan's eyes brightened as the vidhiyar gave the child to Karikalan.

Karikalan got his son with his blood-drenched hand. His lips curled up seeing his son, he kissed the baby's forehead.

Kundavai walked near her brother to see the child. " He looks like you, what are you going to name him?" Questioned Kundavai with a smile.

" Rudhra" whispered Karikalan as he kissed the child's forehead again.

Seven more chapters to go.....

Hope you liked this chapter don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts. Special thanks to RagKee for supporting.

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